I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 811 Xuanyu Banner King

The assassins retreated one after another, hiding in the random crowd, and then spread out to cover and break out from the other side, because there were many descendants of aristocratic families, and even if they were just ordinary people, it was not easy to shoot randomly, let alone the princess present.

The archers of the Xiangfu were afraid of throwing rats and could not exert their power, but some archers hung their bows and arrows on their backs under the command of the housekeeper, pulled out the short blades on their waists, and quickly forced them into the stage.

This is very effective, but it also forces these assassins to jump over the wall in a hurry and attack more frantically.

Qin Yu took a look at these fierce assassins, and deduced from their skills and attire—it was not the same as the one who assassinated him in the posthouse that night and stabbed her in the thigh.

Who is it?

Qin Yu lowered his eyes, but stretched out his hand, seduced an archer beside him with a calm expression, and easily took off the bow and arrow from his back under his astonishment.

Draw the bow, shoot the arrow, aim!

On the other side, everyone on the other side of the platform saw the movement on Qin Yu's side.

"It seems that Mrs. Xiangfu and Princess Jinghui were assassinated!"

This is not a trivial matter. People on the river bank and in the river section have been greatly affected, but some people also saw the assassinated Mrs. Xiang Ye raised her bow and arrow.

Aimed. . . Aimed at their side.


Soon someone noticed something was wrong because they saw Lin Heng.

"What's the situation? Two husband and wife?" The tall knight who was yelling outside the stage before had a look of astonishment. He just wanted to say a few words to the swordsman beside him, but he disappeared.

What about people?


The two sides of the strait are facing each other, and the two seats are also facing each other. The Mrs. Xiangye who was attacked and assassinated over there raised her bow and arrow, but aimed at the Xiangye in the opposite stage.

Lin Heng looked at Qin Yu on the opposite side with cold eyes, his eyes were cold and without any warmth, as if he was looking at a stone.

And there are assassins approaching this stone, and the Xiangfu guards and defends. The background around her is so chaotic and dangerous, but she is aiming at herself?

Heh, are you finally willing to show your fangs?

The butler and the others also saw Qin Yu's actions, and they were all shocked. If Qin Yu wanted to kill Xiang Ye, then why should they protect her.

Is she crazy?

But the housekeepers didn't have time to react.

hum! As soon as the fingers were loosened, the arrow flew out.

"Protect Master Xiang!"

The guards behind wanted to rush, but they saw that the man in gray who accompanied Lin Heng didn't move, why didn't he move?

Because there is no need to move.

The arrow came through the air, crossed the river, and arrived in front of it in an instant!

In front of a cute-looking six or seven-year-old boy, he opened his eyes like pearls. Because he was a child, he didn't react quickly. He didn't know how to shout at all. He didn't even know what was shooting at him.

But he soon knew what it was shooting at.

Wow! A black-scaled pipefish leaping out of the water is about the length of an arm, but its sharp spines are sharp. When it pounces on the boy, as long as it touches the delicate skin, it is enough to penetrate two or three inches long. The life of a boy.

The woman next to her was the first to see the arrow, she was frightened and frightened, she didn't have time to jump to protect her child, let alone guard against such a fierce attacking fish.

After screaming.


The arrow pierced its head and nailed it to the post.

"It's the Xuanyu Banner!"

"My God, it's the Xuanyu Banner! The first Xuanyu Banner has appeared!"

Someone recognized the fish and shouted! Immediately afterwards, the people in the river section couldn't care less about the assassination on the shore—what are they doing here, fishing!

Xuanyu Banner is a rare fish species that has been tributed to the royal family over the years, and even one is enough to get a big reward. Last year, a rough man caught a half-arm-long Xuanyu Banner during the ice tide by chance, and sold it to a present An official of the Han Dynasty got the money to buy a house. Later, the official presented the Xuanyu Banner to the emperor and was praised.

Didn't even see that princess was full of praise for Xuanyu Qi!

However, there have been very few ice tides in Xuanyu Banner over the years, and because it swims fast and doesn't like to float on the surface, it is aggressive and strong, and more importantly-smart and cunning.

If the average IQ of other fishes is 60, then the average IQ of Xuanyu Banner is at least 120.

So it's not easy to catch.

But I don't know why this fish took the initiative to attack the people on the shore.

The people in the river section went crazy, and many martial arts masters dived into the turbulence because they saw fish jumping out of the water in the turbulence.

"The tide of fish is coming!"

Every ice tide has the largest number of fish, commonly known as fish tide. I heard that the most powerful fish tide in history was 70 years ago. At that time, four or five big fish that were only two meters long appeared. Almost a spoonful came up, and most of the spoonful was fish.

"Go to the shallow side, there are many fish there!"

The unlucky ones this time were the people from the official family. The princess and the wife of the Xiangfu were attacked, and the Xiangye was also there. They couldn't let their men focus on fishing, but they all sent people to kill the assassins.

Mr. Qi from Taibailou was not in a hurry to catch fish, but also headed towards the stage.

But it was too chaotic, and there was no peace in the chaos.

Qin Yu couldn't see where it was, but he only knew that there was a lot of blood flowing down the steps from the platform to the river, and it was blood red, which attracted the fish in the river to come smelling the blood.

"Master Xiang, over there, madam..."

People on Lin Heng's side still don't know how to treat this lady, and don't know whether to go to help.

And Lin Heng stood coldly, he saw Qin Yu, she was moving, in the chaos, when the assassin was fighting with the guards of the Xiangfu, she was moving among them, while drawing the bow and arrows, and putting the arrows one at a time The roots shot out, hitting the fish jumping out of the water again and again.

what is she doing? Why don't you shoot those assassins with this skill?

"Provoke me."


The men in gray were taken aback, provoking the Prime Minister? How many people in this huge empire have such guts.

Is that Mrs. Xiangye? He had seen it two or three times.

Weak and elegant, as light as a fairy.

He looked up and saw Qin Yu standing with his bow in hand.

The arrow is gone.

The butler noticed that her arms were shaking, and blood was flowing from her palms and wrists, as if she had been injured by drawing the bow too much.

To be honest, this lady was a bit unexpected, but luckily not too much.


The guards also killed or controlled the assassins one by one.

The crisis is over.

However, Lin Heng noticed that besides those guards, a swordsman also entered the stage - he killed those assassins.

People in the rivers and lakes, assassins who kill each other?

Was it in the middle of the stage or entered from the outside? If it's the latter, it's for saving lives.

Lin Heng glanced at the one the swordsman was staring at—his good wife.



At that time, the excitement in the river reached its climax!

"Oh my God, look at that!"

Qin Yu also took advantage of the trend. Looking around, he could only see the extreme turbulence in the river, several bamboo rafts had been overturned, and large groups of fish, shrimps, crabs and other freshwater fish crowded together on the water surface. The hunting was fierce, but not only people were hunting. they.

In the river, a long dark shadow more than one meter long was frantically devouring these fish and shrimp.

"Xuanyu Banner, such a big Xuanyu Banner! I'm afraid it will be the King of Xuanyu Banner this year!"

Mr. Qi from Taibailou's eyes shot brightly, and he jumped into the river without saying a word.

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