I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 842 Crushed

Luo Xueyun was terrified, and turned around to block Jiang Muchen's dark sword.

Bang! This time it was Yan Yuqiu's turn to block the Chishan sword, the point of the sword was still piercing the blade, but Luo Xueyun didn't retreat, let out a low shout, and blatantly overturned Jiang Muchen with his sword!

Just about to step forward to kill, puff!

The cunning sword passed through the throat.

Qin Yu's sword.

The perfect auxiliary attack sword.

Jiang Muchen, who fell on the ground, spat out a mouthful of blood. Seeing the dead Luo Xueyun, he was still in a daze for a moment, and then there was a long silence.

actually. . . Really killed.

This is Luo Xueyun.


If you kill, you will kill. Compared with Jiang Muchen's state of "where am I, what am I doing, what am I doing, I really did it", Qin Yu is very calm, and slams the hot blood on the sword. Then she walked over and kicked Jiang Muchen, waking him up.

When Jiang Muchen was furious after regaining consciousness, she said lightly: "Come here."


Jiang Muchen followed her gaze to the hidden cave.

"Is there anyone in there?"

Of course there are people.

When Jiang Muchen and Qin Yu walked to the front of the cave, they saw a naked woman in scantily clad clothes. Her white flesh and body pierced her eyes, and her eyes were red from fright and crying. There was a smell in the cave. It smells very uncomfortable.

Jiang Muchen was taken aback, he never expected that it would be Yu Jingxiu, one of the most beautiful women in the world!

After reacting, he took off his robe and quickly threw it in, then turned his back.

"Miss Yu, you put it on first."

After he turned around, he noticed that Qin Yu was still staring at Yu Jingxiu in the cave, and his face turned dark immediately, "Master Xiao Yu, you are like this..."

How could he have forgotten that this man is a flower picker, a pervert, who has been trapped in the cave for so many days, even Qin Shaoyu and Luo Xueyun, two beasts, did not suppress their animal desires, and actually killed Jingxiu. Not to mention.

Jiang Muchen was annoyed, but suddenly heard Qin Yu say: "You give her clothes, so I must give her something too."

In the cave, Yu Jingxiu, who had already hugged Jiang Muchen's clothes to cover his chest, raised his eyes and looked at Qin Yu, a little scared and puzzled.

She didn't see any emotion from this man's eyes - neither Jiang Muchen's shock and embarrassment, nor the lust and concealment of ordinary men, her eyes were too direct.

Very deep, bottomless.

She suddenly panicked, and then saw the little Yugong take out an object from his sleeve, pressed the hidden button, and threw it in.

Yu Jingxiu saw it, saw it clearly, his face changed drastically, and suddenly he was extremely ferocious, and rushed out, but Qin Yu had already pulled Jiang Muchen and jumped back.


There was a wave of explosions in the cave, leaving pieces of flesh and blood.

Yu Jingxiu was blown to pieces alive.

Jiang Muchen was stunned for a while, then looked at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu: "The smell on her body, the smell of this cave, do you think it's only about men and women?"

Jiang Muchen: "Could it be..."

Qin Yu: "She took away Zhao Rong's body, I didn't notice it before."

Jiang Muchen: "This is impossible!"

Qin Yu: "Zhao Rong was killed by her. Although I didn't see it, I know who killed the others, and they are all busy killing people. After ruling out, she is the most likely. But this is what I discovered tonight. .”

Before she saw that Yu Jingxiu took Zhao Rong's body away, she was only slightly suspicious, but in such a place, she didn't have extra time and energy to investigate Zhao Rong's death.

But she persisted in her doubts, and she followed up with attention—until she saw the cave.

Not caring about Jiang Muchen's expression as if he had eaten shit, Qin Yu flicked off his sleeves, stuck his sword on the ground, sat down cross-legged, and said calmly: "When we were fighting just now, she peeked in the cave. Er Ke is very calm, and he is probably planning to wait for us to come out with both losses."

Jiang Muchen wanted to ask her if she had any evidence.

Qin Yu glanced at him, with a smile that was not a smile, "People are in the rivers and lakes, and murder needs evidence? But if you really want it, it's okay to give it to you—there is something under the tattered clothes in the upper left corner of the cave, even if it's hers. The body is blown away, and it will never fall under the clothes, you will know it when you look at it."

Jiang Muchen was dubious, endured his nausea and walked in, avoiding Yu Jingxiu's corpse, and picked away the clothes that were piled up on purpose. In fact, he noticed it as soon as he came in. Apart from the fresh smell of blood just now, this corner was permeated. The stench is obvious.

He believed it a little bit in his heart, but he still looked carefully.

three seconds.

Jiang Muchen ran out and vomited.

Qin Yu was running his internal energy cross-legged, and when he saw this guy vomit, he frowned slightly, "It makes me sick to hear you vomit like this, can you walk away?"

It's ruthless to the point of heinousness!

Jiang Muchen, who Xiangzi thought was quite calm and stable, was about to go back and accuse the other party, when he suddenly saw the blood spattered by Luo Xueyun on the mask on her face, and she felt a bit eerie in the dark stalactite cave.

Vicious, this man is vicious and terrifying.

Especially when the other party threw something into it and killed Yu Jingxiu just now.

"What you just threw in was a hidden weapon like fire and thunder? You actually have this thing!"

"Qin Shaoyu's, just found out after killing him, probably some kind of life-saving hidden weapon in Qinghuang Mountain."

"Then why don't you use it on Luo Xueyun? But you've already been poisoned, so it's not surprising if you don't use it."

"He's not poisoned."

"???!!! Then you didn't say..."

"I never said I was going to poison him."

"You said you have special means!"

"Yes, isn't it a special way to lie to you? Otherwise, you dare to go all out?"


"Is there any other question? Although you talk too much and I am a little impatient, if you ask, I will answer you."


"After all, I have changed my mind. If I want to be a good person, educating my stupid companions is also a moral manifestation."


For the first time in so many years, young talents feel what it means to be crushed.

She has always used him as a bait and main force, in fact, to attract Luo Xueyun's attack, she calculated the difference in strength between the two of them, then used him, then broke out, and then killed him.

This bastard hides so deeply!

Jiang Muchen, who was so angry to death, felt that his internal injury might have worsened. After sitting down, he adjusted his internal breath, and then he gritted his teeth and said, "He wasn't poisoned, yet you took the risk! You should have used that hidden weapon of fire and thunder long ago!" Already!"

"Adventure is a process between success and failure, not a result. From my point of view, Luo Xueyun must die. Why should I waste a hidden weapon?"

Jiang Muchen was speechless, and then saw the bloody and terrifying cave behind Qin Yu, and there was Yu Jingxiu's head on the ground inside.

His heart sank slightly.

Yu Jingxiu killed Zhao Rong inadvertently in their chaos and did not make anyone suspicious, and was bullied by them by pretending to be weak under Luo Xueyun's eyes. His methods were terrible, and his strength was probably not weak, and the two of them This one just had a big battle, and it was very exhausting. Nine times out of ten, he was no match for this person. No wonder Qin Yu would decisively throw a hidden weapon and blow up the opponent to death.

The killing was very decisive.

Just as he was thinking this, he suddenly realized that Qin Yu was looking at him with dim eyes.

Jiang Muchen quietly clenched the Chishan Sword, his muscles tensed.

"Bandage to stop the bleeding. I have to leave immediately. If there is too much movement, someone will come over."

Even though Qin Yu ordered so coldly and refused to admit that he was afraid for a moment, Jiang Muchen did bow his head.

Just got up and staggered away to get some bandages.


Qin Yu didn't care about his small movements, and he recovered his inner breath.

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