I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Vol 2 Chapter 1178: I'm going to eat you, Clow!

The wind swept around Charlotte Lingling, Napoleon was carried by her on her shoulders, the other hand was hanging down, his tongue was hanging out, and there were a lot of white fire scattered around, with the traditional costume of Wano country that she was wearing now. , like a ghost in a legend.


She said something faintly, then showed a weird smile, raised Napoleon, and said, "Napoleon, I will give you a delicious soul!"

Napoleon stopped talking at this point, and the face on the blade just became weird.

"Hahahaha, uhhhhhhhh!"

Charlotte Lingling laughed suddenly, the voice was unusually strange, and it sang rhythmically like the surrounding air Hormiz.

"who I am?"

"It's a great mother!" It was the surrounding air homies who formed the soul passage, who sang out like a choir.

Charlotte Lingling smiled even more fiercely. She stretched out her left hand and clenched it forward, "Then give your soul to the great me!"

"Yes!" The air made a happy voice, and then turned into white fire and gathered in her hands.

"not enough!"

Charlotte Lingling frowned and stared at the Soul Fire in her hand, pulled back, and shouted, "More souls."

Behind her, those children who entrusted her to move freely, under this stretch, their bodies once again showed a surge of soul, and Charlotte Lingling stretched out their hands again, and then turned into more white fire .


Perospero's body was obviously powerless, and his face was visibly haggard. It has been sucked for a year of life just now, and now it will be three years at least.

It's not bad if it's just like this, it's only four years of life in total, and it's gone without it, but Perospero knows that this is far from over.

As her eldest son, the first son, the mother's gesture, he hadn't seen it for a long time, but the scene in the deep memory can't be wrong.

In the sky and white fire, Charlotte Lingling also had this posture, and all around her were the fallen people, those who had her enemies and her subordinates.

At that time, Perospero didn't have so many brothers and sisters, more choices

Many of his younger brothers and sisters just couldn't stand the capture of their souls in this gesture, and they died here.

Originally, many younger brothers and sisters were beheaded by this guy Jin Yan, which was enough to make Perospero feel extremely heartbroken, but he was very calm. In Totland, he has always come up with ideas to stop eczema. mother's.

Things have happened, except for their mother, they can't beat Jin Yan, so they can only give up.

And what remains now are the elites, the cornerstones of the family, if they die again, and not by the hands of Jin Yan, but by the mother who grabbed the soul and died, it would be too tragic!

The strength of the soul is the strength of the strength. Those who are called 'big pirates' by Cullo are not weak, so it took 'three years'. If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that one life is not enough to gather so many souls. Fire.

But with this level of soul fire, can Jin Ling be defeated?

Mom had been battling those two supernovas for a long time, and she was already traumatized.

They've lost enough, and now Kaido has lost...

Thinking of this, Perospero couldn't help but said: "Mom, let's retreat, even if you can hold on, we don't have the strength, we..."

"Shut up!"

Before he could finish speaking, he saw Charlotte Lingling punching him there.


The disordered air burst into a large amount of white fire under this punch, inspiring the new air Hormiz, temporarily breaking the awakening field of Cullo, and at the same time the flames surrounding Perospero and other Charlottes. The Wind Hormiz of Te Lingling's children also disappeared, causing them to descend directly.

"Mom, mom!" Perospero cried out in horror, falling into the bottomless abyss.

Cullo frowned, and the first reaction was that the old woman was saving her child.

But soon, the idea disappeared without a trace. Valley

Charlotte Lingling's state at this time is very wrong. At this time, her mouth is grinning at a strange angle, and she can faintly see the saliva flowing down, and the huge body is losing weight at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

This state...

Eating disorder?

Cullo was stunned, but after thinking about it, the old woman had been fighting for a long time. The two little ghosts probably didn't let her eat much, and the old woman was notorious for being a picky eater. if...

Not a good thing!

"Oh shit..."

Cullo scolded secretly, "How come it's my turn to have this symptom attack!"

This thing is not a weakening disease. When it attacks, in addition to becoming stronger, it will also become more crazy!

"Sarah, eat it!"

The flame was poured into Napoleon by Charlotte Lingling's big hand, making the white fire from the knife even more vigorous.

"Eat, eat, eat!"

The white fire on her fist still remained, and then, the white fire on Charlotte Lingling’s hair burst out of Prometheus, Hera, who had been wrapping around her left arm, and Anemii, who had been wrapped around her body. All of them ran out. At this time, the state of these Hormiz was not quite right. They stopped talking, but had a hungry expression, swallowing the white fire.


After Hera finished eating, she let out a high-pitched chirp, and the thunder cloud spread out again, turning into thunder and lightning wrapped around Charlotte Lingling's body, and the left hand was even more thunderous.

Prometheus returned to Charlotte Lingling's head, turning her hair from ordinary flame to soul fire, burning with white flame.

Anemii turned into a white evil wind~www.wuxiaspot.com~ wrapped around the giant hag.

As for the Napoleon, the blue veins were exposed on the blade, like a muscle knife. White fire and white thunder swayed on the blade, making a crackling sound, and the blade began to surround the mixture of white fire and white thunder.

"I'm hungry, Clow!"

Charlotte Lingling drooped her tongue, her eyes filled with white fire burst into greed, "I want to eat you!"


As soon as the words fell, she raised the blade, and under the impetus of the wind, she flew towards Cullo at high speed.

This old woman, in his domain, has completely resumed action?

Cullo has sharp eyes, and can sense that the wind Hormiz around her is a little unusual now. No matter how Cullo motivates the field, he still can't shake this group of Hormiz. Those disordered air will not affect it. This wind, it has become a 'whole', and seems to be swallowing the same type of wind.

"Well, well, well!"

Accompanied by a high-pitched laughter that was enough to shake the air, Charlotte Lingling rushed forward, her blade raised high, and slashed down.


When the blade fell, Clow disappeared from the spot and appeared directly behind Charlotte Lingling.

Compared with speed, especially within his domain, how could he possibly lose to an old woman?

Luo Gui's blade glowed with golden light, and Cullo slashed down and went straight to the back of Charlotte Lingling's head.



That knife was blocked by a thick arm.

I saw Charlotte Lingling didn't turn her head back, she just turned her body sideways, and with her left arm back, her forearm blocked Cullo's knife.

Luo Gui's blade got stuck in her skin and muscles, breaking a wound and bleeding out, but Charlotte Lingling turned her head back at this moment and gave Clow a hideous smile.

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