I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 831 Adult Version


It's going to be Lin Heng's undercover agent. Qin Yu still wants to hug Shangwen Lingyun's calf. After all, this girl is backed by the Grand Master's Mansion and has Qingliu nobles as her backing. If she is poor in the future, she can sell her to the other party I still have some living expenses, I didn't expect to be cheated by that bad old man.

"Don't talk about hugging the calf now, even if I work hard for her, that woman won't believe me anymore."

Qin Yu Yuzu took the little secret scroll to vent her anger, but suddenly found that the secret scroll was of good quality. She was suspicious by nature, touched the secret scroll, and fell into deep thought.

Why did the old man give her this thing for no reason? Seeing that she is a flower picker deliberately playing for her?

"It's meaningless to please me. If I'm meaningless, then this little secret scroll is actually meaningful."

Qin Yu didn't dare to think too highly of himself, so he took the small secret scroll and carefully read it inside and out for a long time.

finally. . . .

"Tell me, are these thirteen postures super martial arts postures?"

"It's deliberately messed up, just so that people can't find the rules."

"Movies, TV dramas and novels are full of such psychopathic bosses."

"Why are you ignoring me?"

——This kind of topic is more suitable for you to talk to yourself.

"I'm serious about discussing this kind of topic with you, so be serious." Qin Yu put on a straight face, very serious.

——Oh, then you can try to arrange and combine these thirteen postures.

—By the way, I have to find a man and a woman to match.

——This kind of thing can't be done by one person.

Qin Yu: "..."

I don't think you seem at all uninterested in this topic.

Quite an idea.

"It's fine to arrange and try postures. If you get pregnant, it's over. There is no BYT in this world."

Qin Yu was talking nonsense, but she did see something from this little secret scroll, who made her eyes better and her brain better.

"Where's the pen and paper? I took them away? Wen Lingyun looks pretty good, but she's really stingy." Qin Yu had no choice but to touch the small secret scroll with his fingers a few times, and then walked out of the pavilion and squatted On the ground, use your fingers to point out the points on the small secret scroll on the land, and then connect them into lines.

The shape is like a mountain.

Qiwang Mountain.

Not long after Qin Yu entered the mountain, a black shadow landed on the place where she was squatting just now, but she saw that the dirt on the ground had been flattened by her, and it lost the appearance of the previous strokes.

But she entered the mountain, so there are traces to follow.

"Small secret scroll?"

Hearing Yu Qing's report, Lin Heng's brows were calm and unmoved.

"Then she is going to Qiwang Mountain."


Lin Heng turned his head to look at Qiwang Mountain, and said calmly: "There is one more person who died."

But it's not known if it's not an idiot.

"Looking at her hiding soil powder in the scabbard to pretend to be poisonous powder, she is also clever. This is Qiwang Mountain..."

Yu Qing didn't know the secret, but only knew that his master had a bad impression of Tiance Pavilion.

"Then is there still a need for this little Yugong?"

"Let's see if she can come out alive."

Lin Heng was noncommittal, turned and left.

A kid with a little bit of potential and a little bit of wit is not worthy of his constant attention.


In the world of martial arts, learning martial arts cheats and treasure hunting opportunities are the only constant shortcuts for all the protagonists. In the last days, Qin Yu never imagined that she could cheat, but she still needs to work hard, what if she finally gets the chance.

So Qin Yu went up the mountain without hesitation.

Qiwang Mountain is not small, but it's okay for Qin Yu, who can see a thousand meters at a glance. She shuttled through the mountains, looking for traces in the mountains, but before finding the traces of the treasure and secret cave, she found the human's first.

The traces of these people in the mountains are old and old, sometimes with bloodstains, as if they had fought.

Tiance Pavilion has been standing for so many years, and some killings are normal, but Qin Yu feels that these killings are purposeful - the direction of the fighting is getting narrower and narrower, going to a ravine.

The ravine was right in front of us, but there were no traces left. Qin Yu jumped on a tree to look at it for a while, then hid himself in the top of the tree crown, and stayed under the cover of the leaves for a while without breathing a single breath. Suddenly, two figures appeared.

"Are you sure you're around here?"

"If I'm sure, I can just tell the master. Why do you and I come here?" Zhang Minglou said in a low voice, and also signaled Qin Shaoyu to restrain himself. others.

There are quite a few strong people in Tiance Pavilion.

Qin Shaoyu didn't take it seriously, he is the young master of Qinghuang Mountain, consciously superior to others, even in Tiance Pavilion, he should be respected, but since he came to the imperial capital, he found that few people gave him face, especially Jiang Muchen and what Wen Lingyun, with eyes in the sky, was rude to him!

"When I learn the supreme mental method of Tiance Pavilion "Tiance Crossing Evil", I will see them in the future, and those little fish boys, who are like garbage, if there are not so many people present, I will kill them a long time ago." her!"

Zhang Minglou only smiled and agreed when he heard the words.

Qin Yuyuan looked at these two people boasting, and sighed in his heart, "These two are ugly, they are prettier than them."

"However, does "Tiance Overcoming Evil" really exist? I heard that there are very few people in Tiance Pavilion who know this method. In fact, it has been rumored that this method has long since been lost. It is only said by Tiance Pavilion to save face." Someone else will."

After all, it would be embarrassing if a major sect couldn't even preserve the mentality of the Supreme Construction School.

——"Tiance Crossing the Evil" is one of the top mental methods in this world, here comes the mission, you need to learn it.

"Hidden or sideline?"

- branch line.

Qin Yu can be sure that this thing will involve the secrets of Tiance Pavilion based on the two words of branch line, and it will also indirectly affect the martial arts structure, which is equivalent to taking the sidelines with the main line.

Woo, it really is right to go into the mountains.

Of course, these two idiots belong to Qin Lin, Qin Lin is an old fox, he should know some secrets of Qiwang Mountain, and these two people have learned some, combined, they must know more than Qin Yu, Then Qin Yu could just follow them.

Following along, Qin Yu found that the two had searched the ravine, but they didn't seem to find any entrance or trace, so he took out a small secret scroll.

Huh, another erotic picture? Is the feature of Tiance Pavilion the mass posting of erotic pictures?

Qin Yu was curious, so he changed the angle of tracking, and luckily she saw it—the little scroll in the hands of these two people was not a pornographic map, but a real small map.

Just fragmented, irregular, jigsaw puzzles?

"Why do I feel that compared to mine, it's just like a kid playing with it."

——Little brat can't play with yours.

Oh, makes sense.

I play this for adults.

Qin Yu thought it was funny, but instantly understood the intention of Tiance Pavilion.

"He is prescribing the right medicine. For people like me, giving erotic pictures can attract my attention more, let me discover the secrets, and then find this Qiwang Mountain. For others, it is a puzzle or other hidden word puzzles. Put them Seduce to come here~~ Tiance Pavilion is so active in attracting people here, it makes this task a bit more difficult and dangerous."

What happens by chance is called an opportunity, and what happens on someone else's initiative is a trap.

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