I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 837 Feign Death


The doors are open, so of course we have to leave.

"What about their corpses?" Yu Jingxiu wanted to restrain Zhao Rong's corpse, but the attitude of the others was very cold.

"If you want to stay, stay, and take the corpse on the road."

Jiang Muchen flashed out first, and then the others left one by one.

Before Yu Jingxiu left, he hugged Zhao Rong's body instead. As soon as he picked up the body, he saw a person standing at the door, and Mr. Yu hadn't left yet.

Her face changed slightly, she seemed a little nervous, "What do you want to do?"

Could it be this flower picker? . . .

"I'm not interested in you."

When Qin Yu said this, Yu Jingxiu's face became even more ugly, and he hugged Zhao Rong's body tightly.

Qin Yu: "???"

——She is afraid that you will rape the corpse.

I know, you don't need to explain!

Qin Yu was devastated, but still took a deep look at Yu Jingxiu, and then left.

Yu Jingxiu saw her leaving before going out through another exit.

Qin Yu chose the way she came in before, but she felt something was wrong as she walked.

"It's not the right way, it's not going out."

According to the number of steps and distance, she should have reached the exit by now, but now there are two more forks in front of her.

The maze of mechanism in this world of martial arts is actually quite profound. Qin Yu spent three days in the big disc to carefully detect the movement of the hub before he could distinguish one or two. When he first came out to the corridor, he started from the same place, so he couldn't easily Identify the direction.

He touched the wall and played the sound with his sword.

"It's very thick. It can't be broken at all. You can only follow the path it gives."

It seems that not only the one she killed was in control of the agency, but someone else has taken over.

——Then you have to be careful, after all, you killed their people, and then they will focus on entertaining you.

"Which time am I not the most unlucky?"

Qin Yu rolled his eyes, and walked out along the passage, sometimes with stairs, and sometimes with an empty secret room. After walking for about ten minutes, Qin Yu heard the sound of water dripping through the stone in front, ticking, and the humidity of the air was also low. Taller.

"This corridor is actually inclined, and it is getting higher and higher, although I didn't feel it when I walked."

But she has been very careful along the way, remembering every corner of it and the height of every step. Calculated carefully, she actually walked up more than ten meters during the ten-minute journey, like climbing a mountain.

Climbing up, but the humidity in front becomes higher, then it is not an underground water cave, but a stalactite cave in the mountain.

Qin Yu's guess was right, and soon she saw a large-scale stalactite cave, with strange shapes and various forms of stalactites entering the eyes, and rain thorns hanging from the top, some were sharp, some were smooth and accessible, some were continuous The pieces are like waves, with gorgeous postures, and the water droplets flowing and dripping from the top of the seepage cave on the top of the mountain form a small stream.

This is a natural landscape. Qin Yu not only appreciates this beautiful scenery, but also does not forget to look for the exit and be on guard.

But before she could find the exit, she stepped on it first. . .

Karma wipe.

Looking down, there was a tibia lying under the boot.

Human tibia.

Qin Yu looked around, and there were more or less scattered human bones in front of him, and some were complete.

The fight was fierce, but it seemed like it was several years old.

The earliest one died about seven or eight years ago.

Qin Yu didn't follow these corpses to find the way, but followed the stream. Probably these dead people walked along the stream like her, so there are sometimes bones beside the stream, some of which are intact, and some of them glow in the stalactite cave. It looked white under the light of the ore, but there was also a corpse suspended above the stream.

Um? Qin Yu stared at the corpse.

Just kidding her, the quality of the bones is not low, it is impossible to suspend on the water, so this is. . . Bone Demon?

The Bone Demon really moved, sitting up suddenly from the water!

Qin Yu's expression changed, he stepped back abruptly, and drew his sword out.

Jian Feng retreated.


The attacking sword from the person behind was blocked. Although Qin Yu was astonished, Qin Yu was prepared, but the visitor pressed down with strength, let out a low shout, and the internal force surged out, as if he was going to chop Qin Yu's head off with this sword .

Qin Yu lowered her waist, turned back again, raised her sword, clanged three sword strokes, she took two steps back, and jumped to the side, but at this moment, bones in the water flew up, towards Qin Yu Come on.

Really bone spirit?

Behind the white bone spirit came out of the water, with a long knife domineering.

When Qin Yu saw the other party, he kicked on the white bone, rubbed it, and the whole bone shattered. With another kick from his boot, the thick and long shin bone flew out, looking for the person with the knife.

The bone came, and the knife cut it off, and the hard bone was directly cut into two pieces.

But Qin Yu had already taken the opportunity to go seven or eight meters away. Compared with these people, her internal strength was much weaker, but she had the movement technique "Lonely Goose", so she had a little confidence in speed.

After opening the distance from the two assassins, Qin Yu chuckled. "Green Forest Swordsman, are you a fake corpse, or a fake death?"

A few people fell to the ground before, with blood on their bodies, but no one had time to check their breath at that time. None of them were breathing.

No matter what kind, this person is not dead, and there are helpers.

Li Zimo.

"No wonder old foxes like the old man are dead, presumably they were assassinated by the two together."

Qin Yu's tone was flat, but the Green Forest Swordsman smiled and did not speak.

"It is said that Mr. Yu is treacherous and cunning, but now it seems that it is true."

"It's hard to think that you are praising me, but I'm curious why you were the first to assassinate me."

Could it be that Mr. Yu once picked flowers from their daughter?

Li Zimo was born in a grass root and was cautious. He narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, "You seem to know the secrets that no one else knows. You prepared the food and broke through the mechanism with ease. If you weren't from the Tiance Pavilion, and How do you know so much?"

It turned out that she was suspected to be a traitor arranged by Tiance Pavilion among the eleven people.

"Your guess is correct, there must be a traitor."

"It's not me."

Li Zimo: "It doesn't matter whether it's you or not."

The important thing is that the fewer people get out alive, the better.

In this way, the secrets of what they have experienced here and what they have obtained will not be known.

Li Zimo looked at the Green Forest Swordsman, and he moved first.

Li Zimo struck first, in order to restrain Qin Yu, and then let the powerful green forest swordsman stand by to seize the opportunity, and then killed him with one blow.

In fact, such a fighting mode brought a lot of psychological pressure to Qin Yu.

After all, the Green Forest Swordsman is very strong.

Qin Yu wanted to get away and escape, but Li Zimo was tightly entangled. She also noticed that the Green Forest Swordsman was like a poisonous snake, entrenched on the side, waiting for the best time to hunt.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, when Qin Yu and Li Zimo had passed seventeen or eight moves, the Green Forest Swordsman's eyes sharpened suddenly, and the sword came out!

This knife is really powerful. Rao Qin Yu has dealt with many dangers since he came to this world, and this knife is basically among the top ten single attacks.

——Top ten is not a big ranking.

Uh, well, the scary ones are people like Pomegranate.

——Don't think about other women when you're fighting with a man, be serious.

Of course Qin Yu was serious, because this knife was a matter of life and death, but she was still hit.

The knife slashed across his arm, blood flowed, Qin Yu staggered, just in time to expose his weakness to Li Zimo, he immediately seized the opportunity to attack Qin Yu from the left side, and stabbed Qin Yu with his sword.

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