I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 858 Retention (just two more)

In fact, F3's old mother's waist has improved a lot at this time, and she is very concerned about Qin Yu's situation after entering.

"Have you caught the mouse?"

"Not caught."


"Kill him directly!"

"Or the shoe?"

"I changed one."

"You chubby, you're still talkative! But fortunately, we have you, otherwise it would be our fault to scare the lady. By the way, why are you so good at throwing shoes? You really got it out of fighting with that dead ghost in your family?"

"Well, I even gave this trick a very domineering name."


"Flying birds into the forest."

"What does this name mean? I don't hear how domineering it is."

"When you hit a man's bird, one hit is accurate, and the other is ruthless."


There is also F3 Qiqi whose husband does not want to be widowed and is as quiet as a chicken.

Shangwen Lingyun in the back room was holding the water glass motionless, with a complicated expression on her face.

She had a faint feeling that there might be some kind of weird evil mixed into her stingy building.

But even though the movement was suppressed tonight, the nearby courtyards would probably be able to detect it, and they will have to ask questions tomorrow.

Because she is the eldest granddaughter and occupies a good position, other granddaughters will be jealous, and other granddaughters will also be jealous.

Not to say that every step cannot be wrong, but it is true that people are staring at every step.

Wiping her hair, Shangwen Lingyun heard her maids ask for guilt spontaneously.

"I don't blame you, that mouse is really powerful. It looks like it has become a spirit. No wonder you can't catch it." Shangwen Lingyun has a good temper and doesn't like to implicate servants, but she did mention it tonight. Awake.

Even though the entire Grand Master's Mansion is under the supervision of masters, ordinary assassins or people with evil intentions cannot enter, but masters mostly gather in the men's courtyard, because there is no defense for men and women, and there has always been no female guards here for the women's family in the back house.

The maids were curious as to why there were no female guards. After all, the Grand Master’s family had a great business and it was not difficult to find some female guards.

Why not look for it.

"I searched for it a few years ago, but almost got into a big mess. My little aunt almost got into trouble."

Regarding this matter, Shangwen Lingyun didn't want to say much, as if she was a bit shy.


Qin Yu broke up with F3 after going out, because he bought a meal for the card he played earlier, he went to the small kitchen to deal with it, and just after eating, he saw Bilu coming.

Qin Yu: "Ah, the mouse spirit has come out again?"

Bilu's face turned pale, with a bitter face, "Mother Huang, don't be crowed, you scared people just now."

Qin Yu: "What's the matter?"

Bilu: "Miss wants to see you."

Qin Yu: "..."

Then I have something to do, did that woman suspect me?


Qin Yu has been suspicious recently, probably because of a psychological shadow caused by a certain zombie dungeon. He is always on guard against smart people, for fear of being played again.

But fortunately, Wen Lingyun's rank was not enough, and Qin Yu didn't really panic, and the past was over.

At this time, Shangwen Lingyun was already dressed, but it was also very casual home clothes. The robes were loose and light, and there was a bit of lightness between her brows. She only looked up at Qin Yu when she came.

"Mother Huang saved me not long after entering the mansion, but what reward do you want?"

Qin Yu said a lot of beautiful words, nothing is not saved, it should be. . .

Shangwen Lingyun: "Mama Huang, do you want this?"

Qin Yu: "Yes."

Then twisted the handkerchief very shyly, "Money..."

Shangwen Lingyun: "..."

The hypocrisy is a little cute, this fat mother.

The money was given, and Shangwen Lingyun wanted her to go down, but suddenly remembered something.

"Have you ever practiced martial arts?"

"Ah? Martial arts? Yes, yes."

Qin Yu responded too quickly, Shangwen Lingyun became suspicious, "Really?"

"Asuka throws..."

Before Qin Yu finished speaking, Shangwen Lingyun interrupted her, "Except for this."

"The monkey steals the peach!"


The maidservants nearby couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

Shangwen Lingyun also couldn't laugh or cry, looked at Qin Yu, "Mama Huang is very interesting."

Qin Yu chuckled, "Everyone else says that, but my family's dead ghost doesn't like me."

Shangwen Lingyun was noncommittal, and thought for a while, "You seem to have great strength?"

"Basically, every time I fight with someone, I basically win, and the men are pressed to the ground and rubbed against each other."

Because the one who just came into the mansion is not a maid who has been raised all the time, there is no way to speak rudely, and Shangwen Lingyun doesn't mind, "Your skills are also very fast, which surprised me."

"I'm not afraid of your digestion, miss, I have been a flexible fat man since I was a child."

Shangwen Lingyun always felt that it was difficult to persist in this conversation. This mother was too funny, very festive, and made people happy.

"Then you must be very lucky."

"That's right, aren't you lucky enough to meet a fairy like you, Miss?"

Not only did I see it, but I also saw it naked.

Shangwen Lingyun also reacted, a little embarrassed, turned her face to drink tea, and suddenly noticed that this mother Huang was rubbing her breasts.

She was taken aback, feeling a little weird.

The maid beside her also felt weird and rude, so she blushed and reminded Qin Yu.

Qin Yu didn't want to either! Because when she glanced at it just now, she noticed that she was reflected in the mirror next to her—the breast shape was not right.

It looks like the fake boobs are split.

I rely on! This is the rhythm of wearing gangs!

So Qin Yu pretended to rub his chest. . . .

After the maid asked, Qin Yu shyly responded: "Big breasts, engorged breasts."

He also deliberately glanced at Shangwen Lingyun, the small eyes were full of information.


Realizing that it might be because of her superior Wen Lingyun coughed lightly, raised her forehead and said, "If you feel uncomfortable, go back and take the reward."

Where did the maid next to me get two pieces of gold.

Qin Yu happily agreed.

was about to step back.

"But you will serve by my side in the future, starting tomorrow."


I don't want the money anymore, I will return it to you and let me go.


Rejection is impossible to refuse, and Qin Yu didn't disrupt the plan because of Wen Lingyun, because there is no time now - that Shang Wen is a cunning and cunning man, and he will not hide secrets anywhere. Really smart people always only believe in secrets It's safest to keep it in your head.

If there were any secret evidence or confidential items left, they would have been hidden for a long time and would not be easily touched. This was too difficult for Qin Yu who had just entered the mansion.

She can only wait for the opportunity, waiting for an opportunity for Lin Heng to play games with the old master. At that time, she only needs to be responsible for eavesdropping on some secrets before she can communicate.

She is just a flower picker in the rivers and lakes, so she can't help Lin Heng assassinate the old master, it is beyond the scope of her professional ability, and Lin Heng will probably be afraid to kill her to silence her.

As expected, Qin Yu had a good night's sleep, and then early in the morning. . . .

I went to serve the eldest lady.

In fact, it is not difficult to serve Wen Lingyun, because this woman is really virtuous and virtuous in the back house.

In other words, the Bailian people from the top wealthy family set up a very good job, without any stains. No one knew that she had personally met a flower picker and made an agreement with him, just to deal with Lin Heng.

Intrigue, a man's business?

Not always.

After staying by this woman's side for a long time, Qin Yu had a certain understanding and certainty about her. She was waiting for an opportunity, but she didn't expect it to come so soon, even before the time for her poisoning to occur.

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