I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 838 Attack

Getting close, his sword locked on Qin Yu's right arm holding the sword, making the latter lack the ability to deal with it, but he didn't expect——Qin Yuge blocked it.

When the two swords were blocking, Li Zimo saw the coldness in Qin Yu's eyes, his heart skipped a beat, and he wanted to back away, but it was too late, Qin Yu's left hand wrapped around his neck with a silk thread, pulling and pulling.

Fearing that his neck would be strangled by the golden wire, Li Zimo could only be obedient, and was easily dragged to the other side by Qin Yu.

The Green Forest Swordsman attacked from the other side. Unexpectedly, Qin Yu, who had injured his right arm, was so fast. He didn't intend to stop, and directly exerted force when Li Zimo screamed in horror. . .


Poof, the long knife plunged into Li Zimo's chest, penetrated his body, and pierced out again, the blood-stained blade reached Qin Yu. . .

brush! Qin Yu backed away, as if he had expected the vicious actions of the Green Forest Swordsman, before the blade reached his chest, he dodged away, turned and ran.

Of course, she was also afraid that Li Zimo would not die, so she hooked the silk thread before pulling away, so Li Zimo's head flew away, and the blood splashed like a fountain.

The Green Forest Swordsman drew his sword, Li Zimo's blood sprayed his face, and after he swung the knife, a stream of blood also fell on the ground. He wiped the hot blood on his face and head, and ran after him with the knife.

Ruthless people chasing ruthless people, really exciting!


When the strength is not enough, you must run.

While running, Qin Yu treated the wound on her right arm so as not to bleed too much, but she also felt that the green forest swordsmen were chasing fiercely behind her.

But when it comes to escaping, Qin Yu's brain power and insight advantage came out, and it was easy to find the way, and she chose to go to places with few luminous ores, it was very dark, and the green forest swordsman felt dangerous, so he had to slow down. In addition, after Qin Yu stopped the bleeding, the blood stopped flowing, which made him lose the clue to track him, and he was gradually thrown away by Qin Yu.

In fact, even if she didn't get rid of it, she could still take out the go-getters to deal with it, but she thought that even if she took out the go-getters, she still had some time to fight against the green forest swordsman, so she might as well not take them out.

About ten minutes later, Qin Yu stopped, and after confirming that she had shaken off the Green Forest Swordsman, she walked to the stream with the help of the stone and tore off the sleeve of her right arm, cleaned the blood stains on it, and then tore the torn sleeve to shreds Wrapped up like a bandage.

"This bastard is so ruthless, he almost cut off his entire arm."

She has a strong physique, and she didn't need to be so pretentious. She can heal the wound on her own after a few days, but there are too many rare ore substances in the stalactite cave, and there are many kinds of fungi. It will also bring her a little trouble, because she knows that one of the rules of the Golden House is that the material existence of each small plane has its own effect, and her physique belongs to the existence attribute outside the plane. material properties.

What Yuese Lanyin was like before was a reminder.

Besides, the chasing soldiers are still there.

Qin Yu dealt with it very quickly, and was about to close up and get up, when he suddenly looked at the water, looked at it for a while, then suddenly closed his eyes, and directly drew his sword and plunged into the water.

With a puff, the surface of the water was filled with blood. Qin Yu saw that the person she stabbed in the water did not respond at all, so he pulled it out and showed it to others.

Oh, a guy who was already wounded and dying.

The opponent was still holding a sword tightly in his hand.

One of the fourteen famous utensils.

This guy was injured and fell into the stream and drifted down from the upper reaches.


Jiang Muchen was half asleep, heard the sound of water dripping, opened his eyes slightly, and vaguely saw a faint halo on the stalactite wall in front of him, and a campfire. The fire was not conspicuous in these halos, but sitting The person in front of the campfire turned his back on him, and his figure was a little hazy.

He moved his hands subconsciously, and found that there was no trace of the Chishan Sword in his hand. His face changed slightly, his eyes became more grim, and he quietly took out a soft soft leaf knife from the inside of his belt. This kind of knife is high-grade. The hidden weapons commonly used by warlords are only used in front of surprise soldiers when they are on the verge of death.

Now, he's going to use her to assassinate this. . .

"If I were you, I would think that assassinating someone who saved your life with an eyebrow razor is not only invalid, but also shameless."

Jiang Muchen's face changed slightly, and he was a little surprised to hear this slightly hoarse voice (Qin Yu had pretended to be it from the beginning).

"Young flower picker, little fish?!"

Looking at the clothes, it really seemed that he was too weak and a little confused.

Qin Yu turned around and glanced at him, "In the eyes of you people, Young Master Yu is a flower picker, why add another prefix."

Jiang Muchen's eyes flashed, "It's probably emphasizing that you are the flower picker among the flower pickers."

Although he was wearing his identity, Qin Yu also had a temper, so he got up and hooked Jiang Muchen's chin with the scabbard, "You son of a bitch, you dare to hurt me even if you are hanging half your life, I really think I dare not!" kill you?"

"You saved my life, either to get my Chishan Sword, or you want to use the rest of me to form an alliance."

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows, "Chishan? Are you talking about this sword?"

Qin Yu picked up the Chishan sword, "It's already in my hands, so it doesn't matter if I kill you."

"You can't pull it out, the Chishan sword can only be done by the successors of our Jiang family..."

Jiang Muchen said this just now, fuck it! Qin Yu pulled out the Chishan Sword.

The atmosphere was silent for three seconds.

Qin Yu smiled, "There is a hidden buckle inside the scabbard, so you can hold on to the hollow hole on the blade, but when you pull it out, you only need to press the first gemstone on the scabbard to release the hidden buckle, and then you can successfully pull out the Chishan Sword." , am I right?"

Changing his face in an instant, Jiang Muchen was extremely shocked, and even more murderous, this person actually knew the biggest secret of their Jiang family, who was she? . . .


Qin Yu suddenly threw Chishan Sword in front of him.

"Although this sword is good, it is not suitable for me. It is the ancestral sword of other people's family. If you take this sword, you must kill you. I will not be so stupid."

This person was frighteningly straightforward, and what he said was true, but Jiang Muchen felt very complicated.

In fact, how many people in the world can see the pros and cons clearly, and most of them are greedy for immediate benefits and ignore future dangers.

Speculators are in the majority.

"You don't want the Chishan Sword, so you want me to join forces with you to deal with other people?"

"It was Luo Xueyun who attacked you?"

According to Qin Yu's calculations, only Luo Xueyun has such ability.

"Not only him, but also Qin Shaoyu. These two colluded together and wanted to kill me and plot the Chishan sword."

"Do you still need Qin Shaoyu? It stands to reason that Luo Xueyun would not be troublesome if he killed you and Qin Shaoyu together. Why did they join forces?"

If she were Luo Xueyun, the ultimate goal would definitely be to clear the other ten people from the field.

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