I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 813 Young Master Yu

"On April 13th, I entered at noon. I did not hide my identity. I wore a signature fish-pattern mask to reveal my identity. On the first day when I first entered, I clashed with the disciples of the sect in the Jinxiu Restaurant. I did not lose the wind in the fight, but I saw the disciples of the sect. When the brothers and sisters gathered together, they hurriedly retreated, hid in the crowd and disappeared without a trace, two days later spies in my mansion found the hiding place, it was located at..."

"Located in Liufeng Inn, Huanglu Street, Imperial Capital."

Qin Yu put the case file in place, erased the traces, and when he heard the news that the shift was about to change outside, he jumped onto the beam and entered and exited silently through the small skylight above the beam.

After leaving Duzong Mansion, Qin Yu went straight to Liufeng Inn.

——I didn’t expect you to choose such a person.

"His comprehensive information matches me quite well. A few days ago, I heard some Jianghu people outside talking about it, and I thought I could borrow this person's identity."

Huang Jinbi didn't say anything, but only disclosed other information recorded in the dossier.

——Adept at physical skills, good at cunning swords, has an evil style, likes to steal incense and jade, has a bad reputation, although his name has not been rectified, but in all likelihood, he is the real perpetrator of the seven flower-picking cases in Jianghu, and his overall strength is judged to be second-rate etc., the comprehensive evaluation of the target person's danger level is second-class, and it is worth paying attention to. "

——It really matches you.

Oh, the loss is the loss, and it also contains praise and derogation.

"It's because he's not innocent. If I kill him to replace him, it won't affect the evaluation of the task. No, I really need to find a decent young man to kill and replace him. Wouldn't the Golden House be the first to kill me?"

With a flash, Qin Yu perfectly avoided the patrolling army in the dark and entered a plum forest.

"The most important thing is, this kid's strength is not strong, I can handle it."

——Another reason is that his nickname is Little Yugongzi.

Qin Yu smiled.

"That's right."

In the next second, she flashed out of the plum grove, and saw the lighted inn not far away.

Willow Wind Inn, here we come.


The prime minister's mansion was brightly lit, and the originally very quiet mansion seemed to be quite a bit quieter than before.

In the study room in the inner room, the butler and others had just changed their wet clothes, and now they all knelt on the ground to plead guilty. The reason is very simple-the wife died, and most likely she died.

Regardless of her background, purpose, or value, if she dies, she dies. The premise is that the prime minister didn't kill her, but she died under their protection.

This is sin, incompetence, and strictly speaking, lack of loyalty.

So they kneel.

From the bottom of my heart I am afraid of my master.

Lin Heng had just finished handling the transfer of soldiers and horses, and when he saw the people replying, he knelt together, crossed his hands, and said calmly: "I can't blame you for this matter, even I didn't expect Princess Jinghui to have such a big body." Ability to arrange such a tyrannical assassination team."

The butler is pleasing to the eye. They all know that Princess Jinghui is interested in her own family. Under the innocent and lively, she has the arrogance and cruelty of Princess Tianjia. Originally, the royal family wanted Lin Heng to marry the princess. The status of a son-in-law restricts Lin Heng's rights, and the second is to express his love for Lin Heng, but Lin Heng does not need this kind of honor, so he chooses a woman on his own as the wife of the Xiangye. The political wrestling, Princess Yu Jinghui was the result of the anger that made her consciously humiliated, she hated and hated Qin Yu.

But she had heard that Mrs. Xiangye could not survive for a few days, so she could bear it, but she didn't think that this unsightly and humble Jianghu woman not only survived, but also entered and left the Xiangfu as Mrs. Xiangye. She could bear it, so she moved thought.

She didn't know that her mind was controlled by the spies placed in the royal family and her side, so Lin Heng knew about it—or he would have arrived early in the morning.

Since someone wants to assassinate his wife, what should the husband do?

Arrange personnel to protect, but kill two birds with one stone.

He wanted to see what Miss Qin San was hiding.

Hence the paddling of the housekeeper and the guards, as well as their "archery skills" when they saw their wife. Generally speaking, it is not fruitless. As long as they protect her life in the end, their mission will be considered complete.

The problem is that no one thought that there was such a watery assassin lurking under the water.

After hearing Lin Heng's words, the man in gray at the side was thoughtful, "I saw that man under the water when he jumped out. The ability to lie in wait for such a long time in the turbulent current is because the water quality is terrible. Second, this man's His strength is also far superior to those of the previous assassins, and the sword he uses is not of the latter genre."

The butler is in charge of the inside and outside of the mansion. He is proficient in all aspects and has dabbled in the world, but he is no more specific than this man in gray, so he asked in a steady voice, "Mr. Yu means that this person may not be the same as the previous wave of assassins?"

According to the rules of the rivers and lakes, most martial arts masters above the master level will be called Mr. by those who are weaker than themselves, just like Mr. Qi in Taibailou.

The housekeeper is good at dancing, and he usually calls Yu Qing that way.

Even if Yu Qing is younger than him.

Yu Qing: "I can't be sure with the sword alone, but the purpose of the previous group of people was to kill Qin Yu, so it must be the person sent by Princess Jinghui, but the person behind was intent on keeping alive. It's enough to take Miss Qin San's life."

It is also reasonable.

The butler looked at Lin Heng again, and secretly thought that the Prime Minister might have noticed it too.

"We searched under the river section, spread the scope and searched all the inns and restaurants, but we didn't even find the slightest trace of Miss Qin San, and we didn't find the body either. I think the person must have brought Miss Qin San out of here. The river has been hidden."

It's a good thing not to die, but not necessarily.

My wife has such a good looks and figure, if she really falls into the wrong hands, it is unknown how much she will suffer.

But they knew that his wife committed suicide and eloped before getting married, so it's nothing to compare.

Master Xiang didn't seem to care much about her.

"Since you are still alive and people are still there, you can always find them."

The butler led his subordinates to go down to search again. After they left, another hidden guard entered.

"Master, that swordsman refuses to explain his relationship with Miss Qin San."

"Then continue."

Lin Heng said casually, "Even if he doesn't know now, it's his life, and he will find out when the woman comes back and asks her."

The guards bowed their heads and retreated.

Yu Qing glanced at Lin Heng quietly, and said, "Master Xiang, I don't think this man is a knight-errant. His inner strength is strong, his swordsmanship is decent, and he comes from a decent family."

Lin Heng sneered, "It's okay to be famous and upright, but it's true to be famous and upright. Sky Strategy Pavilion..."

Yu Qing was surprised.

People from Tiance Pavilion?

"That's why he was born as a secret agent. I'm probably in the river section today to spy on the Xuanyu Banner. No wonder the people from Tiance Pavilion came so timely. The dignified master came here just to catch a fish."

"That's no ordinary fish, it's the Xuanyu Banner King." Lin Heng got up and opened the window, the cold wind entered the night.

"Tiance Pavilion wants both the honor of the Jiangshan temple and the benefits of the Jianghu martial arts. It's really greedy."

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