I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Vol 2 Chapter 1175: I, Clow, would like to call you 'The Great Pirate'

That kind of knife...

Marco is neither blind nor stupid. As the captain of the first team of the original Whitebeard Pirates, and the right-hand man of Whitebeard, he is well-informed and can of course see the power brought by the luminous knife.

"Defend it all, you must defend it!"

Marko turned back and yelled at his own people: "People will die!"

"How terrible..."

Even if he was far away, Bista's hand holding the two swords was still shaking. He stared at Cullo's glowing knife, gritted his teeth and said, "Swordsmanship!"

He is a swordsman, he sees more than Marco, that knife, if you swing it, it will kill people.

Kuro let Luo Gui leave his shoulders, held the knife in both hands, and slashed straight ahead.

Almost at the same time, except for Charlotte Lingling, everyone else took a defensive posture.


In this disordered space, they clearly felt an abnormal wind blowing over their bodies as Cullo swung his sword.



That's it?

Everyone looked down at their body and found that apart from being blown by the wind, there seemed to be nothing and no injuries.

One of Charlotte Lingling's powerful sons burst out laughing: "Hahaha, there's nothing at all! This Jin Ling is nothing more than that, is the move a failure!"

"Shut up!" Perospero drank, a lot of sugar liquid on his face, his tongue trembled, and he stared at his younger brother tremblingly.

The defensive arrogance and sugar liquid around him have not been lifted.


The light on Luo Gui disappeared, and Cullo swung the blade to the side, making a piercing sound in the air.

"You guys, can't you hear..."

He opened his mouth and chuckled: "The sound of the wind of death."

call! !

The wind howled even more.


Almost at the moment when Cullo swung the knife, the white fire in Charlotte Lingling's eyes burst into flames, and her arm finally moved, sending out a mass of tremors. She didn't even need to ask for an answer when she grabbed the first hand. The children and other Whitebeard members around her directly emerged as a mass of souls, and they were caught in her hand like a tidal wave.

"Soul tremors!"

Charlotte Lingling let out a strange roar, the sound wave briefly shook the chaotic air all over her body, clenched her fists and covered the surging tide of souls on her fists, and slammed it forward violently.


The surrounding air shook, and then, there were a lot of small voices calling 'mama' near her, but those voices disappeared instantly as the wind blew.

It was also at this moment that the green flames wrapped around Marko's body exploded at this moment, as if the flames had suddenly gone out, and a part of his body was inexplicably empty, but soon the green flames reignited, making up for those gaps. Valley

He was convulsing there, clearly showing the color of pain.


Although his body is still intact, he can feel that he is injured!

Immediately afterwards, he heard a rustling sound, like... the sound of the wind after the desertification.

"Uh, Marco..."

An extremely hoarse voice sounded from his side, he turned his head, and saw a horrified scene, the nearest Maku Guyi was the captain who could make thunder on his knife, 'Lei Qing' Maku Guyi, The whole body is like being sanded, turned into a little bit of extremely fine particles, and integrated into this disordered space.

No blood, no broken limbs, nothing, people just disappear out of thin air.

There are not a few like him.

Most of the members of the Big Mom Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates were stiff, and then dissolved directly, as if the wind had dissolving power, and when the wind blew, they completely melted go in.

There were a lot of people participating in the two teams. Except for the rogues who were killed by Cullo with a knife, all the people who stayed behind were famous people. In the past, even their weapons were dissolved under this wind.

The only ones left are the children of Big Mom. Cullo can't name them. There are not many names he knows. Perros Pero is one of them. Disappeared, Dafu counts as one, and now his whole body is like being drenched in water, his domineering is consumed a lot at that moment, and there are still a few women left.

On Whitebeard's side, Marco is one, Bista is one, and there are a few others who can't be named.

As for the straw hat, Jinpei hugged Luffy and Zoro tightly when he swung the knife, and almost wanted to melt this person in, but at this time he was not very good, the domineering full of domineering was destroyed, and the whole body was covered. The top and bottom were **** as if they had been peeled off, and in the gap he was hugging, there was a white werewolf blocking the gap. Yamato was not injured, but was panting heavily, and a little bit of ice followed her. The movement fell, and then drifted with the wind.

At that moment, she seemed to have fallen off a layer of ice, and was directly brushed off, leaving only a little bit.

Is that a defensive move?

phantom beasts...

Kidd and Luo also survived, and the huge robotic arm where Kidd cut off his hand disappeared. At that moment, he couldn't help but complete the domineering cover, and also dismantled the arm, wrapped it in himself, and completed the defense.

Luo Zhou's body was completely unscathed, but he was sweating profusely, and it was obvious that he had exhausted his physical strength~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The fruit of the operation was still somewhat useful, did he resist his own attack with his ability?

"Oh? How many are still alive? I thought only you, Lingling, your eldest son, Marco, and a few supernovas from the Straw Hat would survive." Clow was surprised.

The killing intent field itself can slash arbitrarily within the scope of the field, and some disordered fields of ability awakening will make the slashing into several cuts, and adding the lifeless air kill, with the mystery of the killing sword, such a slashing The attack has undergone a complete transformation, from arbitrary slashes to full-screen slashes.

Just like the name of the move, the skeleton blows, naturally, the bones are blown away.

But some people here are the elites in the sea after all. In the previous war on the top, people who could even survive the attack of Sakaski and walked through their hands for a round or two were normal. If they even stabbed themselves If they couldn't bear it, then the Pirate Market would have been Muggle long ago, and there would not be such a thing as Qiwuhai, nor would there be a new world.

It's not that he blows it, what is lifeless air kill, only domineering can 'defend', and those weird abilities can dodge or confront.

And physique doesn't exist in the face of lifeless air kill, no matter how good physique, even Charlotte Lingling, if it's not a full-strength posture, but simply wants to rely on physique to defend, it is absolutely lethal Make her understand what cruelty is.

These people's domineering level is good, but after a knife, it seems that they can't stand the consumption.

Looking at the embarrassed appearance of these people, Cullo chuckled lightly:

"It's worthy of praise, be proud of it. Those who survived my sword, I, Cullo, would like to call you 'big pirates'."

Then, he took a step forward and took the initiative to enter this disordered realm, and that chuckle gradually turned into a hideous:

"Then, the big pirates, are they accurate enough to die!"

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