I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 810 You Push~

So I have to figure out how to own it. In fact, it should not be difficult to learn martial arts. The difficult thing is to avoid Lin Xiangye's eyes and ears. Maybe she has to leave the Xiangfu.

Crash! That one-meter-long big fish was very ferocious. After being chased and intercepted by everyone, I don't know whether it was panic or anger, and it jumped out of the water all at once. When everyone exclaimed.

The bamboo raft swayed around and even seemed to be overturned. An afterimage shot down from the height of the fourth floor of Taibai Building, like a flying eagle falling directly on the water from the tall building. With another leap, he went straight four meters away, raised his hand in mid-air, and hit the big fish with the wind of his palm, how strong is that palm? Seeing that the head of the fish burst and bleeds, the big fish died immediately, and when he was about to slap it into the water, he reached out and grabbed its tail, and threw the big fish to Taibai Building more than ten meters away with ease. It didn't land on the ground either, because two black shadows flashed out from the Taibai Building and caught the big fish from mid-air.

The butler smiled when he saw it.

"Ma'am, Your Royal Highness, Taibai Tower has a good jackpot today, Mr. Qi wins as soon as he makes a move."

This Mr. Qi is probably a master of Taibailou. The palm technique just now was very powerful. Qin Yu thought that in his heyday, he would only get five or five points without Liu Mang facing him.

"What level is this person? He is in the Jianghu."

"It's the best among masters, especially the palm technique. It's mainly fierce and good at melee combat."

"The master level is so powerful, if it is a master level, wouldn't it be swept away?"

The butler smiled, "Ma'am, you are joking. You are really a master. I am afraid that you have also gone to the Sky Strategy Pavilion. Now the Sky Strategy Pavilion is probably also open."

That's right, Qin Yu smiled lightly, turned around and saw that Princess Jinghui's men had just caught a net of fish and shrimp, which was quite rich, Princess Jinghui was very happy, and pulled Qin Yu to look closer, Qin Yu lowered his eyes Glancing at Princess Jinghui's hand holding her sleeve, her eyes were calm, but she also showed the helplessness that she couldn't refuse after being embarrassed. After being pulled by her, the turbulent current was rushing, and the water splashed up the stairs.

The butler saw it, narrowed his eyes, and took two steps, but seemed to remember something, and only followed behind, not approaching.

When Qin Yu came to the edge, he saw the lively fish and shrimps in the net, but he also saw a few crabs. Good guy, the crab is half the size of a washbasin, and the crab claws are very fat. Make a bowl.

"The inner lake can't grow such big crabs. It's worthy of being from the glacier." The people nearby admired, and Princess Jinghui pulled Qin Yu's sleeves and said with a smile: "Sister Qin, I heard that you like to eat crabs, so why don't you eat crabs?" I came here to see the ice tide today, do you like the crabs here? I will let the servants take them and make them later, but the most delicious one is the Xuanyu flag."

Qin Yu didn't know what the Xuanyu Banner was, but she had killed several big sharks in the sea to save a boy, and she didn't think it was anything special, but the glacial water. . . .

The breath of water seems a little unusual.

Qin Yu felt that the air was fresh when the ice tide came.

- Maybe it's just because the temperature is getting colder, your illusion.

"Every time I talk to you, I think Jiaojiao is cute and stupid."

—Probably just because I'm not as fat as him.

It's getting more and more cheap, and it's still the kind of seriousness that hurts people.

Qin Yu laughed, and suddenly looked up to the opposite side, there seemed to be someone on the other side~~ Qin Yu was just about to lock on the person over there, when he suddenly noticed that someone behind him was agitated and pushed each other.

Squinting his eyes slightly, Qin Yu felt like this at the time.

"It's getting closer, it's getting closer, you push, you fucking push!"

"I'm just waiting for you to push me so I can fall into the water and escape with the current."

Qin Yu made up his mind, she fell into the water and was washed away by herself, but she didn't escape by herself. Even if Lin Heng finds her in the future, he can't blame her.

Can someone else blame me for pushing this?

After escaping for a period of time to learn martial arts and practice internal strength, the combination of strength is not afraid of masters.

The abacus crackled, and Qin Yu's inner calling was very earnest.

Jinbi was speechless about this.

But the so-called long-awaited came out, and the strength came suddenly, Qin Yu staggered, and he was about to fall into the river.

Oh, Qin Yu is just waiting.

Just about to follow the trend, and then saw a piece of blackness gushing out from the bottom of the water.


It's not a fish, but an assassin in black.

Before the person came out of the water, the sword stabbed at Qin Yu's face first.

The turbulent flow of the evil was too great, and Qin Yu could see what was above it, but he didn't notice what was below it.

So, she was assassinated again?


Assassination is assassination, the sword comes up, she can never send herself into the sword, so she has another back hand - her left hand grabs the railing on the side, freezes, and then staggers before the sword comes up to avoid this Sword, fell to the side pillar.

Qin Yu tipped over, revealing the princess on the side and the butler behind.

The sword was shining brightly, the princess had eyes even though she didn't understand anything, she screamed in fright, and while she was screaming, the butler had already shouted loudly.

There are assassins!

The princess guard came together with the Xiangfu guard.

It's enough for so many people to deal with one.

Of course enough! The problem is that dozens of black-clothed assassins leaped down from the turbulence, leaped out of the water from the upper railing, and thrust their swords horizontally towards Qin Yu—the Xiangfu guards defended and attacked at the same time. It was to cut off the offensive and defensive lines around Qin Yu, and the outside guards had to pass through the already chaotic crowd in the stage before entering, but Qin Yu was targeted by dozens of people to attack and kill together.

The 20 guards at the Prime Minister's Mansion could not stop them, and the steward knew that these people were powerful. Seeing that the princess was screaming so loudly, he asked half of the guards at the Prime Minister's Mansion to pass by. He squinted his eyes, but did not stop them.

In this way, Qin Yu looked even more dangerous.

He actually watched those assassins pass through the few guards, with their swords towards Qin Yu's throat.

What should I do if she is weak and pretends to be Miss Qin San without martial arts?

——Pick up your skirt, climb the railing and jump into the river.

Huang Jinbi was on the sidelines giving Qin Yu an idea.

It was obvious that Qin Yu would be buried.

Qin Yu was not annoyed at Huang Jinbi, he just paled his cheeks, and took a step or two back in such a dangerous situation, staggering a bit.

It's over!

When the butler saw it, his eyes darkened, and he suddenly shouted: "Protect Madam, or be careful with your heads!"

The guards who were pulled over by the princess all turned around at once, and charged at the assassin from behind.

Well, all of a sudden they showed martial arts and swordsmanship, and brutally slaughtered these assassins from behind.

Were you paddling before you dared to love?

Qin Yu sneered in her heart. After the guards rushed to attack from the front and back, she took two steps back and saw an archer coming out from behind.

"No, there are archers in the Prime Minister's Mansion!"

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