I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 855: The F4 Old Mother Group

Seven days later, one evening, hot water was being heated in the greenhouse in the West Wing of the back residence of the Taishi Mansion.

The maids and women come and go a lot, but they are orderly.

In the back house, except for the concubines of the concubine and the concubine, the rest are servants, but there is a big difference between servants and servants, so I won’t go into details about it, after all, this is not The World of House Fighting and Farming—this is a martial arts novel.

So Qin Yu concentrated on finding out the composition of the family members in the Grand Master's Mansion.

The BOSS is naturally the old immortal grand master who survived three generations of emperors, and the three sons and four daughters who are famous at the bottom. Five of the seven children are married, and most of the women are married to wealthy families, and the marriages are very successful. Otherwise, the Grand Master's Mansion would not have such a powerful influence in the ruling and opposition parties, dare to challenge the traitor, of course, there is also the youngest son and the youngest daughter who have not yet married, this pair of children is old, or twins, In a wealthy family, he is born to be favored, so he has a very high status in the Grand Master's Mansion. On the other hand, he is the eldest son who is well-known in the world. This son is the eldest son, who will inherit the family business in the future, because he was cultivated from an early age. It can be counted as promising, and now he is also a second-rank official, working outside, and he is a high-ranking official in the frontier, but all his sons and daughters are raised in the Grand Master's Mansion. PS, Dabailian's black-hearted Shangwen Lingyun is his eldest son Daughter, she was brought up by the old Taishi together with her younger brother since she was a child, and she is also the eldest daughter of the entire Taishi Mansion. In terms of the preciousness of the female family members in the back house, it can be compared with that little aunt who was born in a dragon and a phoenix.

Of course, there are many members of such a huge wealthy and noble family. In terms of third-generation children and grandchildren, there are more than a dozen, plus grandchildren, there are thirty grandchildren on the first day of the new year.


Qin Yu's memory is amazing, she figured out all these people in a daze, and she had seen seven or eight intrigues between her grandchildren passively and actively within two days after entering the door.

"To be honest, I wake up every morning and remind myself that what I am experiencing is a high-end, bloody and perverted martial arts dungeon, not a dungeon of rebirth of a dick girl reborn from a fictional history, a wealthy family's revenge and counterattack dungeon..."

——You think too much, now you are just an old lady who boils water in the greenhouse.

Qin Yu: "..."

Can't I substitute it in?

——I can’t bring it in, there is no reborn girl who is as fat as you, and is still so old.

At this time, Qin Yu, who was changing into a rich old woman in her forties, touched her plump breasts and sighed.

You think she thinks oh, she has such a good figure, if she doesn't change her figure and only changes her appearance, people will notice it soon.

- Fat mothers will also be noticed, because here you are the fattest.

Qin Yu: "..."

I'm sorry, I didn't expect all the mothers in the Grand Master's Mansion to be so skinny.

"Mother Huang, the miss is finishing school and going back to the house to take a bath, is the hot water ready?"

A well-dressed and beautiful maid came to inquire outside, ah, a maid is comparable to a modern beauty on earth, with a good temperament, capable and smart, such a girl is an internet celebrity when she starts the live broadcast in Qin Yu's world.

But here is a maid.

Qin Yu, who was heating the water in the back room of the warm room, replied amidst the steaming heat, with a rough and unrestrained voice: "Hey, it's all right, girl Bilu, don't panic, there's water, take care of the eldest lady to wash comfortably of."

It takes more than a dozen servants to take a bath, and I heard that there are sixty or seventy maids serving the house where the eldest daughter of other aristocratic families lives alone in the imperial capital.

Shangwen Lingyun has only thirty people under his command, which is quite simple for Shangwen Lingyun.

Qin Yu felt that he could be considered a super-rich man on Earth, with a base of tens of billions, and in terms of wealth level, he was about the same as the Grand Master's Mansion.

Why not enjoy it.

"Mother Huang, you are the only one who can talk. I won't tell you anymore. Missy is coming soon."

Bilu smiled and left.

Other old women are a little envious of this mother Huang who has just entered the mansion for two days. I don't know if it's fat or something, but she looks very fond of it. In addition, this guy can talk, is very decent, and can do things. He just entered the mansion a little bit He established a good relationship with those high-level maids, and of course, he also had a good relationship with the old ladies. Within a few days, he formed the F4 group of high-ranking old ladies in the Taishifu.

Of course, F3 is an old man. Seeing that Qin Yu is capable, doesn't like to take credit, and is humorous, it relieves them a lot of work. In addition, Wen Lingyun's senior mother is really short of people, so I will support them. Now four It's also great that people can play cards and chat together as soon as they sit down.

This is to lay the foundation for the relationship. Qin Yu has dealt with these old ladies a lot these days, and occasionally played leaf cards with him.

No, after the water was boiled and things were arranged, the four of them played leaf cards when they sat down for dinner.

In the evening, the weather is warm and cool, drinking tea and playing cards, and occasionally chatting about the housework of the son, daughter-in-law and grandson, which is also very good.

However, Qin Yu's setting for himself is that the family has a short, ugly husband, a dead ghost, greedy for food, gambling, promiscuity, and domestic violence. He was a poor fat woman who finally died in the belly of a young lady in a brothel more than ten years ago. people.

After gaining a wave of sympathy, Qin Yu quickly played the trump card by surprise, papapapa!

"As soon as the dead ghost is gone, my old Huang will be very happy. Sisters, come, come, give me money, give me money!"

F3 rolled his eyes.

At this moment, Bilu suddenly came in a hurry.

"Hey, moms, you are here, I need you if I need something!"

The four old women got up, thinking that something had happened.

Bilu said: "Missy is taking a bath, but I don't know if the tiled roof of the outer house was damp due to the rain a while ago or something, but it was bitten by rat ants. Just when the heating was smoked, a mouse fell down and ran up and down. Jump, although you haven't entered the bathroom in the inner room, it's really scary."

In fact, the pavilions and buildings of the Taishi Mansion are repaired on a daily basis, but there are always times when something goes wrong—rats want to go to the roof to make holes, what can you do?

F3 was shocked, "There are a lot of girls, why can't they help the mouse?"

Could it be that the little girl is scared by everyone? It shouldn't be, if the maids don't do their best to make the mouse scare the eldest lady, they will all have to be boarded, how can they be afraid of a mere mouse.

Bilu had a strange expression and was very cautious: "Mothers, that is not an ordinary mouse, I suspect it has practiced martial arts."

F3 old lady: "..."

Qin Yu: "..."

Little girl, do you know that the old mothers almost let out a pig cry from laughter?


Soon Qin Yu knew that this was indeed the world of martial arts. In the gorgeous high-grade mahogany greenhouse, she and the old lady F3 saw with their own eyes seven or eight maids in the outer room of the greenhouse chasing and beating a mouse that was flying across the board. Fluttering, chasing, it just spins, dances, and closes its eyes—it just can't catch it, you can't be angry!

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