I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Vol 2 Chapter 1183: The old is gone, and the young are dying

Lifeless Air Kill itself ignores the defense. If you want to deal with Lifeless Air Kill, you have to have strong resilience, or the degree of domineering is higher than that covered by Lifeless Air Kill, or it is the characteristic of ability to block.

With the addition of the lifeless air kill, the domain is concentrated in one knife, that kind of disorderly slash, if it is someone else, under this knife, they would have been turned into flying ashes, how can there be any smooth incision , just lost his head.

Only someone of Charlotte Lingling's level has this kind of treatment.

Clow stretched out his right hand and said to Lida, "Lida, give me a second."

"Oh, oh..."

Lida nodded in a daze, as if she hadn't reacted yet, she walked over subconsciously, and activated her ability to give Cullo a stroke of energy feedback, which made his body feel a little better.


Cullo twisted his neck, floated all over his body, and floated to the ground. With a movement of his fingers, Luo Gui, who was stuck on the ground, flew to his hand.

At this time, Lida woke up with a start, what happened.

"I, you... Cullo, that's the Four Emperors!" Lida pointed at her head on the ground and exclaimed loudly.

Four emperors!

Four emperors, the focus is not on the 'four', but on the 'emperor', that is, the 'emperor of the sea'.

The concept of the Four Emperors was a term that appeared after the red-haired idiot occupied a lot of territory in the New World.

But the emperor of the sea is not. This term has existed a long time ago. At that time, it was mainly Charlotte Lingling and the white beard, and the golden lion, which was in the limelight at that time, belonged to the emperor of the sea, the overlord of the sea.

Later, the golden lion failed, but Kaido came up again, and it was not until the red hair became the emperor of the sea that the so-called "four emperors" were stabilized.

Which of these people is not a great hero at sea, and which one can be killed casually?

Kaido has been captured so many times, but he is still alive and well.

Charlotte Lingling is calling the wind and the rain in Totland. From a pirate, she became the queen of a powerful country on the sea. Kaido captured the country of Wano and became the 'King of Protector' of the country. Navy nerves.

Back then, in the war, the headquarters brought 100,000 navy elites to deal with Whitebeard. This did not mean that Whitebeard could not be defeated without 100,000 people, but such an existence could only be stabilized with this kind of lineup.

Even if Lingling was in a weakened state after being overwhelmed by others, it would be too exaggerated to cut her to death with this knife...

Cullo alone killed one of the four emperors?

No, it's the second one, the redhead has been caught.

Crow looked at Kaido who was still lying there, and with this one, the Four Emperors went to the third.

Is the sea going to calm down?

"Don't be so surprised, you underestimate those idiots in the sky."

Crow said to Crow: "Those few people are not weak."

Luffy has the strength of the four emperors when he burns his life. Kidd and Luo are close to each other, but if the encounter is not Big Mom, but Kaido, the two of them may be able to win together, the battle between the two Power is not low.

But at this level, if Clow enters the field again, if he can't harvest him again, just stop playing and go home to farm.

To fight against Dad Lu, cut the remaining blood on the opposite side, no matter how you can take one or two.


Charlotte Lingling's headless body fell from the sky at this moment and fell to the ground, keeping parallel with the head.


Around her, Prometheus, Hera, and Anemii ran out, crying around the body of Charlotte Lingling.

This is really dead, and there is no hope of coming back to life.

"Oh? Can Hormiz survive after the death of the capable one? It's strange... Is it because you are independent individuals?"

Cullo was a little curious, but after thinking about it, it was a bit of a matter of course. Hormiz can still rebel. Obviously, they are independent individuals. They are soul creatures, but this means that they are not permanent. This kind of The activation of the stuffed soul must have a lifespan limit, but as for how many, I don't know.

"Damn Jin Ling, I want to avenge my mother!"

Prometheus roared, and he became even wilder in the flame posture at this time, burning directly towards Cullo.

"What, ordinary fire, without Lingling, you can't make something like soul fire."

Cullo mentioned Luo Gui, the blade touched the flame, rolled the flame directly around the blade, and then cut the flame open with a single knife.

Prometheus split in two, jumping and shouting: "It hurts, it hurts!"

Clow can do things like cutting fire. Not only can he cut fire, but wind and thunder can also be used in pediatrics.

Looking at Prometheus shouting there, Cullo shook his head and said, "Can't Soul Homitz die? After all, it's a soul, and it's useless to cut it in half."


Anemii shouted, and the wind blew up, driving Prometheus and Leiyun Hera, who were separated in two, to run directly to the bottomless abyss.

Cullo glanced at them and didn't bother to care.

This level of Hormiz~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he doesn't care much, and there is really no effective means of killing.

Although he can use the 'shi' knife to cause damage, he still has a more important thing to do.

Cullo clenched Luo Gui tightly and looked at the few floating in the air, with a tinge of red in his eyes.

The old is gone, and the young will naturally die!

Killing them, I dare not say that the sea is peaceful, but at least it can guarantee that the pirates will be in decline, which will cause a disguised peace. The news of the death of the emperor at sea will suppress the restless minds of those pirates who want to continue to go to sea, at least the first half of the And the world is more stable.

"He's coming!" Yamato exclaimed in shock, sensing Clow's killing intent.

"It doesn't matter! He doesn't have that weird ribbon anymore, we can fight!" Luo gritted his teeth: "It's not that easy to keep us!"

"Just right!"

Kidd said angrily: "I haven't won Big Mom, Cullo, you stole my spoils, then I will kill you and ascend to the throne of the four emperors!"

"Red-haired brat, you are as arrogant as your old predecessors, and I will make you an armless man too."

Cullo exhaled heavily, lowered his head slightly, and said, "Besides, who told you that I don't have enough 'ribbons'..."

As soon as the voice fell, six lifeless air kills reappeared from his body, surrounding his shoulders, waist and thighs.

Seeing this scene, Marko showed despair, he smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "Well, it seems to be planted here."

They couldn't resist that ribbon, and there was absolutely nothing to do. Marco still couldn't understand how Clow hacked Charlotte Lingling to death, but he knew that that move couldn't be stopped!

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