I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 856 Little Mouse (updated from yesterday's update)

As if they had practiced light kungfu, the maids were frightened by the terrifying mouse, and also frightened that they would never be able to catch it. Occasionally, they were thrown across the upper of their shoes, their faces pale with fright, their chests heaving and panting.

They didn't dare to scream yet, for fear of making too much noise and attracting people in the front yard. After all, men are not suitable to come here. If other ladies know about it, they will arrange it secretly. How can a white jade-like young lady let those People talked nonsense, so they tried their best to suppress the movement, but it was useless if they couldn't catch the mouse.

"Missy already knows that she is most afraid of mice. She is inside. The door is locked. How can she get out if she doesn't catch the mice? Moms, hurry up and help."

The F4 mother group knew that it was time for them to play.

PS: Qin Yu is included in the F4 mother group, she can't leave her relationship behind, or she will be blamed, so she also goes up to catch the mice herself.

On the surface, he looks ferocious and concentrates on catching mice, but in his heart: Hahahaha! Wen Lingyun, you also have today! I really want to drive the rats into your bath!

But the door was closed tightly, so there was no chance to drive away.

What a pity.

Qin Yu felt refreshed, but he could also hear the sound of bathing water inside. Obviously, Wen Lingyun was not affected much. After all, the door was closed, and mice couldn't get in.

but. . . Why can't F3 catch the mouse!

Qin Yu thought that these three old mothers were really capable, but they were tossed by the rat spirit every minute, no, two of them even broke their waists.

"Oops, oops, it can't be done, I'm getting old."

"My God, old mother, please take it easy."

The maids didn't think that the old mother was useless, and they hurriedly helped him away for fear of leaving him here.

"No, I can still catch you if you help me over there! Don't scare the eldest lady!"


F3's mother is sincere, and as F4's Huang's mother, Qin Yu, she can't be too watery.

You can't just twist your waist too, it just so happened that the mouse was also looking for death, so it happened to sneak up to Qin Yu's side. . . Qin Yu felt that stepping on it was too disgusting, and mainly disgusted herself, so she let the mouse run past, and triumphantly ran to the corner to squeak and wag its tail at the crowd. It was disgusting, but at this time, That moment. . . Qin Yu obeyed the human design, quickly took off his shoes and threw it at it.

Snapped! A shoehorn knocked the chubby mouse unconscious.

Everyone: "???"

F3: "???"

Qin Yu: "What are you looking at, hurry up and catch it before it wakes up and kill it!"

Only then did Bi Lu and the others come back to their senses.

The rat crisis was resolved, and the old mother and the maids were all overjoyed, making it as if the frontier war had won a big victory.

A group of people praised Huang's mother for being mighty.

Qin Yu took the shoes and put them on, with a humble expression on his face: "Where is it? It's a small skill, but you are proficient."

Then he described in detail the action flow of the violent violence between himself and the scumbag, including taking off his shoes and attacking from a distance.

Although Bi Lu was amused by this mother Huang, she still knew the rules, so she suppressed her voice and asked outside the door: "Miss, the rat is gone, what else do you want?"

"Bring me some tea."

Shangwen Lingyun's voice came from inside, it seemed that her voice was a bit lazy and charming because she was taking a bath, but Qin Yu always felt a little relieved.

Heh, the white lotus is really scared.

There were also two maids serving inside, and when they heard that the rat had been resolved, they opened the door and asked Bi Lu and others to bring in the tea and desserts prepared in the outhouse.

Hey, this is the same level of enjoyment as Qin Yu usually takes a bath, drinks red wine, and eats ice cream. She glanced at the misty bathing pool inside, and there was an elegant large screen blocking it. She couldn't see anyone, so she didn't think much about it. I want to go out with the F4 sisters.

Suddenly, her eyebrows moved, and she subconsciously looked up. It was also at this moment that she saw the roof tiles above, and suddenly jumped down a mouse.

Little mouse, but after landing, he rolled over and slid. . . He rushed into the wooden door that had just been opened.

The faces of the maids and the old mothers turned green, and the two beautiful maids serving the bath inside were also pale with fright, desperately using the broom beside them to drive away the little mice.

Qin Yu: "..."

Hahahaha hiccup!

Qin Yu really laughed and cried this time.

But on the surface he didn't dare to laugh, but on the inside he laughed very happily.

It's really fate, I heard about black and white lotus!

Just when Qin Yu was laughing wildly with his hips on his hips, Bi Lu became anxious and shouted: "Mother Huang, why are you so dazed, go in quickly! You are proficient!"

Qin Yu: "..."

No, I don't want to!

Let the black and white lotus be scared and cry by the little mouse!


I heard that Lingyun was indeed frightened. It wasn't that she was afraid of mice, but that there was no lady in the Emperor Manchu who was not afraid of mice. Those who were really not afraid were those who practiced martial arts and were skilled. But you can ask if a mouse can offend you. , Is she afraid?

But there is nothing that women are not afraid of.

So she didn't dare to go out early in the morning when she knew there were rats outside. She would rather soak in the bathtub for a while, but she didn't want those masters in the mansion to come in. After all, it is a hothouse for bathing, and men are not allowed to get close, unless there are assassins and other important things. Who will let the outsider come?

So I can only wait for the maids outside to deal with it. It seems to be a mess for a while, but fortunately, she was caught. She was relieved. She never expected that the rats would come and go, and the father was knocked out and there was a mouse cub. .

Rao Shangwen, who has a high IQ, EQ, and xinxing, was so frightened that her pretty face turned pale. She was watching the little mouse being chased by two maids outside the screen, and scurried across the bottom of the screen to the bathing pool. .

"Miss, come up quickly!!" The maids didn't care to lower their voices, seeing that the little mouse was about to jump into the water, and their own beautiful and naked young lady was also in the water. . .

It's over, it's really over.

Shangwen Lingyun didn't practice martial arts at all, but her brain was excellent, and her physical fitness was really not that good. When she saw the little mouse coming to the bath, her legs suddenly became weak, and she couldn't get into the pool at all.

She didn't have the terrified thoughts of the servant girl, after all, she had seen a lot of worlds, but this mouse really touched her body or something. . She is sick.

Even a little regret.

But it was also at this time that the energy of regret came up, and she heard a sound.

"Miss, don't be afraid, Mama Huang, I'm here!"

Shangwen Lingyun raised her eyes and saw a chubby figure appearing outside the screen. Before she could see clearly, she moved the screen away impatiently. It was really a lot of strength, and she looked like a rich old mother Just came in, actually not too old, in her forties, because of her rich appearance, she was still eating oily face, she looked very kind, and such a kind mother Huang took off her shoes again, and when she took them off, she threw them away neatly. At that time, he was cruel and merciless, and the shoe slapped the little mouse that was less than a slap away from the bathing pool - it was smashed to death, and it was turned into a meat paste, with blood and hair flying.

Outrageously disgusting.

Two servant girls: "..."

Shangwen Lingyun: "..."

This character set has already been released, so Qin Yu pretended to be to the end, although she didn't want to appear in front of Shangwen Lingyun in her heart, this woman is too alert, her mind is twisted, she is not sure whether she will or not will be seen through.

But the arrow has to be convinced. Now that he has shown up, he can only do a good job of character design.

Of course, by the way, it's not bad to come in once, at least the scene in front of you is eye-washing.

She really wants to whistle, what should I do?

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