I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Vol 2 Chapter 1189: You can scold me, but you can't insult me

Cullo used to despise the revolutionary army, his level was secondary, he could teach him, but the line was wrong, and the more he taught, the worse it would be.

How to say, they have a kind of 'Boss'ism.

Blame everything on a certain person or a certain group. For example, their purpose is not to end the world government that only collects 'protection fees', but only to make the Tianlong people lose their privileges. They do not deny the rule of the world government.

Rebelled, but not completely.

The most important thing is that this group of people believes that blood is very important. Although their position is a commoner, they still think that a good king should be chosen to show mercy to the people and overthrow a country. It is still necessary to elect a noble to be the king, and only overthrow. Kings and nobles don't care, they think the first crime is over and it's over.

Saved, but not completely.

This very blind route made Clow, who was already in a powerless state at the time, give up directly.

When he was young, he still wanted to change the world pattern, so he did some research. The professional knowledge he learned from his hometown should not be lost. This knowledge was used when he encountered such a situation.

It's just that with the in-depth research, Cullo understands that this professional knowledge is unlikely to be realized, because it is too dangerous and the success rate is not high. After all, this sea has great power.

Coupled with the fact that the revolutionary army is still in this state, it means that there is no way to play.

He couldn't help the world at the same time, so he had to be alone. After becoming a navy, it would be quite good to find a place to rot together with the world, at least to ensure that he lived a good life.

An ideal or something... In this dangerous sea, you have to make sure that you live to have a chance to realize it.

It's just that the more he went, the more he discovered the influence of the great power and miracles of the sea, as well as the essence of blood that the ruling classes could not easily shake, and he also rotted.

As feudal capital, there is a certain way to engage in corruption and degeneration, and it is quite fragrant to enjoy happiness for a long time.

But after so many years, he still couldn't help but get angry when he saw a self-proclaimed revolutionary leader come here to rot.

Is this called a revolution? Is this also called rebellion?

That's it?

you play too!

The body that was chopped up by the slashing turned into a breeze again, and re-gathered Drago's body, where he doubted: "Our enemy is the Tianlong people, this is not wrong, as for the class you said, Dragons and we are also different classes, that shouldn't exist. Why are you so angry?"

Cullo directly scolded: "Because I feel that you are insulting me!"

Even if you scold me, I'm not angry.

You insult my faith, no!

I'm rotten, but it doesn't mean that I deviate from the belief in my heart.

And you are not verbally insulting, you are directly acting to break people's defenses.

Taking a deep breath, Cullo adjusted his posture and waved his hand at Drago: "Forget it, do what you like, we won't make the river water, I will beat my pirates, you will deal with your world government , as if you haven't seen it before."

After thinking about it, he is not qualified to say anything. The line is wrong, but he has taken action. As for others, he has given up this idea long ago.

"If you ask me about justice..."

He glanced at Dorag above and said, "I suggest you find a country to live for a period of time, not a few years, but a few months. Don't reveal your identity, don't use force, just be a civilian, and then Take a look at the situation again, don't just look at the surface, you may be able to find out at that time that it is not the Tianlong people who carry the blame."


Drago's eyes moved, "Is this the benchmark for your ambitions and dreams?"

Cullo rolled his eyes, "This is just a little piece of advice from Lao Tzu as a person to another person. Don't put ambitions, dreams, etc. on everything. Are you tired?"

"if it is possible..."

Drago nodded vigorously and said, "Although I still don't know what you want to do, and I can't rule out your suspicion of being a careerist, but what you said, I will try it out."

That book, still couldn't get rid of Cullo's ambition, Drago at least knew that the author of this book had a great relationship with this man, and got the motto of this insider.

Maybe he can find someone to try.

In addition, what he said just now is also very worth thinking about.

Aren't the enemies and classes not the Dragons?

Does he think it is wrong?

But Dorag didn't delve into this point, because this is a navy, or an admiral of the navy. Of course, in his position, it is impossible to put the fault on the Tianlong people, and according to the information, a certain Tianlong person is still his friend.

At least through the dialogue, Drago saw something.

This man's position is considered friendly to their revolutionary army. In that case, their threat will be less.

After all, he is famous in the world for his murderousness. Drago once thought that he was an Akainu-like character, but now, it is much better than he expected.

"I'll say goodbye first, you seem to be in trouble..."

Dorag said a word ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and his whole body turned into wind and disappeared.

Cullo watched his breath disappear, his eyes widened, and he pointed at the sky in disbelief: "This person really came to chat with me? No, it's better for him to say that he came to save Lao Tzu than to chat with me. , Is the revolutionary army so idle? Aren't they going to save people all over the world? What trouble do I have, and I kill Lingling, I can still have... eh? This breath?"

Suddenly, he paused, turned his head to look at the behemoth lying down behind him, and saw that his breathing became more and more even, and his eyelids and fingers began to vibrate.

"Kaido has moved, don't talk, come here, find out the sea tower stone chains for me, how many are there, tie them to him, and tie them tightly!" Cullo said immediately.

"I'll take someone."

Without a word, Moore flashed to a group of navies and teleported them back to the Jin Ling, which was still docked at the estuary.

Naturally, their navy also has sea tower stones. Although they are basically bought from Wano Kingdom, they can also be used.

Moore's ability can't touch the sea tower stone, but he can contact the navy, and the navy can realize the teleportation with the sea tower stone chain. Soon, he appeared here with a group of people holding the sea tower stone chain. Bind Kaido.

"As for you..."

At this time, Cullo looked at Yamato, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, put his mace aside, closed his eyes and rested, and said, "You are interesting, you didn't run just now."

Yamato opened his eyes and said: "I can feel your killing intent, if I move, you will kill me, right. Instead of this, it's better to look at you, if you still want to chase Luffy and the others, fight hard. This life, I will stop you too!"


Cullo pointed at the sea tower stone chain, "Okay, your father and daughter are reunited, bring your own."

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