I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 880 Difficult to control

Qin Yu: "The third wave is the people of Emperor Yue. First of all, Emperor Yue is not right. The first point: it is impossible for him to have martial arts masters around him. A commander of the imperial army is not enough. The palace people around him must at least have hermits." People, because of the existence of the Tiance Pavilion, it is impossible for the emperor in the court to have a master with a martial arts background, but at the time of the assassination, there were no! There can be two reasons. First, he deliberately let this palace man leave his side , to give the people behind the scenes an opportunity, but this is to make a joke of his own life, unless he is sure that the assassin cannot hurt him, for example, he arranged the assassin. Second, if the master of martial arts is a palace man, he must His identity is hidden and not exposed normally, so there is no need to be transferred away from him, unless he is lured away by someone, I think it must be Lin Heng's person. The second point: he is simple, weak and weak everywhere. Forced to be helpless, but in this assassination, except that he almost died under the assassins on the two wings of the beast palace, he actually made a steady profit, because none of the Qingliu civil servants who supported him were killed, but many courtiers sympathized with him when he was forced, He also hates Lin Heng's weight, and besides, he used Lin Heng's hand to get rid of a Huang Wang. For Lin Heng, a Huang Wang is not an absolute benefit, but it is absolutely beneficial to the Yue Emperor. .If in this assassination incident, Lin Heng follows King Huang’s direction to assassinate Emperor Yue, then a person who is assassinated will end up with many benefits but no harm to himself?”

—He would have died if it hadn't been for you.

Qin Yu smiled, "By the way, the problem is that without me, he would have died. Why did he die? Because the real sequence is that King Huang wanted to use the power of the court to frame Lin Heng, but both Lin Heng and Emperor Yue saw through it. So Emperor Yue used the hands of King Huang to deal with Lin Heng. If he succeeds, everyone will be happy. If not, King Huang will die, and he will still make a steady profit. But Lin Heng saw through Emperor Yue's plan again, so he arranged a third party. Bo Assassin went to assassinate Emperor Yue, oh, and almost succeeded."

"To put it bluntly, this is black eating black, but let's see who is blacker."

Obviously, Lin Heng is the darkest.

However, fate always has accidents, and one of them is inserted sideways.

So the chess game was disrupted, but Lin Heng was not angry.

——Because realizing that the death of Emperor Yue is not good for him?

"Emperor Yue is not as good as a little white rabbit on the surface. He has a limited sense of existence in the country and the court. This is his way of survival and tolerance, but it also means killing him. It does not have much influence on the politics of the entire country. The division of political rights is just that big. If Emperor Yue is killed, who will the orthodox inheritance right of Emperor Yue fall into? Of course, it is the Yue family royal family. The only way for Lin Heng to get it is to rebel. But the old lady It’s different from them, they are famous ministers and elders, representing the authority that supports the orthodox, as long as Lin Heng kills the Emperor of Yue, these old things will be famous immediately, ordering the world’s civil servants and celebrities to kill the thieves.”

Qin Yu washed his hands well and wiped off the water droplets on them.

"Lin Heng has military power, but what he fears is another force."

This time, Huang Jinbi and Qin Yu probably had a tacit understanding.

—— Rivers and lakes.

When the emperor's orthodoxy is usurped and the world is in danger, as long as those famous ministers and elders call out, the world will respond, and those martial arts masters who aspire to stand out and have the purpose of defending their families and defending their country will naturally form a murderous line. wind.

That is the hidden worry that Lin Heng dreads the most.

so. . . Only then did he marry the Qin family?

Lin Heng has already started to get involved in martial arts, does that also mean that? . . He started to prepare for the usurpation?

——If he really wanted to usurp power, who would you help?

Qin Yu: "In the country and court, there is no distinction between good and bad people. The pros and cons of power are just competing for success."

So she has no ill feeling towards Lin Heng, no sympathy and understanding towards Emperor Yue, and no hatred towards King Huang.

"Whoever the system asks me to help, I will help."

Qin Yu looked indifferent and calm.


On the other side, Yu Qing also hesitated to speak, Lin Heng glanced at him, "Speak up if you have something to say."

Yu Qing: "Master Xiang, this little fish boy is unexpected."

"It's unexpected. Her scheming and methods are much better than those trash. A flower picker alone is not worthy of her status."

These words are deeply meaningful.

But Yu Qing was concerned about another matter, "This young master Yu's talent in martial arts is a bit wicked."

"How is it better than you?"

"It can't be compared, but the future is not certain. This future is not too far away." Yu Qing bowed his head and said.

Lin Heng: "High potential, deep scheming, difficult to control."

Yu Qing frowned, "She is very kind to that girl from Wen's family."

"Really?" Lin Heng smiled, "A hero is sad for a beauty pass, let alone a flower picker."

"That's right, not everyone can ignore such bewitching bewitchments like Mr. Xiang." Yu Qing cheered.

Lin Heng was noncommittal, but turned around, and looked up at the lush greenery under the mountain.

Is it pretty?

He almost forgot his beautiful wife not long ago.


It took a whole day to pack up and prepare. These relatives were terrified. They would not go down the mountain easily without making sure that the plains below were completely safe. But they were sure that they were safe, and they didn’t want to stay for a long time, so they set off in the afternoon Going down the mountain, there are still some people who have not been found. Some relatives are unwilling to go down the mountain and want to stay in the mountain. Qin Yu knows that Shangwen Lingyun is one of them.

"Leave in the afternoon? Oh, then I can still have a meal." Qin Yu is now classified as a member of the Xiangfu line. Others dare not be warm to her, but let her be quiet, but someone came after getting up early Notifying to leave, Qin Yu gave such a response.

Then he really waited for Qin Yu to eat lunch. . . .

What the hell is this porridge and pickles.

It turned out that all the relatives, nobles and court officials were killed. The dead at home were not in the mood, and the others were too embarrassed to be in the mood to eat and drink. In addition, the army guards can go out now, basically either to search for people or to protect them. Kill game, and there is no meat to store in the mountains, so there is no meat, so they can only drink porridge.

Even the emperor is like this.

Qin Yu didn't intend to do this. She didn't come to make a dungeon to suffer, so she directly got a pheasant and roasted it in her backyard. By the way, she took some honey from the warehouse.

Honey Chicken Wings.

Qin Yu was enjoying the grilling of the grilled chicken, and suddenly stopped, and then moved the grilled chicken a little farther away, using the smoked barbecue method.

Just got it done.

She heard a sound in her ears - the sound of drawing a sword out of its scabbard.

The brows under the mask moved slightly, and the body turned sideways, and the sun in the courtyard fell on the sword head, and the silver light swam away. The sword light pierced the position where Qin Yu was sitting just now. Turning, the graceful body turned the sword flower, the sword light swept over the flames, like a sword cutting through the twisted air above the flames, the swordsmanship followed the trend, sharp and flexible, and only with a light touch on her feet, she swept away again out, straight to Qin Yu's chest.

But Qin Yu's sword coming from behind was faster at this time.

The two teamed up to assassinate?

But Qin Yu's feet seemed to be smeared with oil and honey, and he dodged away as soon as he slipped.

The robe rose from the ground, Qin Yu turned and ran!

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