I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 871 Protecting (It's the third watch today, wait.)


Empress Lorther has an alias called the Demon Queen. The old officials in the court are extremely jealous and hate it. In private, they often say that this queen has the ability to harm the country and the wildness of bewitching and killing mortals. This harem is different from the courtiers. According to the system, the veterans are nothing more than afraid of the demon queen intervening in politics or blowing pillows. Although they can't see it yet, the queen's style and behavior have been exposed, so they are naturally afraid.

If it’s not one system, it’s still afraid of becoming like this, but what about that system?

The queen is the mother of a country. In a sense, she is more legitimate than the queen mother and can be in charge of the female family members of the whole country.

From the aristocratic family to the ordinary people's family, everything is under her control, and Shang Wen Lingyun is in this list, but old mothers like Qin Yu signed a contract of sale and are slaves, which is worse than Shang Wen Lingyun One hundred and eight thousand miles away, not to mention Queen Lorther, it can be said that as soon as you get in front of Lorther, someone casually says that you are ugly and scares me, and if you want to be killed, you will be killed, and the Grand Master's Mansion can't say anything .

So Qin Yu immediately wanted to survive, and when he looked up at Wen Lingyun, his big eyes were immediately very pitiful.

Shangwen Lingyun was a little embarrassed, turned her head, with a cold face, and said indifferently: "Then I will lead the way, Mama Huang, go, don't be rude and lose the face of my grand master's residence."

Without any hesitation or entanglement, you just threw her out like that?

It's over, did you offend her last night?

Qin Yu was dying, and was thinking of saving himself, at worst he would expose his martial arts, when Qin Yu followed the palace man and turned around, ready to smash the jar.

"Miss, Miss, what's wrong with you!"

"Not good! Missy is not good!"

Bi Lu and Qing Shu exclaimed, Qin Yu reacted, and immediately turned around, seeing Shangwen Lingyun's pale face, while two maidservants beside her supported her waist.

Qin Yu understood Wen Lingyun's eyes in no time!

The first aid method for the female relatives of a scheming family in ancient times is the worst way to urinate, and they can prevent you from urinating. The best thing is-no, XXX is about to give birth!

At this moment, Qin Yu wanted to shout out that the eldest lady is about to give birth.

It's a pity that Shangwen Lingyun is a noble girl who has not left the court, and her belly is very flat and delicate, so she can't come out this time, but she is injured and can relapse!

Wit! Wen Lingyun!

"Oh! Miss! Your waist is not healed!! Recurrence? My Lord Qingtian!"

Qin Yu bluffed, and used his strong body to throw off the palace man in minutes, and ran over to support Shangwen Lingyun, with an anxious expression on his face, "I'll take a look for you right away."

The two palace servants were unwilling, and wanted to say something, Bilu immediately stepped forward and said: "I'm afraid you two don't know, our eldest lady was attacked by gangsters in the racecourse, and her waist was injured. The powerful bone-kneading massage method made the eldest lady recover, although the empress has something to do, please be flexible, and wait for Mama Huang to take good care of the eldest lady, we will definitely go to the Grand Master's Mansion to apologize."

The apology came out.

After all, it is the Grand Master's Mansion. Nowadays, the Prime Minister of the court is an emperor who dare not offend. As the only old grand master who can slightly check and balance the other party, the granddaughter is the most favored. The two palace people dare not force it. In case you take him away Well, the result is that the eldest lady can't do it? This spread is a huge scapegoat, and the queen has to bear it, and the two of them are bound to die.

This is how powerful it is!

As expected, the two palace servants gave in and said they were going to call the imperial doctor for help, but Bilu and the others did not stop them, because the head of the imperial hospital was a close friend of their old imperial teacher, and they took good care of Shang Wen Lingyun. will be round.

And even if it's not round, can the queen still convict her? On the bright side, the face of the royal family and the Grand Master's Mansion must be taken care of, so. . .

The two palace people left.

Qin Yu and others entered the account.

As soon as she sat down, Shangwen Lingyun returned to being cold and light, took a sip of tea, and looked at Mama Huang, who was rubbing the corners of her clothes with her two big hands, who was weak and restless.

Seeing her like this made her uncomfortable.

"Last night, I talked freely with the core big brothers of Tiance Pavilion. I killed pigs, slaughtered cattle, and all kinds of snow-clothed swordsmen. I know that such a battle can't scare you, so be normal!"

Those who didn't know thought she was in a hurry to urinate, this is awkward.

She has always been gentle and elegant, with the temperament of a white lotus flower. She did not show any anger when she threatened the flower pickers before, and she will not show any ferocity now. This is the majesty of the eldest granddaughter.

Qin Yu immediately stood up straight and confessed directly, "Miss, I really don't know why the queen wants to see me, I have never had contact with her!"

Shangwen Lingyun: "You went out last night, tell me all your experiences."

Of course Qin Yu said it frankly, and of course passed her ear to hear about the eavesdropping, and only said that he washed his hands after eating the mutton. . .

"Lin Xiang, have you met him?"

"Yeah, he happened to be on the other side at that time, and I was frightened. I was afraid of offending him, but thinking about it, I just caught a fish. It's okay. Could it be that the fish was raised by the empress?"

That fish is in the river, who would raise fish in the river!

"I'm afraid you thought that the fish was raised by you, but the queen thought that you purposely squatted there waiting to catch it."

"This fish is not that fish."

Shangwen Lingyun figured it out in an instant, guessing that the queen had some taboos, and suspected that someone saw and heard it, and it happened that Mother Huang was nearby again, so she was not suspected by the other party.

Zuo Zuo is a slave, and there is no need to judge whether it is right or not. Just execute it and it will be over. This is the method of the rulers.

But I heard that Lingyun is different.

Shangwen Lingyun raised her eyes to look at the obese woman in front of her, and saw a little panic and guilt in her eyes.

Qin Yu came up with an idea, "If this is the case, then I can't explain it no matter what, and I don't want to implicate the eldest lady and the Grand Master's residence. Why don't I just leave here."

It is a pity that 10%.

Qin Yu thought about forcing a brush before leaving, but after she finished speaking, she saw Shang Wen Lingyun's eyes froze slightly, and said a few words.

"Don't be afraid."

"I can protect you."

Cool, but soft and confident.

Qin Yu was startled.

Shangwen Lingyun: "What's wrong?"

Qin Yu: "It's nothing, thank you Miss, but..."

Shangwen Lingyun stood up, "There is no but."

Glancing at her, Shangwen Lingyun pursed her lips lightly, "It's not for you, it's for the dignity of Tianshi Mansion and my Shangwen Lingyun's face."

"Besides, the queen won't send anyone to look for you anymore."

Shangwen Lingyun made such a judgment, but Qin Yu actually thought it was.

After a smart person knows the attitude of the other party, he will not force it a second time.



Sure enough, people from the Imperial Hospital came, and the queen's people also offered their condolences, but they didn't mention Qin Yu's past.

"Then you just don't leave my side."

Wen Lingyun said it, and Qin Yu naturally listened, but she still wanted to get 100% full.

Now that the queen has given up, the old nest is in even more trouble in the tent, because many powerful children have come to visit, showing favor and selling love under the pretext of being sick, and Wen Lingyun is so annoying, I would rather the queen come to visit.

So I decided to go out for a walk, just saying that my waist is healed.

Horse-drawn carriages are also available on the plains, and those older women will never get on horseback again.

Can't go too far.

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