
The blade pierced directly into Charlotte Lingling's flaming hair, and slashed Charlotte Lingling's head down. Soon the latter let out a loud roar, turned her body, and held her right hand. Napoleon threw out a big windmill and slashed towards Clow above.


But this time, it was only a split. It was difficult for other people to move, and in an environment like a fish into the sea, it was a bit difficult to defeat him in this space.

Cullo dodged to the other side, shook Luo Gui in his hand, and said nothing.

The steel balloon is still a steel balloon after all. The defensive power of this stance is not as strong as Kaido's, but that is the limit of her fruit. The fruit brought it, I am afraid that it will increase her strength a lot, and that specific Weird soul attack, but it does not mean that the defense of this old woman has dropped.

Ordinary slash, still can't take her.


"My home, if you are allowed to move freely here, wouldn't I be embarrassed?"

Cullo backhanded Luo Gui back to his waist, holding his left hand like a scabbard, and bending one foot, like a ghost, he came to the sideways neutral when Charlotte Lingling slashed back.

"Profound Truth: Thousand Strikes in a Moment..."

His figure quickly disappeared around Charlotte Lingling.

A blood-colored light group appeared around Charlotte Lingling at this moment, wrapped it around, and then burst like a bubble.

Cullo appeared at the other end of Charlotte Lingling, turned his back to her, flicked the blade, and said, "Snap Prison Blue Dragon Slash!"

Chi Chi Chi!

Countless wounds suddenly appeared on Charlotte Lingling's body surface, and blood splattered. Under this blow, Charlotte Lingling raised her head, her eyes were a little white, her mouth was open, and her whole body was covered. The white fire seemed to be extinguished at this moment, bleak.

"Mom!" Perospero yelled, worried.

Mom has been fighting with those two little devils for many days, and it has exhausted her physical strength. Now there is a heavyweight, how can this be fought.

"It's not over yet!"

Cullo turned around directly, and at the same time, Luo Gui tucked into his waist again, squatted with his legs slightly, and assumed a stance.

"Profound meaning, one-knife will be cut, never mind the white tiger killing!"


The wind was blowing, blowing around Charlotte Lingling's body, and also blowing her extremely low flaming hair.

At this moment, Charlotte Lingling suddenly opened her eyes, the white fire in her eyes almost turned into light, she lowered her head with her ferocious baring teeth, and her huge fist smashed directly into the empty place in front of her. .

The fist smashed in front, and it only shook the air, making the disorderly air tremble.

laugh! !

A huge bloodstain was cut from her shoulder, and Cullo appeared over her shoulder with a smile: "I said, this place, only I can come and go freely."

The White Tiger Kill was a sure-fire move, but it was essentially a straight-line fixed point, but in this space, Cullo could change directions at will, and the disordered space gave him a lot of convenience.

If he wanted to be as tough as before, Clow would not give Charlotte Lingling a chance.

Just as Cullo wanted to continue the attack, he was stunned for a moment, and his figure disappeared directly in place, appearing in a far position, and looked at Charlotte Lingling in astonishment.

There, his original position was occupied by a burning white fire of the soul.

Charlotte Lingling kept burning white fire around her body, and the white flames in her eyes climbed upwards, as if they were burning.

The flames continued to swept out, igniting all the air, making the strange sound made by the air even louder.

Charlotte Lingling roared strangely, and she pointed at Cullo's direction, "Darkness!"

From her mouth, a cluster of white fire spewed out, which not only ignited the air, but also went straight to Cullo with an inexplicable shock.

This trick can't be resisted...

Cullo raised his brows, his figure disappeared, and he appeared below Charlotte Lingling.

And the white fire impact just scratched the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates at the back.

It was a tall, brown-skinned blond man with a pair of metal knuckles around his forearms.

If I remember correctly, that person seems to be called Jin Gudo, one of the people who survived the blow from Clow's knife.

Just scratching Jin Guduo's shoulder, he saw his face froze, and white flames ignited on his shoulders, which instantly filled his body.

"Horse, Marco..."

Jingu Duo stretched out his hand towards Marko stiffly, but soon the flames even burned his head, the outstretched hand was fixed here, and the whole person was as motionless as a sculpture.


The white flame that enveloped him suddenly exploded, turning the surrounding air into Air Hormiz, and Jinguduo's eyes had long since lost activity, as if he had lost his soul...

"Has the soul burned out?" Clow narrowed his eyes, "No, not only that..."

The living Hormiz jumped and jumped, making strange rhythmic sounds, but soon burst open again, and re-turned into the fire of the soul, which continued to spread around, scattered like fireworks.

If the 'fireworks' get on it, I'm afraid the result will not be very good.


The flames around Charlotte Lingling also began to flourish, bestowing the soul of the air around her, turning them into little flames of stars, like a sky full of sparks.

"Well, well, well!"

Charlotte Lingling smiled grimly: "Kuro kid, you're not the only one who can awaken the power, I'm different from those kiddos who just debuted!"

"Come Cullo sneered: "Have you been dragged by them for so long, what qualifications do you have to talk about me. "

Luo and Kidd, who managed to stabilize their bodies in the distance, swallowed their saliva when they saw such a terrifying scene of Charlotte Lingling.


When they were fighting this old woman, although they had seen this move, Luo led Kidd away, otherwise, if they were hit by this move, the result would not be very good.

Soul-burning moves...

"Hey, Luo, are you sure you hurt her?" Kidd asked.

"Of course, the power of my awakening is 'penetration', which must have damaged her internal organs!" Luo nodded and said, "It's you, has that 'magnetism' really worked?"

"Of course, who is Lao Tzu!" Kidd gritted his teeth and said, "She hadn't used this posture at that time. She was smashed by so much steel, and she would definitely be injured!"

The awakening ability of the two, one is the 'penetration' of the fruit of the operation, ignoring the domineering.

One is the 'magnetism', giving the magnetism to others first turns them into magnets, and this power also ignores domineering.

They had seen Charlotte Lingling's embarrassed appearance, and she must have been injured.

But looking at it now, that combat power doesn't seem to have changed much at all...

Clow glanced at them and shook his head inwardly.

Far from it.

That straw hat killed Kaido, and these two guys don't have the ability to cause damage to this old woman, which is already incredible.

If they didn't come, they could drag Charlotte Lingling down to the point of serious injury or even death, but they would definitely be gone.

Judging from being able to fight for so long and being able to hold one's own sword, the combat power of these two has grown a lot.

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