I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Vol 2 Chapter 1182: Lingling, you have lived too long

The sound wasn't a hallucination, it just hit Clow exactly.

At the moment of the knife, of course, he must also be a real body, especially this kind of big move.

So Charlotte Lingling's fist slammed on him brazenly, and the huge force swayed a shock wave around him, causing Clow's body to make a 'boom' sound like a cannonball, and fell directly to the next. He rushed into the bottom and rushed to the ground next to the bottomless abyss caused by his ability.


A cloud of smoke similar to a mushroom cloud rose from the spot, and the surrounding ground shook at this moment.


"Well, well, well!"

Lida screamed and was about to break into the huge smoke, but at this moment, Charlotte Lingling, surrounded by the wind of the soul, grabbed Napoleon in the air, and slammed her tongue straight to the ground.


It was at this moment that Luo activated his ability, and quickly moved from the high altitude with the people around him, and directly swayed the low altitude below. As long as he used his ability again, they could reach the ground and then escape from here.

It's a rare opportunity, and they won't miss it.

"Hey, Luo, isn't this a good opportunity to defeat Big Mom!" Kidd was still a little unwilling.

The straw hat boy justifiably defeated Kaido in a duel, and the two of them still can't deal with a Big·mom, which is too embarrassing!

"Now is not the time to talk about this, I don't think Jin Yan will be killed by this punch." Luo said as he moved.

"Then wait for them..."

Before Kidd's words were finished, Luo interrupted directly: "I have no physical strength!"

This made Kidd grit his teeth, but he stopped speaking.

Indeed, physical strength is not enough.

It wasn't enough at first. They also resisted Cullo's one-knife profundity, which is even more not enough. Although it is a pity that this opportunity has disappeared, but for now, it is the most important thing to save themselves first.

"It's a pity..." Luo sighed and looked at Luffy in Jinping's arms with complicated eyes.

He is a doctor. It can be seen that Luffy can defeat Kaido, and even fight against Jin Yan, and he has paid a great price. It is irreversible, and it is not something that can be saved by pure medical skills and treatment.

But whether Big Mom wins or the Navy wins, Kaido has nothing to do with them.

There's nothing they can do now, and things have changed since the moment of this naval future.

"Get ready to go, Room!"

Luo stretched out his hand, activated his ability, and disappeared with the person, and then...

reappeared in the sky.

Luo's expression changed, and he stared into the dust in horror.

The chaotic air around is back again...

Jin Ling activates his abilities!

The smoke suddenly dissipated, and Cullo's body appeared. At this time, he seemed to be imprinted on the ground, showing a large shape, baring his teeth and grinning, there were traces of blood on the corner of his mouth, and he obviously vomited blood.

"Clow, Big Mom!" Lida yelled there.

"I know."

When Clow said a word, he looked at Big Mom who was rushing over violently. He twitched his arm with difficulty, but found that he didn't twitch, and then gave up the plan and shook his head: "Really, although I knew I was going to be injured, I didn't expect it. It's so heavy."

Don't dare to say, at least the bones of his hands and feet are broken, and the only intact right hand can move twice.

Before receiving Lingling's punch, her knife was not an illusion. Cullo didn't have the ability to completely let the Four Emperors enter the illusion of killing intent at his own mercy. The two combined, escaped the old woman's attack, and then cut out the knife.

But he escaped, but he didn't escape completely. At this moment, the nonsense literature was vividly displayed in him.

The soul breath attached to Napoleon's body actually reduced his domineering level, and then he was hit by a punch.

The Thunder of Soul has broken the domineering that has been weakened by itself. The Soul of Soul is directly attached to the body, and the remaining murderous aura can be resisted, but the Wind of Soul is entangled. Staying with Lingling, her soul wind can't hold her back, so the strange power and domineering that this punch is full of, he has really hit it, and hit this punch with pure flesh!

Cullo's body is estimated to be a little stronger than the red hair. It is the body of a normal person. Without domineering protection, it is nothing, and it is not as talented as these old four emperors.

Without domineering protection, after receiving Charlotte Lingling's full-strength punch, the immortals will also be injured.

Not only that, although the fire of the soul brought by that punch was covered with murderous aura in time, even if it burned for a while, it also burned two or three months of his lifespan.

Ability is so perverted.

This is irreversible, and Cullo can't do anything about it, but fortunately, he feels that he pays attention to health care, and it is not a problem to live for a hundred years, just a few months of life.


Lida let out another exclamation, clenched her teeth, and ran directly to Cullo, her fists charged with energy and aimed directly at the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~because Charlotte Lingling is even closer!

Not only her, the werewolf incarnated by Chloe ran quickly, blocking the front, Moore teleported to him, and he would reach out and take him to transfer.

"No need." Cullo said directly: "She's dead!"

"Well, well, I think you are dead!"

Charlotte Lingling held up Napoleon, his soul was on fire, "I'm going to kill you all!"


Lida turned her head anxiously, there is no trace of 'death' on this product, it is obviously alive and kicking.

Cullo sighed, looking straight at Charlotte Lingling through others, and said slowly:

"Can't you feel it?"

As soon as the words fell, Charlotte Lingling's eyes suddenly opened, the body that rushed down suddenly stopped, and she subconsciously touched her neck, "No..."


As soon as the sound started, there was a soft sound at the neck, as if the time of bonding had expired, Charlotte Lingling's huge head was directly staggered from the neck, fell smoothly, and rolled a few times on the ground. .

At this moment, Clow continued to say: "The soft sound of the kamikaze..."

"Lingling... You've lived too long, and one day you will be solved by the new era. It's either me or someone else. In that case, letting me kill you won't be a humiliation."

Saying that, Cullo gradually bared his teeth, and his face was hideous: "So, just die obediently!"

This trick, to be precise, is the single-player version of 'Kone Blow'.

The only thing that was added was that he concentrated all his awakening domain on that knife and released Huanglong Profound Truth.

It is also the most powerful killing move by Clow at present. It is estimated that there is no existence that exceeds the lethality of this move in this sea.

With this knife, Cullo's lethality has reached its peak.

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