I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 812 Entering the River

The man in gray was a little moved, after all, it was such a big Xuanyu flag, even masters and masters would be jealous, let alone them.

But he still looked at Lin Heng.


As soon as the man in gray went down, Lin Heng's eyes only lingered on the Xuanyu Banner King for a moment, and then fell on Qin Yu.

He noticed that Qin Yu was also looking at the Xuanyu Banner King, and seemed to be moved too, but he didn't even know he was alive or dead at the edge of the stairs.

Lin Heng frowned slightly and shook his sleeves.

"Bring her back..." I wanted to say take her back to the Prime Minister's Mansion, but changed my words: "Take her to Taibai Tower."

Not want to eat crab? He made her sit and watch him eat!

As soon as he turned around, he heard an exclamation.


What? Lin Heng turned around, just in time to see the black shadow of the white skirt being dragged into the water, and the butler's horrified and inexplicable exclamation.

"There are assassins below!"

Blood gushed out from the surface of the water.

Without further ado, the butler led the people to jump into the river quickly.

Dozens of guards did not dare to stay, and wanted to dive into the water to save people.

Lin Heng was silent and didn't say a word, but the guards on the side were trembling, "Master, just now, an assassin was ambushed underwater just now, and dragged Madam into the river when Madam was near the water's edge."

Just by dragging it down the river, it can still be rescued.

Not necessarily, the most rapid turbulent time has come.

And there was the sound of majestic water flowing upstream.

"Come up! The second wave of ice tide is coming!"

The first wave of ice tide brings fish, but the second wave is a huge amount of water, people in the water will basically be swept away, so when the second wave of ice tide comes, there will be no people left in the river section. After the second wave of ice tide passed, they began to clean up the fish brought by the second wave of ice tide.

Therefore, it will be a huge danger if you stay in the river section later.

The man in gray wanted to catch the black fish flag just now, but when he saw Qin Yu entering the water, he jumped into the water instead. At this time, he was searching for people underwater with the housekeeper and others, but obviously. . . .

It's too chaotic, with countless underwater turbulence and a large number of fish, how can it be possible to find people.

"Let them come up."

Lin Heng turned around and left.

"Seal the lower reaches of the river, the living see people, the dead see corpses!"


The river was fast-moving, and the blockade below could have stopped some people who entered the water, but the premise was that the other party was willing to be stopped.

Underwater, after being thrown into the river by the assassin, Qin Yu realized that the assassin wanted to capture her alive, so he was not in a hurry to kill her, and dragged her down at a fast swimming speed with the turbulent current.

She pretended to be weak, and was only dragged down by the other party, but her insight was amazing, and she still noticed that the master gray-robed man next to Lin Heng, the housekeeper and others had all come down in the turbulent turbulence.

But they couldn't find her.

Qin Yu no longer cared about them, but was directly dragged by the assassin to the second section of the river a thousand meters below. There was a block under the section of the river, and he cut through the block with his sword and went out.

This assassin is very good at underwater, otherwise he wouldn't be able to hide in the turbulent water for half an hour without anyone noticing.

Then there is no hindrance! Straight through the Qinghuai River, it is farther and farther away from the core of the imperial capital where Taibailou is located.


Half an hour later, a man with dark eyes pulled Qin Yu out of the water and threw him on the grassy slope by the river in the hidden forest.

Qin Yu fell down, coughing and panting, but still turned sideways, the sword came to her throat in an instant.

Qin Yu moved but didn't speak.

The strongest and most hidden assassin had warnings in his eyes, staring at the drenched Qin Yu, his eyes became more mysterious and gloomy.

Qin Yu didn't care what he was thinking.

But it's not a good thing anyway.

The fact that she was captured alive was probably just because the people behind the scenes wanted to arrest her and force her to ask something—she thought of Pomegranate's plot against her.

At that time, there will probably be all kinds of torture.

Non-toxic and not husband.

Soon, he reached out and grabbed Qin Yu's arm to drag her away. He had seen her draw a bow and shoot an arrow, and he was prepared, but he also knew that she was injured, and her arm was detached - from the wound on the palm of her arm. Out.

So he thought he understood, thought he didn't underestimate it, but he still didn't pay enough attention to it, so at that moment, Qin Yu, who was pressed against his throat by a sharp sword and grabbed his wrist, made a quick dodge with his uncontrolled left hand The palm of his hand caught his throat bone, and the middle finger and index finger were together.


Throat bone pinched off.

The pupils of this cautious and secretive assassin, who can be regarded as a first-class master, trembled violently, and he was killed before he could make any noise. When the long sword in his hand was about to fall, Qin Yu stretched out his legs to catch the sword, and flicked it up into his hand.

Both the corpse and the sword were there, and there were no other traces. She quickly dragged the man into the depths of the forest, found the area where wild beasts were most dense, disposed of the man's clothes, and bled his throat and meridians.

While bleeding, she muttered.

"Although I used you to escape once, you are right to be uneasy with me. If these two tigers fight, you will die. If you are weak, you should die."

"But your body is also a trouble, I have to deal with traces, so~~"

After Qin Yu finished, he got up and left.

It won't be long before his body will be devoured by the beasts of the forest, leaving only the white bones.

——What are you going to do next?

"Find an identity."

——How to find it? Now the whole town is looking for you.

With Lin Heng's shrewdness and cunning, he would doubt that Qin Yu was not dead.

"Of course I can't die. I have to let him find me in the future."

I still can't bear the identity of Mrs. Xiangye. After all, this is the best identity to get close to Lin Heng, and it is also the identity that can best contact the empire and the court, so Qin Yu has room for it.

She is a "victim", even if it is suspected why she survived in the future, there is at least room for explanation.

"You don't need to look for it, I've locked someone in, otherwise you thought I was in the Prime Minister's mansion for nothing?"

In the Prime Minister's Mansion, her personal freedom was controlled, but she has good hearing. She has eavesdropped a lot of voices within three kilometers of the Prime Minister's Mansion. There is too much information. She collected and picked and picked, and finally found what she wanted.

First of all, she has to go to a place first.

Du Zongfu.

It is a place where spies gather information after they collect information about Jianghu people or some special people who come and go from the imperial capital.

During the daytime, the ice tide and fish tide assassinated, causing the imperial capital to be in turmoil for a while, and Lin Heng's power performance was average-the soldiers and horses in the city were deployed to search for the assassin who assassinated the princess and Mrs. Xiangye.

Because the princess was involved, the imperial court also cooperated, after all, the emperor was furious.

Therefore, the search during the day did not stop at night, and the entire imperial capital was a little panicked. People in the Jianghu were especially cautious, fearing that they would be caught and blamed.

In such a strict and tense atmosphere, the guards of the Duzong Mansion remained the same, and seemed deserted—no one thought that someone would sneak in tonight.

Qin Yu sneaked in, without any martial arts or internal strength, with his native skills, he sneaked into the most secret file room silently.

Fifteen minutes during the police station shift was the safest time. She had better find the information within fifteen minutes and leave.

Her purpose is very clear, to go straight to the Jianghu people who have entered the imperial capital in the past half a month, especially those files with bad reputations that are worth noting.

After a while.

"found it."

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