I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 862 Temptation

It means that she is a servant and should not get too close to the rich and powerful.

"Oh." Qin Yu deserved it, and Shangwen Lingyun didn't say much, because soon a noble girl came to play with her, and there were so many people, Shangwen Lingyun couldn't refuse, so she could only change clothes and play.

Bi Lu also came along, and the two waited on Wen Lingyun to go to the dressing room to change. Bi Lu went in, but Shang Wen Lingyun suddenly called Qin Yu.

Qin Yu declined on the grounds that his body was too eye-catching and would scare the other ladies in the changing room, and instead went to prepare tea and cakes.

After she left, Bilu prepared clothes for Shangwen Lingyun, but saw her young lady was thinking.


"Finally escaped." Qin Yu didn't intend to go back, but planned to avoid the crowd and leave from the polo field. As for how Shangwen Lingyun would find her later, it didn't matter.

Just as Qin Yu arrived at a remote corner of the polo field, entered the forest and was about to leave. . .


A black shadow suddenly flashed behind a tree in the forest, grabbing the back of Qin Yu's neck directly from behind.

Qin Yu turned sideways, and the other party also turned to the other side, their eyes matching.

Qin Yu rolled his eyes, but the other party was still a little suspicious, looked at Qin Yu for a long time before saying quietly: "I really didn't expect Mr. Yu to have such a talent to learn, and it took only a month to get the book "Thousand Faces" It’s really amazing to study this part of Art.”

"Senior Yu Qing is not bad either. In such a place where expert guards gather, he is still so free."

"Can I ask how you know I'm here?"

"Master Xiang said that people like you can't keep a low profile. When the time comes, the most conspicuous and abrupt person who can't find any faults will definitely be you."


After the five-year-old Chicken Essence Xiaowang, there is another fox spirit Xiangye.

Qin Yu smiled, "Give me the antidote? I didn't expect Mr. Xiangye to be so gentle and considerate."

She was talking nonsense, but Yu Qing didn't deny it, "It's true that I'm giving you the antidote, but I have something to tell you."

Qin Yu: "I don't plan to stay in the Grand Master's Mansion anymore, because Shangwen Lingyun may have begun to suspect me, you can't let me do something for the Prime Minister knowing that I am suspected, then I will be arrested Now, I'm not sure that I can survive the torture without confessing to the Prime Minister."

She acted first, but Yu Qing frowned slightly, "Have you been discovered? You are such a cunning person..."

"This is not a compliment."

"answer my question."

"Compared with Wen Lingyun, I may be simpler."

Of course Yu Qing didn't believe it, and said thoughtfully: "I heard that you had lust for her before, could it be that you couldn't control it this time?"

Qin Yu was expressionless: "The evils in the world of mortals are floating clouds. I have already seen through the love between these men and women. Don't insult me ​​by mentioning these things to me in the future. I am a pure and pure person."

Yu Qing was probably taken aback by this sentence, and he was stunned for three seconds before choking out a sentence: "So you really defiled Yuyanzhi?"

Qin Yu: "..."

Fortunately, Yu Qing is not a person who always gossips, time is limited, "If you can't stay by your side for a long time, it's okay to leave, but you need to do one thing."

Qin Yu: "Tell me first."

"King Huang came this time to talk to the old grand master about the matter of Jing Linhou in Hedong, intending to disadvantage the Prime Minister in this matter, you..."

He wanted Qin Yu to continue eavesdropping, but Qin Yu interrupted him directly.

"no point."


"The old grand master is an old fox, so he wouldn't agree to King Huang, but he wanted to see King Huang fight with the Xiangye dog. Well, let's see him take the initiative to fight with the Xiangye. Will take the initiative to give out the secret about Jing Linhou, but this person seems to me to be a hypocrite, but he may go wrong and make the old master have to deal with the prime minister, such as making some arrangements for Shangwen Lingyun, with her The reason for the marriage~~”

Yu Qing's eyes flashed suddenly, "You know?"

What do I know?

Qin Yu's eyes flashed suddenly, "It's really rumored that Wen Lingyun is going to marry the Prime Minister?!"

Yu Qing sneered: "It's just that some people deliberately spread rumors to make Emperor Yue feel dissatisfied."

Originally, there was an old grand master in the court to check and balance Lin Heng, which was beneficial to Emperor Yue's imperial power, but now if these two families get married, there is no such thing as Emperor Yue in this world. I am afraid that the entire royal family will be emptied, so even if The Emperor Yue was honest and simple, and he would also be aware of the danger, not to mention that there are many royalists, and the custody will explode.

This explosion, can't you make a move? The most likely are two methods.

First, preemptively marry Shangwen Lingyun into the palace as a concubine.

Second, preemptively marry Shangwen Lingyun to the royal family or the clan's children, such as the Huang Wang.

Left and right just can't let Shangwen Lingyun marry Lin Heng.

One radish and one hole, one woman cannot marry two husbands.

"But you're right, this old master is extremely cunning, and won't show his head easily, but that King Huang jumps up and down, and may do some stupid tricks. Now the Prime Minister doesn't like outsiders talking about his wife's position, so I just don't like it." There are arrangements for you."

Yu Qing pondered for a while, thoughtfully, "I didn't expect you to know about this. It seems that you are doing well in the mansion."

Qin Yu: "General."

Yu Qing: "I think you can change your disguise and go in again."

Qin Yu: "I think I can go to Jing Linhou."

Yu Qing: "Marquis Jinglin has already made an arrangement, and what Xiangye is wary of is the method of the old grand master. I think you..."

Qin Yu: "I refuse, even if there is poison in my body, even if you are stronger than me, I will refuse."

This errand is too dangerous, Qin Yu doesn't want to offend the Grand Master's Mansion after provoking the Prime Minister's Mansion, the surname Lin has no morals, and she will kill the donkey in the future, so she doesn't want to kill herself.

Qin Yu looked indifferent, Yu Qing was not angry, just fell silent for a while, and said quietly, "It doesn't matter if Xiangye said you don't want to, but if you do, he is willing to give you a Xuanyu Banner Kingfish."


Very silent.

After a while, Qin Yu: "How big is it?"

Yu Qing smiled: "It's similar to the one you ate in Tiance Pavilion."

Qin Yu quickly calculated the total weight of the fish, and concluded that if he ate a whole Xuanyu Banner Kingfish, his internal strength would at least double. "

"make a deal!"

Qin Yu agreed without saying a word, and was about to leave the Grand Master's Mansion and sneak in with another identity, but suddenly his expression changed, and he turned to look at the polo field.

Something is wrong there.


There are fast horses galloping on the field, and noble ladies and gentlemen ride on horses, chasing polos that roll and fly on the ground. Female, the main force is usually a man, but Shangwen Lingyun's team is the main force, and the opposite team is the main force is King Huang.

The competition has reached an extremely fierce stage. Now the score is still one point higher than Huang Wang's team, and now it is Shangwen Lingyun's side who is dribbling the ball. This young man looked at the situation and played the ball first.

Snapped! Someone intercepted halfway and knocked the polo flying towards the goal into the air with a single stroke of poison.

"Beautiful!" The audience cheered, but it was also at this time.

"not good!"

Huang Wang, who had just hit a good ball, changed his face and was about to catch up. Shangwen Lingyun had already intercepted the polo that was intercepted and flew out on horseback.

It seems to have been calculated.

Just right.

The polo was hit by her swing and directly hit the goal five or six meters away.

Cheers again, very enthusiastic, because it turned out to be a draw!

King Huang was not annoyed, his eyes flashed, the imperial horse came over, and was about to speak to Wen Lingyun.

Shangwen Lingyun's horse suddenly went crazy, and raised its hooves. Shangwen Lingyun was shocked, but she pulled the rein and controlled it urgently, so that she was not thrown off the horse's back, but even so , the horse also ran wildly, jumped up and down, and rushed towards the stage.

The nobles on the side of the stage saw that something was wrong, and were protected by maids and servants to escape, but what about the horse and the people?


The people in Taishi's mansion were shocked, and they heard that Yunke rushed over. . .

Too late!

Even the man and the horse have almost rushed to the railing. . .

I hope you all read novels in a civilized way, and be polite when you comment, and when you read other people’s comments, and you don’t have to be angry and complain about me, because I basically don’t care.

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