I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 857 Good girl


After all, Qin Yu couldn't blow the whistle, because even a dungeon that has experienced several difficult, high-level and high-level challenges, the beauty has not seen too many, and it seems that many times it is like a bathtub. About the bathroom.

Qin Yu thinks that this may be a misunderstanding of the Golden House - does she like watching people take a bath so much?

The golden wall is quietly online.


——You like to watch both men and women as long as they look good.

——So is Fat Jiao.

——The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

Qin Yu was silent for a while, and quickly held his respect, "But I'm tired of watching too much."

Then Qin Yu still didn't take his eyes off Shangwen Lingyun.

What she said was - comparison.

She was comparing herself with this woman.

She didn't dare to say she won, at least she was sure that she didn't lose.

——With all due respect, you are now a fat mother weighing 180 pounds.

Shut up! disappear!

Qin Yu ignored the golden wall.

Here the maid began to call.

"Miss, how are you doing?"

The water is warm and steaming, and there should be some pearl powder and herbs in it. It is sparkling and charming, but with the heat, Shangwen Lingyun's waist is all in the water, half covered , only the wet black hair split on both sides and split on the shoulders, flowing below the collarbone, slightly covering up the unique tenderness and beauty of a woman.

Her face was moist, pale, and peerlessly beautiful. It was the kind of forbearance and sexiness under the silence of the very elegant Bai Lian.

But she didn't say a word, never screamed, as if she had restrained etiquette to her bones.

Such a woman. . . Hurry up and take a second look, write it down, go back and draw it, and use it to threaten her in the future!

——Can you remember your identity as the chosen one and be more qualified.

Qin Yu: "Every day you say that I have no quality, why do I have no quality, can you put it another way?"


Qin Yu: "..."

There was a heinous and evil plan in Qin Yu's mind. Shangwen Lingyun seemed to have noticed something, and looked up at her after the servant girl called her.

Those pupils seemed to be equipped with seven or eight microscopes.

It seemed that Qin Yu's peculiar eyes had been caught instantly. . . . Qin Yu was also sensitive, and immediately realized that this woman might be paying attention to her.

Hey, why are you so sensitive.

If you withdraw at this time, it will make the other party even more suspicious.

Qin Yu went the opposite way, which was actually in line with the setting of an old mother, and the maid called her for help.

Because Shangwen Lingyun had soaked in the water for a long time, her body was a little soft, and the two maids were trying to pull her up.

Mama Huang is fat, enthusiastic, and strong. Seeing the anxiousness of the two thin maids, although Qin Yu wanted to watch the fun, she couldn't bear to see them chattering, so she went directly to get the bathrobe .

"Miss, go on."

Shangwen Lingyun didn't quite understand why throwing the bathrobe to her now, she was in the water.

But now that you've picked it up, it doesn't matter.

She took the bathrobe and just put it on, "Miss, give me your hand, mom will catch you, don't be afraid."

Taking a look at this mother Huang, in fact, she is not a fairy, and she does not have the terrifying insight like Qin Yu, but because this fat mother appeared too "stunning", and her appearance was very eye-catching, and she was impressed by her appearance and rescued her. , I took a few more glances, but I didn't suspect anything, I just noticed that the way the other party looked at me just now was not right.

It's not quite right, it's normal, I'm dying now. . . .

They are all women, and the other party is much older than her, Shangwen Lingyun didn't think much about it, seeing Qin Yu stretched out her hand, compared with the small bodies of her two maids, the other party is very impressive Feeling safe, so she reached out too.

I didn't expect to reach out. . . Before Shangwen Lingyun could react, she realized that she was being pulled up immediately.

Just like a strong man in Langya Mountain pulling radishes from the sand, it is extremely easy.

She was dazed and stupid, because her feet were weak, she didn't pay attention, and after being dragged up by Qin Yu, she didn't stand still, and threw herself directly into the opponent's arms.

Then it hit. .

Shangwen Lingyun: "..."

Qin Yu: "..."

After being stunned for three seconds, Qin Yu exploded, and quickly complained to Huang Jinbi.

"You still say I'm sinister and vicious! Look at her, look at her, this black and white lotus is so insane, it even takes advantage of me, a 180-pound aunt in her forties! If she is dying, she must have done it on purpose, or just for dinner Three catties of milk."

——. . . .

It wants to resign.

I don't want to work under this person's hands anymore, because I will be separated by anger.

But Huang Jinbi was afraid that Qin Yu would make further progress and humiliate Huang Jinbi's elegant rules, so he fought back.

——You didn't suffer.

——You can touch it back if you want.

——No, don’t force me.

Qin Yu, who wanted to fight against the Golden House, was quiet.

"Miss, how are you? Are your legs still weak?" Qin Yu, whose inner world was quiet, quickly entered the role of Huang's mother, supporting Shang Wen Lingyun to be extremely gentle and considerate.

"Is it cold? Put on your clothes quickly."

The two maids were already in a daze, and they haven't reacted until now.

Shangwen Lingyun came to her senses and withdrew her hand, but because her legs were weak, she still supported Qin Yu's shoulder.

These shoulders are really thick, like a wall.

Huggy, she inexplicably thought of the word.

She was also a little dizzy, probably because the temperature in the water recoiled from the temperature above, she panted, and was about to ask the servant girl to help put on her clothes, but Qin Yu did it right away.

Brush and pull the straps twice, and the loose bathrobe will cover everything that needs to be covered. By the way, tie a high-end and elegant "bowknot" with ingenuity.

Shangwen Lingyun: "..."

If Shangwen Lingyun was a villager in a certain village in the modern 21st century, he would know that this is the knot method used to tie pigs when slaughtering pigs in the village.

The two maids finally came in handy, moved the chairs over, and took bath towels to wipe their hair and so on. . .

On the one hand, Qin Yu said in a calm state that I am old, well-informed and not afraid of anything: "Miss is safe now, and the old slave will retire first. By the way, if you feel a little drowsy now, miss, open a car." Cool the window, it will be better if the air-conditioning comes in."

Shangwen Lingyun felt a little embarrassed just now, seeing Qin Yu's behavior, thought about it, and agreed.

Qin Yu also went out.

Shangwen Lingyun, who was drinking cold water to ease her mood, could still hear the conversation of the F4 mothers and sons outside.

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