I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 829 Letter of Picking Flowers


However, it seemed that Lin Heng didn't know it yet, but he realized that his wife's lover must be among the many disciples in Qinghuang Mountain, and upon careful observation, Lianyin was the most suspicious.

People like Qin Shaoyu and Zhang Minglou are much worse than Lianyin, and Miss Qin San knows which one to choose as long as she is not blind.

However, doubtful is suspicious, Xiangye is Xiangye after all, ruthless, merciless, he has no feelings for Miss Qin San at all, so naturally he doesn't care much about who she has an affair with.

After Qin Yu ate a few slices of fish, he suddenly realized that he wanted to go wrong.

This kind of incompetent and idle man only cares about this shit, but a big villain like Lin Heng is not very good at it, maybe he will calm down when he knows it, and only think about how to use this thing to achieve his own goals.

It's like Qin Yu, because he knows that he is not the one who has a relationship with others, but that Miss Qin San, so he can calmly think about the pros and cons.

This is a question of mental quality.

And taking a hundred steps back, it was not Qin Yu who was slept with in the past, and now she is not Miss Qin San, but Young Master Xiao Yu.

These things are none of her business!

After figuring it out, Qin Yu relaxed again, so he continued to eat fish. After finishing a plate of fish, some people left, some left, and some left diplomacy.

There was no need for Qin Yu to stay, so he left directly.


After leaving Tiance Pavilion, in a bamboo forest outside Qiwang Mountain, Qin Yu was planning to find a secluded place to look at the little scroll that the old man gave him, maybe there is something good in it.

Qin Yu was taking out the little secret scroll to open it, but she snapped her fingers suddenly, and heard something wrong in her ears, she jumped off the hill with a little step, and the black shadow behind flashed at the place where Qin Yu was standing just now, But he didn't chase, because Qin Yu didn't move.

Glancing at the man blocking the way, Qin Yu didn't move because the man had already drawn his knife and pointed at her.

"You'd better not move, or don't blame the sword for having no eyes."

Two martial arts masters, she is no match for Burning Chakra and Cosmos.

So Qin Yu stood obediently, and only said: "I don't know what the two masters are doing, I don't seem to have offended you."

After a pause, she said quietly again: "It seems that I haven't offended the one behind the two."

"Whether you get offended or not is not up to you, let's go."

The handle of the knife was pressed against her lower back, forcing Qin Yu to walk forward obediently.

Soon, Qin Yu saw someone sitting in the bamboo pavilion.

A woman, veiled hat, tulle, drinking tea.

Naturally, I heard about Lingyun.

Qin Yu thought about it quickly, and after being escorted out of the pavilion, he glanced and noticed that there were many guards from the Grand Master's Mansion in the nearby bamboo forest.

Layers of vigilance.

This woman is not like a pampered and pampered noble lady, how can a noble lady make such a battle to embarrass a flower picker, unless. . .

Qin Yu's eyebrows twitched at the thought of certain possibilities.

"Young Master Xiao Yu, I don't want to know why I asked someone to invite you here?" Shangwen Lingyun's voice was gentle and beautiful, but Qin Yu didn't regard her as an ordinary woman, so he pretended to be cautious and uneasy.

"Miss Shangwen has something to send?"

Shangwen Lingyun smiled softly, "If Mr. Yu hasn't changed his mind, he's just doing that thing of stealing incense and jade, what can I send you?"

"Miss Shangwen, please believe that I have already known my mistake, and I will not behave like before. I will never do such things as bullying girls."

She had a correct attitude and a decent tone, but Shangwen Lingyun didn't seem to believe it, and asked her instead: "I don't know when Mr. Yu made such a determination."

when? Qin Yu vaguely guessed the possibility, and said, "Probably during the ice tide, the sky and the earth are magnificent, and the glaciers are majestic. I suddenly realized this."

Um? The two martial arts masters looked at each other, disapproving.

There are not many words in this kid's mouth that are credible, I don't know if the eldest lady will believe it.

"Really? I didn't expect Mr. Yu to have such a high level of understanding." After Shangwen Lingyun finished speaking, she was silent for a while, and said, "Since you have changed your mind, come here."

past? What did you do in the past?

The two martial arts masters were reluctant, but both of them were there, even if this kid stood in front of the eldest lady, he didn't have the ability to do anything.

So he escorted Qin Yu into the pavilion again.

At close range, still through the veil and mask, Qin Yu lowered his eyes and caught a glimpse of an object on the table.

a letter.

really! Little Yugong is so stupid!

Qin Yu's brain hurt a little, and she was thinking about countermeasures, but Shangwen Lingyun didn't give her more time, she said directly: "This letter was received half a month ago, but it's straightforward, signed by Young Master Xiao Yu, and also corrected the name." It was for me to read Wen Lingyun, so I won’t talk about the content..."

Why not?

Shangwen Lingyun was calm and calm, and said: "You write."

Qin Yu: "..."

Shangwen Lingyun: "Write it again."

Oh, obviously, Shangwen Lingyun suspects that she is not Mr. Xiao Yu himself.

Qin Yu had learned Mr. Xiao Yu's handwriting before. That day at the inn, she searched some of the former's letters to learn about his handwriting. I sent a letter in advance, saying that I fell in love with you Wen Lingyun, and I want to come to pick your flowers.

It's no wonder that the eldest lady has her eyes on her, and she must be angry. No, she's here to ask for trouble.

The Grand Master's Mansion has fought with the Prime Minister's Mansion for so many years without fear, you are so courageous, you are so courageous, do you want to die?

But Qin Yu, the little fish boy, has changed too much from the original little fish boy—suddenly said that he wants to change his mind, and he will stop picking flowers, so you can't be angry!

So Shangwen Lingyun could only ask Qin Yu to be escorted here, and she wanted to distinguish the authenticity.

How to tell? See if she understands the contents of the letter.

Yaoxi, there is not a single idiot in this broken dungeon, all of them are so smart!

The maid took out a pen and paper, and stared at Qin Yu with burning eyes, as if she was looking at a salted fish that was about to be shot to death.

If it is confirmed that it is me, will you die if you insult the jewel in the palm of the Grand Master's family?

If it is determined that it is not the real person, will the impostor die with bad intentions?

It's a dead end anyway.

Qin Yu picked up the pen and bit the pen holder, looking very melancholy.

Shangwen Lingyun looked at her with calm eyes, not impatient.

After a while, she saw that the little Yugong was writing.

She swiped the pen freely, as if she was writing with spirit, and soon, she put down the pen, and the maid took a look at the paper, her face turned green.

"Miss, this..."

"Huh?" Shangwen Lingyun raised her eyes to see the paper that the maid picked up with a green face, it was just a picture.

A pair of prison iron fences, behind which stands a strange thing with a fish body and a pig face, the pig's hooves are grabbing the fence and weeping.

Its eyes were full of sincere remorse.

Especially sincerity, Shangwen Lingyun felt it, and even felt the aura of this painting rushing to her face-it was so funny.

I have a pre-New Year dinner with my friends today, so I can only make two changes.

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