I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 863 Quite heavy


The horse is very handsome, how fast and clever it ran before, and how swift and fierce it is now. Seeing that Wen Lingyun on the horse has no chance to jump off to escape, because she is an ordinary woman after all. It also pays attention to mobility and timing. If you don't jump well, falling and being kicked by a horse's hoof is just a matter of belching.

In fact, there are experts out there.

Whether it was the royal guards of the two princes or the masters of the Grand Master's Mansion, they all reacted and rushed over, but it was still too late.

Shangwen Lingyun grasped the reins tightly. When her body was thrown off by a huge force and her waist hurt, she had two choices. One was to stay on the horse and try not to let herself be thrown out and hurt herself, or to take advantage of it and leave. This crazy horse, but the problem is still the same - there is a railing in front of it, if you throw it out, your body will hit it, and you will not die or half your life.

Just when Shangwen Lingyun thought she was doomed, she suddenly heard a heroic voice.

"let go!"

What? Shangwen Lingyun actually heard this voice clearly, because she was the only one around her who had such a voice.

In fact, she doesn't trust this person 100%, and she may not be willing to entrust her life and death to this person at such a critical moment, but she has eyes and can see that at that moment, when others are too late or only care about herself While dodging to avoid the chaotic hooves, the only person rushed out from the crowd, reached the railing, and stretched out his hand.

"Let go!"

Shangwen Lingyun's palm has been slightly loosened, but not completely loosened. This person has desperately approached the crazy horse and grabbed her waist with one hand.

With palms as big as cattail leaf fans, thick and burly arms, Shangwen Lingyun found out that half of her waist was grabbed before she could even react, and she was taken off the horse's back, her robes flying, a 180-degree sci-fi fantasy abstract painting Feng's beautiful princess embraced, Shangwen Lingyun couldn't help herself at all, she just felt her body vacated, and then hit her head against a large soft bag.

That's right, her face hit her chest.

It bounced back again.

Shangwen Lingyun: "..."

But it was at this moment that the crazy horse turned around and bumped into it.


Bi Lu was terrified and shouted loudly, and then quickly saw the mighty and strong mother Huang holding the beautiful young lady in her arms and kicking her out.

The arms are so thick, the legs and feet are as strong as a bull, and when one foot goes out, it is like a big green bull and a demon hoof stepping on a thousand-mile horse.

The big boot kicked on Maxima's body.

Bang, put it. . Kicked down.

It was really a whole tall horse that was kicked crookedly, then lost its footing, fell to the ground, and was restrained by the guards who rushed over.

Then many people looked over. . . .

After all, it's not a TV series or a movie, let me show you a 30-second long close-up of a princess hug and a 360-degree rotation? No, there isn't.

After Qin Yu kicked the horse, before his palms warmed the beauty's weak, boneless waist, he put her down in a second, and muttered after putting it down.

"I never thought it would be quite heavy."

Shangwen Lingyun heard it, and was stunned for three seconds before realizing what this person meant, with such a complicated expression, she stared straight at her.

Thank you for saving your life? She wanted to say it at first, but now she doesn't want to.

Seeing Shangwen Lingyun's eyes, Qin Yu wanted to go online for survival every minute, showing an uncomfortable expression, and pressed his chest.

"It hurts."

Shangwen Lingyun, who "bumped into" the big breasts twice, was slightly sullen, embarrassed and ashamed, but she didn't want to be noticed, so she straightened her face and asked if she was hurt.

His tone was rare and gentle, and he was quite reciprocal when he thought about it, as if he had no doubts about her.

Qin Yu breathed a sigh of relief, with a slightly naive expression: "It's okay, Miss, I have thick skin."

There were too many people coming from nearby, and the King Huang had bad intentions, Shangwen Lingyun didn't stay for long, leaving matters to Shangwen Yunke and took the maid to leave.

However, the thirteenth little king was blah, and wanted to move all the imperial doctors from the imperial hospital here, and insisted on asking Shangwen Lingyun to visit the imperial hospital.

"I'm just a family member of the Grand Master's Mansion. I don't agree with the etiquette. Your Highness doesn't have to insist."

Shangwen Lingyun's face was pale and cold, but her attitude was tough, and there was a cold look between her brows and eyes, which made the thirteenth little king a little scared, but she didn't dare to insist anymore.

After getting into the carriage, Qin Yu noticed that her movements were not quite right, and when she got into the carriage, she didn't say anything, fearing that she would expose too much, but Bi Lu also noticed it and asked.

"There should be some problems with the waist, let's talk about it when we go back."

Shangwen Lingyun just said that, but Bilu suddenly turned her head and glanced at Qin Yu, her eyes were slightly complaining, and she couldn't help it: "Mother Huang, save people as soon as you save them, look at your strength, you are so powerful Ms.’s waist must have been broken, but fortunately, I have you.”

She was grateful to Qin Yu, very grateful, but she couldn't help complaining.

Qin Yu: What the hell? . Wrong or not!

She obviously didn't use any force, it was because she knew how delicate this woman was.

It's her fault too?

She wanted to refute and explain, but Shangwen Lingyun glanced at her, and said quietly: "Bi Lu, don't be rude, Mama Huang saved my life anyway, no wonder she is as mighty and powerful as an ox."

Oh, the essence of Black and White Lotus has finally been revealed again.

You touched your chest and said to your conscience, is your waist injured by Crazy Horse several times or because of me?

Of course, Shangwen Lingyun doesn't know how to touch it.

It was Qin Yu who touched it.

Touching her own big breasts, her face showed bitterness, and her lips trembled slightly, as if it hurt.

Bilu was really worried, "Mother Huang, are you injured too?"

"But... why did it hurt in the chest? The horse's head hit it just now?"

When Bilu asked, Shangwen Lingyun shook her fingers, and was about to say something, but Qin Yu had already answered.

"No, it's Missy's head. In fact, I don't blame Missy. With that forceful flick, Missy's head is exquisite and small, and it hurts when it hits my chest."

Green: "..."

Shangwen Lingyun: "..."


After returning to the mansion, Hao Sheng checked it, and found that there was indeed something wrong with Lingyun's waist.

"Oh my god, twisted? Twisted waist? What can I do if it's swollen!"

"The imperial doctor said that he needs to rest for a while, and it is difficult to stay in bed and walk these days, and he has to recover before he can move, but it's not a serious problem."

"Fortunately, fortunately."

On the surface, he was concerned and worried, but in private, Qin Yu expressed a sense of comfort with the news.

Yes, this black lotus!

In extreme comfort, she ate an extra 20,000 rice. By the way, the Grand Master's Mansion also stewed a lot of delicious food for her, and the bounty was huge.

Then. . .

"Miss is also very grateful to Mama Huang for saving her life, and even more grateful for your loyalty to her."


Double the bonus? Qin Yu thought about buying some disguise materials which would be useful in the future.

"She asked you to serve in her house in the future, and the grand master agreed."


"Mother Huang is ready to eat? Let's go when you are done. We have moved all your clothes, and they are in the outer room,"

No, this is not what I want, I refuse!


Although Qin Yu refused, but later thought that getting close to this woman was equivalent to being close to the power center of the Grand Master's Mansion. Later, he could also get close to the old Grand Master and find out the old Grand Master's information collection about that Lord Hou. good.

At least Qin Yu found a chance that night.

——The old grand master came to see Wen Lingyun, and the two talked about the evidence and the Crazy Horse incident.

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