I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 844 Tunnel


Jiang Muchen didn't throw the ore, because he knew that if he lost his luminosity under the dark water, he might not be able to see where the Green Forest Swordsman was, but luckily his first target was the little fish boy.

With a flash of his eyes, Jiang Muchen's legs swam and went up!

On the other side, the water was dark, Qin Yu clenched his sword tightly and remained motionless, but she was sensing the fluctuations in the water.

There are upward fluctuations.

Jiang Muchen went up, probably escaped, and. . . close!


Qin Yu turned sideways, the blade stabbed from behind her, just past the edge of her turn, the swords were raised, the swords intersected, the green forest swordsman sprang his legs, it was too fast, Qin Yu had no time to dodge, so he could only block with his arms, However, he hit the mountain wall together with the sword and the person, and his back hurt, but fortunately, there was a lot of water to relieve the force, but. . . Bang! The green forest swordsman who rushed up directly slashed down. Qin Yu tilted his head and turned around the wall. The green forest swordsman followed suit with a knife. When Qin Yu's left leg was against the mountain wall and was about to jump out, he was kicked by the opponent. Going back, the long sword blocked it, and the knife pressed the sword towards her throat. Qin Yu resisted vigorously, but the ancestor of Lvlin suddenly smiled, retracted the knife, but slashed again quickly!

Bang! This knife directly cut off the sword.

But Qin Yu quickly withdrew and pulled out Luo Xueyun's Misty Rain Autumn Sword, but her speed of drawing out the sword was not as fast as that of the Green Forest Swordsman.

It was another heavy impact, and Qin Yu spat out blood. The green forest swordsman grinned and pressed down on the long knife, and pointed the blade at Qin Yu's neck again. . .

Hiccup! The gap is so big!

In fact, the gap was already huge, not to mention that Qin Yu had fought fiercely with Luo Xueyun and the others before, and his internal strength had not recovered to perfection, so he suffered even more.

Just at this critical moment.


Suddenly the water flowed down from above, and the Chishan sword stabbed down. The Green Forest Swordsman noticed it and withdrew.

Jiang Muchen, who came down to rescue him, was also slashed with a knife, his blood churning and his arms trembling.

Damn, so strong!

Jiang Muchen regretted that he came down to save people, and now he even had to risk his own life. Even though he thought so, Jiang Muchen rushed forward and joined forces with Qin Yu to fight against the Green Forest Swordsman.

Even if you lose, at least you have to find a chance to swim up to escape, although the probability of escape is very low. . . .

Just when the two were repeatedly defeated and each was injured, Qin Yu, who was chopped against the wall for the third time, stuck the blood in his throat and glanced at Jiang Muchen who was also dying not far away. On the waist side, resist the green forest knife that cuts at the waist.

Damn, why is this green forest swordsman so good at swimming! She originally thought that she was taking advantage of being underwater, at least she could last longer than the other party.

But maybe the weakness also lies in—even if she can hold her breath for a longer time, she can't stop the green forest swordsman underwater for too long.

The sword was trembling, and Qin Yu's arms were also trembling. Suddenly, she saw it.

With a flash of her eyes, she pushed out the long knife with all her strength, turned her body, and swam to the other side. The Green Forest Swordsman quickly followed and slashed from behind!

Jiang Muchen from behind almost thought that Qin Yu must die, but he soon realized that he was thinking too much, because~

At that fatal moment, Qin Yu quickly pressed down on a slightly raised stone on the wall.

The stone was sunken and the mechanism was activated. Qin Yu immediately wiped the mountain wall in front of him and opened a gate that was exactly the same as the mountain wall next to him. As soon as the door was opened, the water quickly rushed into the space inside, forming a huge vortex of water flow. The suction force also sucked Qin Yu in directly. Of course, including the Green Forest Swordsman and Jiang Muchen behind him, the three of them were sucked in one after another. He took the initiative to catch up with Qin Yu and raised his knife to stab Qin Yu to death. Qin Yu twisted his body in the rushing water, flipped to the top of the swordsman in the green forest, and took advantage of the direction of the vortex to kick him in the face superior.

Fuck your uncle, let you beat me so badly before.

Hit by a kick, the Green Forest Swordsman was furious, with a ferocious face, and was about to pounce on him to kill again, Qin Yu grinned at him, and then. . .

With a quick swipe, he turned around and entered another one of the many forks that appeared in front of him instantly, but the Green Forest Swordsman couldn't react in time, so he could only enter the next fork. As for Jiang Muchen. . . This guy was no better than the two of them, he was already dizzy from the rapids of the water, and almost drowned.

Well, he doesn't matter.

In fact, Qin Yu is not in a good condition now, but she is good at water and calmer. As she judged at the beginning, the tunnel is full of holes, extending in all directions, and she doesn't know where it leads. She originally wanted to choose a place to go out , but because the eyesight is too good, even in the turbulent flow, there are some differences between the holes, for example, the characters on the holes are different.

character. . . Countless words and patterns on the painted wall immediately appeared in her mind. After a few days and several waves of screening, the mental information she summed up included such weird characters, which looked messy and inconspicuous. , but she still kept it in her heart, she didn't expect to see her here.

Very decisively, she directly chose some character holes linked to the filtered mental essence information.

Maybe this is also the key to "Tiance Ferry", but the information she got always felt that something was missing. . . Could it be these characters?


Crash! The water used to rush out, and Qin Yu was sent by the water from the three-meter-high mountain wall, and fell directly into the pool. The water splashed, and when she popped her head, the first thing she saw was the painted wall.

"Damn it! Could it be that I have returned to the original wall painting? No, this is not the original one!"

Because there is a pool here, and more importantly, this painted wall is smaller than the original one.

When Qin Yu came out of the water, she didn't care about getting wet. She stood alone in such a space covered with carvings, and the oil lamp was always on.

Could it be that someone has been here? Is there a light here? Otherwise, how could it be on all the time?

Qin Yu's panic and doubts were quickly dispelled, because she found that these oil lamps were different from the original ones. There were some radioactive ores inside these oil lamps. The luminosity was not high, but the lamp surface was made of special glass body, which magnified the light. It also makes the space brighter.

"Exactly the same painted wall? The content on the wall is also the same."

Qin Yu felt this way at first, but soon felt that he was wrong—it was still a little different, this one was older, and the other one might be a pirated version.

Just when Qin Yu was about to take a closer look at the original painting wall, she suddenly turned to look at the side of the painting wall.

That is a door.

There was a strange sound outside the door, like something hitting the ground one after another.


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