I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 870 Maternal Love Raiders (Third update, finished)

Yu Yan was stunned, but didn't care about Qin Yu's big hand, and frowned slightly: "Jealous?"

Qin Yu: "Well, they are jealous that I am smart, cute and blessed."

Jade Banquet: "..."

"First of all, think about it, why did Xiao Tiantian stare at you?"


"That's because you're handsome, good-looking, and excellent! Would he like other short and poor people? He doesn't like it! So anyone who laughs at you should understand that you are better than them !"

Jade Banquet: "???"

Can you still understand it this way?

Huang Jinbi watched over him coldly. He had a hunch that this person's pyramid scheme brainwashing was about to start.

Qin Yu: "Yes! It must be understood in this way! Secondly, if those people don't understand the above point, it means that they are stupid. Why do you care about stupid people talking to you? The so-called people live in this world , don’t discuss coldness with summer insects, don’t share strengths with fools. Next time if someone still mentions this to you, don’t say anything, just draw your sword and compete. If you don’t dare to compare, people are cowards , Let others say that he is cowardly. If you dare to compare, you win, and the winner is king. If the weak dare to talk nonsense, it will be even more ridiculous, but you must not argue with others."

Yu Yanzhi was thoughtful, "You have been slandered, don't you argue?"

This is not the same as what the teacher taught.

"Of course I don't argue. The first is to maintain a noble posture of disdain for arguing. The second is that you have no room for arguing about this matter itself, because arguing requires evidence, and arguing without evidence is called a shrew, but this matter can have evidence. What? The daughter’s is okay, so what about your men’s?”

Only then did Yu Yan realize that the woman in front of him was not young, she knew a lot of things, and she was quite knowledgeable, which frightened him a bit.

He looked slightly uncomfortable and turned his face away.

The pink lips on the snow-white handsome and cold cheeks were slightly pressed together, which was quite different from the appearance of Bingxue who was changing clothes in the attic that day.

Oops, Qin Yu's hands are itchy, and he can't wait to touch them.

"Since there is no way to prove the evidence, no one believes the flower thief's words, and there are no witnesses. How can you argue? The best way is to beat him! Then don't speak! If you really want to speak, just say something after beating someone .”

Jade Banquet: "?"

Qin Yu smiled slightly: "A man, a real man, drank the enemy's blood during the war, and fought fiercely with swords in snow clothes. That Xiao gave you the opportunity to test me one by one, and I will fulfill you."

Yu Yanzhi was shocked by these words, and after thinking carefully, his eyes were bright, and he lowered his voice and said: "You mean to make this matter conspiratorial..."

It is difficult to explain a scandal, but it is not difficult to overwhelm it with another scandal.

Hotspot transfer only.

Qin Yu picked a piece of mutton, puffed out his cheeks and said nothing.

Yu Yanzhi didn't say much, just helped Qin Yu finish the mutton, very generous, and then bowed to Qin Yu with his stomach full.

"Thank you."

Qin Yu smiled innocently and didn't say anything, but the tenderness and joy in his eyes were obvious, and he was really close to him.

But he didn't know that the joy and kindness in Qin Yu's eyes was all because of - Huang Jinbi came to inform him.

——40% of male god favorability strategy.

—He almost wants you to be his aunt.

——You attacked these two one after another with maternal love, you opened my eyes.

What a motherly love.

Qin Yu was not happy, and muttered: "How about a bosom friend, bosom friend!"

But tonight's harvest was good, Qin Yu rubbed his stomach, feeling a little comfortable.

Suddenly the curtain was lifted, and Bilu came out, "Mother Huang, Miss asked if you still want to sleep?"

Qin Yu: "..."

I'm sorry to chat with the handsome man.

Seeing this, Yu Yanzhi frowned slightly, and wondered why Miss Shangwen couldn't get rid of the nanny like a child.

He could tell good from bad, and felt that Madam Huang was a good person, so he left a post saying that if Qin Yu was in trouble in the future, he could go to him.

He must be treated as an elder.

"If you're being bullied..."

Yuyan's understatement was a bit cryptic, but Shangwen Lingyun in the stick heard how sensitive and smart she was, her eyebrows jumped, and her face turned colder.

The royal dwarf over there hasn't taken care of it yet, yet another handsome man from Tiance Pavilion came to loosen the soil with a shovel?

This mother Huang is going to heaven with 160 catties of meat!


Waking up early the next day, the gongs and drums were already ringing in the hunting ground, and everyone couldn't sleep, so Qin Yu got up early, but found that Shangwen Lingyun, who was wearing a riding outfit, had dark circles under her eyes, and asked Bilu and the others to change into a new one. bedding.

Qin Yu was startled, and his imagination was running wild, so what, have you had a sexual dream?

If Shangwen Lingyun knew what Qin Yu was thinking, he would knock her head off with a hammer.

But seeing the shocked and relieved eyes she looked at her, Shangwen Lingyun also had liver pain, so she called Qin Yu over.

"Today's autumn hunting, riding and archery is already dangerous, stay by my side and don't get in touch with other people."

That thirteen little king is a playful person, if he encounters any danger in such a place, he will be implicated 100% by his side.

But he is clinging to Qin Yu again.

Wen Lingyun was a warning in advance.

Qin Yu understood, and smiled, "Yeah, when the little prince comes to see me later, I'll say that Missy is reluctant to leave me."

Shangwen Lingyun: "..."

But Qin Yu found that the thirteenth little king didn't have time to come to him, because the prince and the prince were brought out to gain knowledge and get in touch with hunting to increase their masculinity. Of course, they couldn't stick to women all the time, so now they are accompanied by guards. The hunting ceremony started in front of Emperor Yue, and Qin Yu glanced at the servants, and saw that the next emperor of Yue, Lin Heng, was honored, and then there were King Huang and other princes and princes, old princes and generals in Gaopinjie Pavilion. .

The level of rank and real power are very complicated knowledge, and it also involves the emperor's favorite and official contacts, which is not as clear as a pile of women.

But at this time, when Qin Yu looked at the beauties again, especially when he saw Lorse and the concubine Ling, his mind could no longer be pure, and there was only one thought in his mind.

"Hey, Bibi, what do you think they are, or are they not? I interrupted you?"

—Twenty-five days left.

Qin Yu: "..."

I really don't understand the style, so angry.

But 25 days or something, she doesn't panic, there will be a progress today.

The old god Qin Yu was there, but he also noticed that Lin Heng glanced at him.

Qin Yu exchanged a glance with him, and then acted shyly, such as rubbing a handkerchief and biting his lower lip.

I heard that noble girls like Lingyun are beautiful when they do it, according to Mama Huang. . .

Lin Heng turned his face away indifferently and calmly, and never looked at his mole again.

boom! With the sound of drums, Emperor Yue led forward, and many sons and boys galloped out on horseback. The guards of the brigade also followed, and there were also some flexible and active female relatives hunting among them, even several concubines who were born in the general's family.

The Queen and Concubine Ling stayed behind.

Shangwen Lingyun changed her riding clothes, but she didn't intend to hunt, she just wanted to take some maids to an open place to pass the time, but the princes of the Grand Master's Mansion all went out.

Originally, everyone was about to leave, but suddenly a palace official came.


It was not Shangwen Lingyun who summoned him, but Qin Yu.

and. . This is Queen Lorther's servant.

Qin Yu turned his head and looked up at Wen Lingyun.

Missy, save me!


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