Yamato glanced at the thick Hailou stone chain, hesitated there for a long time, did not move, and Cullo was not polite to her. Tied like dumplings.

The strength of this woman is not bad. She is still Yamato's daughter. She has the fruits of overlord and phantom beast. Although there is no bounty, letting it go is a threat sooner or later.

Form a family bucket with Kaido.

When the battle was over, there was no more resistance. Under the control of the navy, those prisoners were all controlled.

Harvest, very good.

In addition to Kaido and his daughter, Fire Calamity Ash and Plague Calamity Quinn were also caught, and the 'Flying Six', except for Drake, were also caught, and none of them could escape.

When Cullo landed on the tower floating in the sky, he also found the black charcoal snake that was bruised and bruised, and the man Foz Fu.

All the important characters of the Hundred Beast Pirates are here.

Cullo glanced at the black charcoal snake that had fainted, and asked, "Speaking of which, where's the peach dragon? No one found it?"

Clow shook his head: "Sorry, Mr. Clow, when we went in again, we didn't find any peach dragons, nor did we see the existence of the 'Red Sheath Warrior'."

The Red Sheath Samurai, one of the main initiating groups in the War of Wano in the intelligence, it is precisely because of their existence that they have attracted many warriors in the country of Wano, which caused this war.


Cullo narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the group of people who burst into huge cheers in the distance. These people are very interesting. They seem to be celebrating Kaido's fall, but the people are leaning closely together, as if A wall seems to be blocking something.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter..."

Cullo shook his head and said, "Notify the headquarters and let them send someone to receive it. There are too many people."

The number of people must be quite large. In this battle between the two sides, the Beast Pirates and the Country of Harmony have joined the past warriors. The number is as high as 30,000, and the people represented by the red sheath warriors are around 5,000. It is said that many people have 'set things right' after the fight, but that is for Wano, not for their navy.

The people he wants to arrest are still more than 30,000, which is quite a lot.

The pirates in the new world are of high quality. Take the top war as an example. There are many naval soldiers, but not so many elites. At that time, the Warring States period selected 100,000 naval elites from all over the world. The number of people is fifty thousand, and the number of people is quite large.

This thing does not mean that 100,000 against 50,000 will definitely win, and if you win, you have to pay a price.

There were 30,000 people on Kaido's side, and Cullo brought 3,000 people. Most of them were stunned by the overlord's back and forth, but when they woke up, they definitely didn't have enough people to watch over these people, and they were completely stunned. Kill them all...that's a last resort.


Crow responded, looked around again, and swallowed.

I didn't notice it when I hit it just now, but now I come back to it...

He's found something amazing!

On the way here, Mr. Clow captured Shanks the Redhead, one of the Four Emperors.

She killed one of the Four Emperors, Charlotte Lingling, one of the four emperors. That head is still here.

Now all the members of the Hundred Beast Pirates have been arrested.

This is, this is...

The pattern of the Four Emperors era has been broken!

By Mr. Clow's own power, he was cut down with a knife!

The era of pirates is divided into many types. In the two closest eras, one is the era of Rocks and the other is the era of Roger.

The end of the Rocks era was solved by Karp, for which he won the title of 'Navy Hero', and the Roger era was also Roger that Karp 'caught' to end that era, but the Roger era did not. It was purely the era of Roger. At the same time as the rise of Roger, the emperor of the sea also came into being. The era of the emperor of the sea was also here at that time. It was not until Roger died that it completely became the mainstream of pirates. Now, this era that has existed for a long time, He was finally beaten by a navy!

Mr. Clow participated in the death of Whitebeard, and he also contributed a lot.

Redhead was caught, Big Mom was killed, and Kaido was arrested, which meant that Mr. Clow was in it all the way. Valley

Once it's revealed...

Chloe's pupils are shaken, once this thing comes out, Mr. Cullo's reputation will be unparalleled for a while!

"Boom blah blah blah!"


"Boom blah blah blah!"

In the new world, the headquarters of the navy, the telephone bugs were ringing almost everywhere, mixed with the footsteps of the navy, and the shouting of the captain in charge of the captain.

"Quick! No matter how fast, all are ready, and quickly board the ship!"

The voices of admirals in capes resounded in the fortress, in the corridor, and in the square.

In the Marshal's Office at the top, Sakaski was excited, his clenched fists glowed red, and he didn't care that a hole was burned on the table, and he growled: "Three! All three! No, the era of the great pirates is over!"

In front of him, there is the relatively indifferent crane, and there is a smile who just returned from his job debriefing.

He had just pushed the red hair into the push city before stepping into the headquarters with his front foot, when he heard a phone bug from Wano country on the back foot.

Clow killed Charlotte Lingling and captured the entire Beast Pirates!

The old four emperors who were galloping on the Dahai Sea~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are all gone!

"What Cullo did this time..."

He hunched his body, his chin pressed on the backs of his hands, and the smile on his face became more and more blooming: "It's wonderful!"

"Have the Hundred Beast Pirates been caught? It's really amazing. It makes me feel relaxed and happy. It's a pity that I can't go to participate in such a fortunate event." Yi Xiao opened his white eyes and said with a smile.

Sakaski became impatient: "Aren't you ready yet?"

When Clow's subordinate, Clow, called, he ordered the navy to move. Pirates with 30,000 people would need a lot of warships to **** them, and such **** would also boost the power of their navy. !

"Boom blah blah blah..."

Just then, the phone worm on the table rang.

Sakaski glanced at it, a blue vein burst out on his forehead, and said, "Smile, let them speed up their progress and set sail as soon as possible! Granny Crane, are the warships in various bases moving?"

Crane glanced at the ringing phone bug, sighed, and said, "Go ahead, Sakaski, and see what they have to say."

"Can't the old man do things first!" Sakaski said angrily.

He said quietly: "You have been a marshal for three years. You should know that we cannot refuse certain things."


The holes in the table top were burned even more.

Sakaski took a few deep breaths, pressed down the crimson color of his fist, and reached out to pick up the microphone.

"Sakaski, stop the warship, now is not the time for you to act!" A familiar voice came from the phone bug.

"Why?" Sakaski said solemnly.

And the crane on the side sighed softly at this time.

The navy is the face of the world government...

This sentence has not changed since the establishment of the Navy.

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