I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 879 You Are Fine

King Huang certainly denied it, and the evidence was insufficient, but no one else could refute it—because they didn’t dare.

Those whose sons died are all trembling like quails now, because the Taihe army below has killed the assassin gang to a river of blood. Standing in front of such a background, Lin Heng has a peaceful expression, and there is no half of his pale and handsome face. Bo Lan only asked Emperor Yue gently: "What do you think, Your Majesty?"

Emperor Yue was silent for a while, with a slightly tangled expression, helplessness and intolerance, and when King Huang begged for mercy with brotherhood, he made a ruthless order, "Since the prime minister has said so, and King Huang is indeed suspicious, then temporarily detain him." Awaiting review."

It seems pitiful for an emperor to be forced to such a position, and it also seems that Lin Heng's power is so powerful that everyone has different thoughts.

But Qin Yu didn't care, he just looked at each other coldly, seeing King Huang being dragged down, and also seeing that the emperor's servants in this empire were not speaking the right words.

The assassins below have been cleaned up, both dead and alive.

Qin Yu was about to go to a quieter place to rest, and Emperor Yue was sympathizing with Lin Heng's hard work and asked him to rest, but Lin Heng turned his head and saw Qin Yu, his eyes paused, and he narrowed his eyes slightly.

The Emperor Yue noticed the two people's eyes, smiled, and was grateful, "Thanks to the master, he sent this little fish boy to save Gu in advance, otherwise Gu would have died long ago."

Some of the courtiers whispered in their hearts, if they really knew that there was an assassin, why didn't they say it in advance? He had to wait for the assassin to enter the hinterland, almost assassinating the emperor before he came forward.

How clever Lin Heng was, he naturally understood it from this sentence - it was Qin Yu who saved Emperor Yue, and even reported his family to take credit for him.

"As a courtier, it should be taken for granted. The humble minister is just worried. He would rather be safe than make fun of His Majesty's life."

When Lin Heng said these words, everyone's doubts were immediately lightened.

Emperor Yue was really happy when he heard the words, and then joked, "But Young Master Yu has the merit of saving her. You gave her five taels before, and then you have to make up for it. Of course, Gu will also show performance."

Five taels?

With a calm expression, Lin Heng agreed, and then looked at Qin Yu: "My lord...Xiao Yu."

"Come with me."

Qin Yu: "..."

Yu Yanzhi followed Wen Lingyun and watched this person being taken away by Lin Heng with complicated expressions, but Shang Wen Lingyun noticed some movement from the two disciples of Tiance Pavilion, but was stopped by Yu Yanzhi.

Is there a gap with Young Master Yu?

Shangwen Lingyun thought about the recent rumors about the painted wall in the Jianghu, and thought about it.


The beast palace is very big, people outside tidy up the scene, and there are people from the Taihe army stationed inside and outside to guard. At this time, Qin Yu is standing in the empty Sifang backyard, and in front of him is Lin Heng who is smiling but not smiling.

"Five taels?"

Qin Yu: "Master Xiang is poor and frugal, self-denying and indifferent, and his subordinates have always been proud of it, and they feel that those outside should know your virtues, Master Xiang, so they mentioned it specifically."

Lin Heng: "I don't even know this kind of virtue, but you have seen through it."

Qin Yu: "Being virtuous without knowing it, my subordinates have discovered another virtue of Xiangye."

Yu Qing, who was standing behind her, had a simple expression: Damn, I've never seen such a fresh and refined flattery.

Lin Heng was probably also shocked, and looked Qin Yu up and down, "The rest, the truth doesn't care, you can say whatever you want, but this rescue... Could it be that the truth has given you a dream?"

It's not easy to sleep well, I dream and no one will dream of you.

Qin Yu knew that he would have to deal with Lin Heng's spying from the beginning of his rescue.

But on the surface, Qin Yu's rescue was beneficial to Lin Heng, wasn't it, unless. . .

"The thing of loyalty is to do one's duty."

Without waiting for Lin Heng to say anything, Qin Yu said seriously, "Senior Yu mentioned in the Grand Master's Mansion a few days ago that Shang Wen's old Grand Master conspired with King Huang to deal with you, Lord Xiang. Later, Shang Wen Lingyun was killed. , The people behind the scenes are always targeting you, Mr. Yu, Senior Yu hoped that I should spy useful information in the Grand Master's Mansion, but the matter of Hedong is beyond the reach of my subordinates. Senior Yu also mentioned the hunting of Beast Ping Mountain, and my subordinates searched carefully and guessed People behind the scenes will definitely play tricks on it, no, later on, they will be assassinated, and the subordinates will change their identities after feigning death... and then rescue them, but with the status of subordinates, if they save people rashly, they will definitely be killed. If you are suspected, you may be slandered, and only by borrowing your reputation as Prime Minister, those people dare not doubt."

This is well-founded, and by the way, I briefly explained what happened to me before, oh, and I also suspected of hugging my thigh by the way.

Good subordinate.

Yu Qing sounded like he couldn't make a mistake, but he still felt a little awkward.

Lin Heng glanced at Qin Yu, "I heard that you gave Lingyun the note?"

Know all the notes?

Qin Yu: "Yes."

Yu Qing was surprised and looked at Qin Yu deeply.

Lin Heng turned his face away, turned the prayer beads on his wrist, and remained silent for a while.

Quiet is like a snake, it will climb along the human body without a sound, wrap around the neck, and gradually strangle the neck. . .

That's because of fear.

But it was impossible for Qin Yu.

Lin Heng was so powerful, it was not enough to scare Qin Yu.

Her breathing was steady and her gaze was steady.

until. . . .

"Since you are a loyal subordinate and share the Lord's worries, do you think saving Emperor Yue is really what I want you to do?"

Qin Yu lowered his eyes, his eyes flashed, "That's naturally..."

Lin Heng turned around and faced her, looking at her with burning eyes.

"Actually not."

I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air.

Qin Yu showed a frightened upper body, but Lin Heng seemed to be relieved, pacing casually under the tree, his robe lightly fluttering.

"But it doesn't matter. Some people have the advantage of dying, and they also have the advantage of not dying. For any move in chess, there should be a next step waiting."

"Young master Xiaoyu, you are fine."

This sentence. . . Kind of like a compliment from the soul.

Qin Yu could only twitch the corners of his mouth, with a look of tranquility.


Qin Yu lived in the temporarily assigned room. As soon as she entered the room, she put down the general and washed her hands.

"There should be three waves of assassins. The first wave is the rebels contacted by King Huang, that is, the scimitar assassins. The second wave is the people from the two-winged mountains and forests under the gate of the beast palace. They are the people who really want to assassinate Emperor Yue, and they are also Lin Heng's people. .”

——Every time you talk about this kind of speculation, there must be reasoning. If Fat Jiao is not here, I will join you. Tell me.

Qin Yu rolled his eyes, "First of all, the first wave of people, their purpose is not to kill powerful ministers, but to kill the children of powerful ministers, which caused these people to hate Lin Heng, because this big pot of treason is to be detained It's on Lin Heng's head, but the people behind the scenes lack the foundation and courage. The court and the throne he plotted for, dare not kill too many dignitaries and ministers, but he wants to kidnap some important meat tickets to gain political support, such as Shangwen Lingyun With people like the Thirteen Little Kings, Huang Wang is the most suitable for inferring the purpose from the behavior and inferring the identity from the purpose."

——Is Lin Heng going to assassinate Emperor Yue under the influence of King Huang?

"No, I haven't said the third wave yet, don't worry."

Excuse me, are you hanging a wall?

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