
I revisited the old version of Romance of the Three Kingdoms all night long. From watching the first episode, I suddenly had a different feeling when I rewatched the Three Kingdoms in Taoyuan. Of course, Boss Cao still did not miss it, because I like Boss Cao very much.

But let's look at it, I still went to find Brother Bei's plot, and suddenly stopped watching it until Brother Bei died.

How can I say it, I have a feeling, but no one talks about it, come and talk to my readers.

When I was a child watching Three Kingdoms, of course I liked Liu Bei, because I didn't understand anything when I was a child. My father told me that Liu Bei was a good person and Cao Cao was a bad person. I also thought Liu Bei was a good person and Cao Cao was a bad person. I hope Liu Bei can win.

But I don't have too many memories when I was a child. Romance of the Three Kingdoms was definitely incomprehensible to me at that time.

Off topic, my father doesn't like to watch Romance of the Three Kingdoms either, he said he couldn't understand it, he prefers Water Margin

When I was young, it began to change, and even this mentality can last until twenty-four or five. I am twenty-eight this year, and I feel that I am a relatively late bloomer. When I think about it, looking back on the past, I think it was only last year that I felt that my mentality began to appear. The change is also the feeling that I have a preliminary understanding of the world.

Before the talk, when I was 24 or 5 years old, I started to admire Boss Cao, and I felt that being a hero in the world, good, awesome, cool, even a villain is a real villain, and slaughtering the city is a heroic act, Ning. I blame the world's people to cultivate and teach the world's people to blame me for the truth of the world!

Instead, what is Liu Bei? A crybaby, he will cry when he encounters something, and he will act. Even the two brothers are deceived. They have been fooling the world with false brotherhood. They are fake and hypocrites. I don't like them.

Thinking that the world is dark and that people are selfish, well, at that time I could be called a little bourgeois, a refined egoist.

But gradually, I found that I have changed, I think people can't, at least shouldn't be so dark, there are many things to praise in the world, there are many courage, family, friendship and love intertwined with truth, kindness and beauty, yes, this is the word, this I don't I know whether the current public opinion will still be ironic words - truth, goodness and beauty.

I began to believe that there are good deeds in this world, and I began to carry ideals. I think that people do not have ideals without light.

Isn't the reason why the villain that I liked before is blackened because of the ideal?

Therefore, when I rewatched Romance of the Three Kingdoms, I had mixed feelings.

Boss Cao used to focus on helping the Han family, but the world dictated that he went black.

But Brother Bei is another symbol. He is also dedicated to helping the Han family, but he has not turned black because of the world, and still maintains that original intention.

The man who carried the people across the river, even if they were defeated with the people, was the man who kept the original intention of the oath at the time of their righteousness. He was an idealist in the feudal era and the most romantic person.

Those who have feelings, beliefs, morals, and who do not forget their original aspirations, are willing to give up their immediate interests and keep their original aspirations, are worthy of admiration and emulation.

He is not pedantic, he is a sentimental person, he can be angry and dissuade Sun Wu because of the death of Duke Yun Changgong, or he can stand in the front line because of his status as a veteran who does not listen to dissuasion and does not sit firmly in the back.

In fact, he is not great, he is just a person who values ​​love and righteousness, but this love and righteousness, even if it is me, no, or rather, a mortal like me, only when I grow up can I understand a little bit and start to believe , is really ashamed.

Human beings still have to carry ideals and romanticism. Of course, when I say romance, I don’t mean romance in love alone, it means in general, such ideals and romanticism will make people stand in the light, even if they are around. It's all dark.

As I said when I opened this book last year, writing a book, entertaining the public, entertaining yourself, everyone has a good time, Bo Jun smiles and relieves your worries.

OK, back to the book.

Regarding Luffy and others, of course I read the comments, and even read every comment. Of course, except for some time, my pen power has changed. In fact, everyone can see that the good ones are praised by others, and the bad ones It was said to be dead.

Why it sucks, let me explain to you - not enough time.

If you have two or three hours left before the 12:00 update and you start writing, you will definitely not be able to write a good plot, hahaha.

Yes, I am salted fish.

The good plots that you think are written early, have time to think, and bad ones are basically the product of no time to think. I am here to apologize to the gentlemen.

Then talk about Luffy, the Straw Hats.

Based on my own psychological changes, let me say that I actually have no dislike for the Straw Hats, and even like them very much.

I don't care how Oda draws, but the straw hats I saw really did not forget their original intentions, did what they said, and did things with a romantic ideal.

Of course, some of the plots are unreasonable. I just think that Oda's paintings collapsed, just like my writing and writing collapsed. It was Oda's pot, not the straw hat gang created by Oda in the early stage.

But they are pirates, and they call themselves pirates, so they will naturally behave like pirates when they do things, there is no doubt about it.

Which period is my favorite Luffy? It was just before the advance city, that period was very romantic, and at the same time, it was even called urgency and righteousness, helping others when they were in trouble, and at the same time, there was a little pirate demeanor. gang.

Especially before the encounter with Moriah, the chapters from the East China Sea to Alabasta to Judiciary Island perfectly present this romance.

So I don't have any ill feelings towards the Straw Hats. As for writing out that Cullo despised the Straw Hats, it was Cullo's character, not my own.

What kind of person is Cullo, lazy and wretched, assimilated by the world to the point that he has lost his former ideals, and just wants to accomplish his own small goals, but he has an unshakable conscience.

is an individual.

Yes, it is a person, not wearing a mask and only a face, but a person with real feelings.

He is arrogant, because he is a transmigrator, he received compulsory education in his previous life, and he is a human with normal three views.

So he looked down on pirates and non-order.

He pretended to be a force, he floated, devil fruit, it will not have no side effects, I can't write about eating this fruit, and another plug-in also freed Clow from side effects, not only is not afraid of sea water, but even can swim.

He is greedy for money, he is lustful, yes, people, you can't say no, although you can, but there are people set up in this book, so he has.

But he is also a person. He can be greedy for money, but he will not exploit civilians for money, but a serious business method, um. Very serious.

He's horny, but firstly, it's inconvenient to write, and secondly, I'm not good at emotional dramas and meat dramas. I'm a big straight man myself, how can I do this.

He's not invincible either. If he wants to be invincible, I'll just write punches and kicks the three kings and kick the four emperors. Wouldn't it be a pleasure to take Im's bird seat.

Kill the three generals, kill the four emperors, kill the revolutionary army, kill the world government, and then rule the world with the words of the heaven and the law.

Is it fun?


But I don't like to write.

Clow is not invincible, never has been, although many people think this book is invincible, but I still think it is not.

Is that necessary, do people really have no weaknesses, do they really want to pursue that kind of brainless fun?

Besides, what I said in the comments is all on this one. How come the Straw Hats don't die~, why isn't Auntie dead~, when will Kaido die?

Big brother, if I remember correctly, it was only when Cullo took part in the battle that he made two cuts.

Two knives to kill Wang Luffy, or two knives to kill Auntie, I am afraid that I will be forced to death by the authorities.

As for why the rest of the Straw Hats died, to be honest, I don't plan to let the Straw Hats die for the current plot, because the ending has already been decided.

People Luffy have started to burn their lives here, and they will have a good life in a few years. Really, it is not so, you gentlemen, it is not so.

Let me write what I think is a perfect ending.

Well, back to the plot, first of all, the Straw Hats have run away except for Luffy and Zoro, and they can't cut them if they want to. There are more important people here.

Speaking of which, there are friends who are going to ask, your speed is unparalleled, and you have Moore teleportation. What are you afraid of, hack to death~

No, what kind of resentment, what kind of resentment, there are a few heavyweight pirates here that you don't catch, you care about a few scumbags?

Clow focused on the heavyweights and ignored it, and Moore was lazy, which I think is reasonable.

Chloe just wanted to chase Usopp, but it really didn't matter if he ran away. After all, he was a 'hometown' and he still had Keya's affection. If he met him, he would be caught, and if he ran away, it wouldn't matter. Navy, which pirate to catch. It's not to catch, there are so many heavyweights in the Beast Pirates, isn't it better than a straw hat group?

Just because they are the original protagonists?

Not to not to be.

Then, why do so many people hate Luffy?

Because we grew up (laughs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Maybe it's aesthetic fatigue, or maybe it's because we are mature and can't stand the childishness of 'I don't care, I will do what I want', but it is true Different from when I was young, when I was young, I started to think about it when I grew up and had a preliminary three views. Is it right? Is it appropriate?

Our mentality can no longer follow Luffy to take risks, we are more yearning for order, stability, and a bright future.

It's all gossip, it's all gossip.

Finally, talk about the true meaning of this book.

This book is a very violent book. The crimes committed by the protagonist include but are not limited to killing a lot of people, being willing to be a lackey of feudal capitalism, persecuting the local revolutionary process, and cultivating careerists privately. The protagonist himself is a big capitalist and a warlord. , and has ** and copper smelting plots.

The protagonist is very bloody, likes to bully old people, and likes to cut people's heads.

Be careful entering the pit~

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