I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 843 Hunting Time

Qin Yu's internal strength is cultivated very quickly. After all, he is extremely talented. After the fierce battle, his cultivation has improved further, but he is still far behind Jiang Muchen, so he probably still has to use the logistics.

Forget it, the effect of such a fierce battle is probably equivalent to one-tenth of the previous plate of Xuanyu Banner king fish.

This comparison seems to be nothing.

By the way, are there a lot of Xuanyu Qiyu in the glacier?

Qin Yu suddenly had the urge to become a fisherman.

But it didn't take long before Qin Yu got up suddenly.

"There is movement, let's go!"

Jiang Muchen got used to her vigilance, and the two pulled away resolutely and left, but Qin Yu took away Luo Xueyun's Misty Rain Autumn Sword.

Sure enough, not long after Qin Yu and the others left, a dark shadow found this place.

After looking around coldly, he said faintly, "It's kind of amazing."


"Now there is only the Green Forest Swordsman left. That person should be him just now." Everyone is almost dead, but Jiang Muchen dare not slack off, "How strong is the Green Forest Swordsman? How is it better than Luo Xueyun?"

"In terms of real strength, it's probably stronger. Luo Xueyun's strength lies in his calculations, and the strength of the Green Forest Swordsman lies in his domineering."

Most people are afraid of calculations, but Qin Yu is not afraid, because her brain and observation are better, and no one can surpass her in this respect, at least none of these people, but she is afraid of someone like the Green Forest Swordsman who directly uses his strength to overwhelm others Swordsman.

"Luo Xueyun was too cautious and afraid of death, so he thought he was poisoned and dared not use all his strength, but the Green Forest Swordsman was different. If we were facing him just now, even if he was really poisoned, he would desperately kill us first, and then kill us again. The other person, don't need to calculate, just come directly."

And the result is more immediate, both of them will die.

Jiang Muchen agreed with her analysis, "Besides, this person pretended to be dead. I'm afraid he is very scheming, so it will be even more difficult to deal with. I think he will probably come to this area now...why do we go this way? Wanna?" Once trapped?"

"Aren't you sleepy if you go to other places?"

The difference between the big cage and the small cage is just that.

Jiang Muchen also knew this truth, but felt that Qin Yu should assume that the exit was there.

There must be an exit where the stream runs downstream.

Although the two were weak, their speed was not slow, and they soon reached the end of the stalactite cave. Jiang Muchen was looking for the exit, so he reached the place where the streams gathered, a pool.

"The water flow gathers here but doesn't diffuse out. Could it be that the exit is underwater?" Jiang Muchen and Qin Yu arrived at the edge of the pool. This time, the two had the same attitude and felt that there was something going on underwater.

"You said that this Tiance Pavilion is also perverted. It seems that we are being trapped to play with such a big battle, killing and not killing."

"I'm afraid he's not a pervert."

Jiang Muchen was taken aback for a moment before realizing it.

If they are not perverted, then there is a purpose, to put them into the painting wall for enlightenment first, and then release them to kill each other, is it true? . .

"Are you forcing us to show the martial arts we have learned?"

"It's both persecution and help. If you don't get anything, you don't need to pay a price. It may be difficult to get out."

Qin Yu stood on the edge of the pool and pondered for a moment, then looked at the nearby stone walls, and then reached out and touched the edge of the pool.

This stalactite cave is natural, but this water pool is not. It was built the day after tomorrow. Will the other party put the exit here? Since it is a prison, there is no reason to let people out. Why bother to make an underwater exit?

But if the purpose is to raise them to understand the painting wall martial arts, they must be taken out, or someone will come in, so they are the exit, and the people in the Tiance Pavilion are the entrance.

There are people hidden on the ceiling, which means that this underground secret room has at least two floors, but now, in terms of altitude, there are probably seven or eight floors.

Is this stalactite cave just above, the top floor of this secret space? But the whole should be inside Qiwang Mountain, where will the opponent enter from?

In other words, there is a certain lake on the top of Qiwang Mountain, and there is an exit under the lake, which flows down into the interior of the mountain, and then exits from this pool.

In calculation, such a waterway is the underground water flow in the mountain. Because of the stalactite cave landform, there is water dripping through the stone all the year round. The interior of Qiwang Mountain may be like an ant hole.

If the water is first-class, it will be connected.

Qin Yu made up his mind and thought he could give it a try, so he went into the water with Jiang Muchen, but Qin Yu pried off four glowing ores from the wall before going into the water.

"Go up and down from the side first, check the mountain wall along the side, don't just go to the middle, otherwise the water will be weightless and dark, and you may get lost."

The two broke up and went into the water together.

Underwater, this ore can be used like an oil lamp. Although the luminosity is not high, at least it is light. Jiang Muchen and Qin Yu did not separate, but rubbed along the edge one after the other. In fact, Jiang Muchen is absolutely inferior to Qin Yu in terms of search. , the reason they are together is just to bind the security together, otherwise no one will be at ease staying on top.

Go into the water together, and go up together when the breath-holding time is up.

Qin Yu didn't intend to reveal how long he could stay underwater, but only planned to go up with Jiang Muchen if he couldn't take it anymore.

But soon she found that she didn't have this chance, because. . . .

In front was Jiang Muchen. The ore in Qin Yu's hand could shine on his back, but she always felt something was wrong.

like. . . If there is an eye of God watching, you will find that looking around, Jiang Muchen is touching the water wall to find the exit of the mechanism, Qin Yu is behind, and there is actually another person behind.

The man followed right behind them.

Oh, it should be behind Qin Yu.

The long knife on the waist is pulled out, it is silent in the water, then. . .

Qin Yu felt the fluctuation of the water.

Suddenly turned sideways.

Bang! A knife cut along Qin Yu's neck fiercely on the stone wall!

The stone was split into two pieces!

Greenwood Swordsman!

Why is he here? No, he should be underwater earlier than them. Qin Yu is very sure of this, because the space here is not large. She has observed in advance. Unless the other party knows the invisibility technique, it is impossible to escape her eyes!

If they arrived late, the movement of entering the water was enough to attract her attention, so the man was already in the water when they arrived.

It is estimated that he is also looking for a way out, but he doesn't want to just encounter it.

But it's not right, why is he in the front? Qin Yu had a faint thought, but quickly interrupted.

I can't think of anything more, the Green Forest Swordsman is too strong and ruthless, and after the first knife fails, he will make a second knife. This time Jiang Muchen also turned around and saw the person, his face changed drastically, and he quickly drew his sword out.

Fighting underwater is not as fast and fierce as above water, but the power of real swordsmanship is not small. This green forest swordsman is very powerful, and he sent Jiang Muchen flying with one blow, and came towards Qin Yu again.

Qin Yu didn't dare to go head-to-head. He stepped on the mountain wall and swam into the pool, throwing away the ore.

Underwater, she is definitely better than the opponent in terms of insight, and she shouldn't keep the ore to expose her position.

Her decision naturally made the Green Forest Swordsman lose her trace, but he was not in a hurry.

Suspended in the water, holding the knife, he cooled down and disappeared into the darkness.

The hunt has begun.

Just the second watch, no third watch, go to bed early.

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