I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Vol 2 Chapter 1176: A staunch materialist fears nothing!

"Kuro kid, don't be too arrogant!"

Charlotte Lingling roared strangely at Clow after he stepped into this realm. She clenched her fists, and the white fire burst into flames, directly turning into the surge of souls just now.

"This awakening power can't help me! Soul tremor · soul channel!"


The fist slammed violently in front of her, and the disordered air in front of her was obviously blasted out of a road, densely packed like bees whistling, conveying the cry of 'mother'.

Cullo was stunned, and saw Charlotte Lingling's giant-like body slamming heavily in front of the blasted soul path, and actually achieved walking in the air.


Stepping on the 'ground', Charlotte Lingling held a knife in both hands and hit Cullo with a shock wave, directly rushing the disordered air away for a short time.

Cullo avoided the shock and stared at Charlotte Lingling's feet in amazement, "Homitz?"

He found out just now that the old woman was stunned to make the surrounding air 'live', causing him to be blocked by her just now.

"This usage, should it be called the old four emperors?" Cullo exclaimed.


Charlotte Lingling roared again, almost when Clow escaped the mighty country, he punched the top of his head again, opening a soul channel on the top of his head, and then stretched out his hand, "Aniemi Ei!"


Hormiz of the Wind felt that his body could be controlled, and fell from the sky excitedly, wrapping around Charlotte Lingling.


Immediately after, she slammed her fist behind her again, and her soul exploded around, covering the few remaining children, holding them up with Air Hormiz, and stopped them from running around.

Charlotte Lingling's body was covered with white fire, and her hair was dancing wildly.

Cullo chuckled lightly: "Ah... I'm not that big, just give it a try, what if?"

The wish of total annihilation is very good, but Cullo doesn't have any hope for this thing. It's better if it's done, and it's not a loss if it can't be done. He was originally here to pick up the leak.

Although Charlotte Lingling was said to be injured, it was really just an injury. The injury was much lighter than those of the supernovas. Clow didn't think she could catch it by herself...


Cullo swung a knife again. The combination of killing intent and awakening allowed him to attack at will. This knife was still indiscriminate and aimed at everyone, but Cullo's attention was on Charlotte. Lingling here.

I saw those small spaces that were completely out of Clow's control and almost rivaled his domain. Under this knife, a large amount of air Hormiz was cut open, and there was no time to recover. The cut air was It was squeezed in by the disordered air that had been staring at it outside, and then it became disordered together.

Just as Clow was about to strike again, he saw white fire suddenly burst out from Charlotte Lingling's children, filling the surrounding air and turning it into Homitz.

"Mom, mom..." Perospero's voice was a little weak, staring at the giant in front of him in horror.

Their own soul breath was inspired.

"Shut up! My mother's soul is not for this..."

Charlotte Lingling clenched Napoleon tightly, stretched out her other hand, and grabbed it directly, "One year!"


Perospero screamed aggressively, but soon the voice turned into a muffled groan, his eyes turned white for a short time, and his body stepped forward. Like the other sons and daughters, the breath of soul came out, and Charlotte was caught by Charlotte. · Lingling clutched in her hand.

She rubbed her soul on Napoleon, and the white fire of this giant knife was even more vigorous. The white fire spread out, as if igniting the air, and expelled the disordered air. The air was beating actively, sending out The very rhythmic melody seems to be calling 'mama', but when combined, there is a strange feeling that can't be explained. Valley

The soul, if used well, is called a fairy tale, if used badly, it is a ghost movie...

In the midst of this weird music, Charlotte Lingling swung back with the knife in both hands, and pulled out her tongue.

"Kuro kid, I'm not that easy to bully!"

As soon as the words fell, she rushed forward, and the air around her moving body was ignited with white fire, which actually allowed her to move freely, and charged directly towards Cullo, slashing heavily with a single knife.

"Mighty Kingdom · Soul Burning!"

With a single slash, in the traces of air that the blade slashed past, the surrounding air was equally active, making a strange sound.

Boom! !

The ground abyss under the space also made a loud noise because of this knife, and the surrounding sea water that was lifted up by the disordered air actually poured into it at this moment.

But soon, those tiny souls that were active because of the slashing, burst into white fire again, burned directly, and disappeared without a trace.

"Why dodge, Clow kid!"

Charlotte Lingling turned her head with a frantic expression, "Aren't you going to catch me!"

Clow had long since disappeared from the spot and floated above Charlotte Lingling's side.

"You think I'm stupid?"

Cullo rolled his eyes, "Your move is so soulful, what do you want to do? Burn my soul by the way?"

Not to mention that his strength is not as strong as that of this old woman at all, it is completely unwise to resist him with a knife. Even if he can hold it, Cullo has a hunch that his end will not be good.

Sure enough, it was right to dodge this knife~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That burning sensation...

It comes from the soul level.

If you catch this knife, you will probably burn your soul because of that power, but judging from your own domineering defense, the soul damage caused by this knife may be negligible, but once she is hit, the follow-up It’s hard to say if you are fighting, at this level, both strength and experience are top-notch.

A few supernovas over there may have arrived, but it is estimated that after fighting with this old woman for so long, most of the time she was dodging. With Yi Luo's ability, it should not be a problem to avoid him, and then find an opportunity to attack the old woman.

I have to say, very smart.

For the two of her and Kaido, the most correct way is not to fight hard, but to find an opportunity to cut them is the most important thing.

But in terms of handling...

Cullo raised the ghost and said, "In my domain, even if you can move, you are not as free as me, Lingling..."


His figure disappeared very quickly and appeared directly behind Charlotte Lingling's head. He pushed away the Hormiz directly, the blade of the blade lit up with blood, and he slashed towards the huge back of her head.

When it appeared, Charlotte Lingling also noticed it. The white fire around her body became more intense, causing the surrounding to tremble again. The strange sound was obviously raised, making people unconsciously afraid.

And afraid, then something went wrong!

If this old woman's ability makes people feel afraid, she can completely harvest other people's souls through domineering defense.

"There are people who don't exist if they haven't encountered ghosts. If they encounter ghosts, then they have to see what ghosts are made of. A firm materialist, they're not afraid of anything!"

Cullo was not affected by this strange sound at all, and the blade slashed without hesitation.

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