The Wano country riot that Cullo envisioned did not happen. Two or three days have passed, what should they do or how, and even showed a lot of vitality.

No one rebelled...

Not only did no one rebel, but craftsmen came to repair the tower spontaneously.

In their words, to give the new general a complete home.

Also smiling...

This made Clow wonder.

What's the matter, can he really be a general in Wano country?

So fanciful?

"Master General!"

At this time, on the streets of the Flower City, a group of people from the People's Kingdom saw Cullo who was hanging out, kneeling on all fours and bowing.

In response, Cullo had to twitch the corners of his mouth, then waved his hand, "Don't kneel, don't kneel, I don't want to kneel."

But these words were useless. The group of people still knelt there and didn't move, which made Cullo a little helpless.

He sighed, looked left and right, his eyes lit up, and he waved to the person who was maintaining order nearby, "Wilbur, come here!"

It was Wilbur who was maintaining order there. He quickly ran over, saluted, and said, "Mr. Clow!"

"You do it."

Cullo said a word and left from here.

This kind of scene didn't happen once or twice. The Tianshou Pavilion was being repaired, and he had nowhere to live, so he returned to the Golden Dragon. He had nothing to do here to hang out, but he encountered such a scene every time.

If he really is the general of Wano country, it will be fine. The key is that he is afraid of rebellion. Now he is licking his face as a general, and once he is overthrown, wouldn't it be very shameful.

What's the matter, his dignified admiral was kicked out of Wano country?

I can't hear it.

"Cullo, Cullo!"

Not far away, Lida ran over with a few strings of oden in her hand, handed it to Cullo as if offering a treasure, and said, "This is delicious, come and try it!"

Cullo said angrily: "Eat, eat, and eat, when will you give me some worries!"

Saying that, he took all the oden in Lida's hands unceremoniously, and swallowed all the oden with his big mouth.


Lida let out a low roar like a small beast, then snorted, picked up her backpack and pouted, "I still have a lot!"

She took out a few pancakes and said, "Look, the persimmons, a specialty of the Wano country, are delicious, and there's more, this... eh?"

She bit a few pieces of dried persimmon with icing sugar in her mouth, stretched out her hand and continued to dig it out, then took out a green fruit, and kept it looking like: "What is this? Grape?"

Cullo stretched his head, his eyes widened, and he quickly snatched it from Lida, "This is..."

The whole fruit is blue in color, a bit like a whole raisin, and a bit like a leaf, with a dark blue pattern in the middle of the light blue leaf.

Devil Fruit!

Lida is out!

Chrollai and the country only killed two people, one was Kaido and the other was Lingling.

But neither of them has a picture book, and Clow can't recognize it, but no matter which one it is...

It's all amazing stuff!

Clow looked at Lida strangely, "You... have a big deal."

"Eh? Devil fruit? How can it be repaired? It's taking up my snack spot again!" Lida said angrily.

Cullo rolled his eyes, "Titch might be **** off to hear you say that."

"Boom blah blah blah..."

The phone bug on his wrist suddenly rang.

Cullo turned it on, and the phone bug's appearance became iron-blooded and determined.


It's Sakaski.

"Ah, Marshal Sakaski," Clow replied.

The phone worm smiled: "First of all, congratulations, new naval hero, you have this title, the old man approves."


Cullo had a question on his face, and then reacted immediately, "Is there a report on it?"

"The report has been sent. It is estimated that you will not arrive at your current location, but it doesn't matter. Come back. I want to see you above. In addition, the navy wants you to report on your work. I will talk about it when I come back."

Cullo glanced at the fruit in his hand, nodded and said, "Okay, it just so happens that I have to go back."

"Would you like to switch with you?" Sakaski said.

"No need, I can still eat and live, that's all."

Cullo hung up the phone and looked at Lida, "You heard everything, go back with me?"

Lida shook her head: "I haven't had enough."

"Okay, you can eat here." Clow nodded and suddenly shouted, "Wilbur!"

"Yes! Mr. Clow!"

Wilbur flashed.

"You guys stay here, don't make any accidents, and ensure the stability of Wano country. I want to go back to the headquarters. By the way, do you know where Kuzan is?"

Wilbur thought for a moment and said, "General Kuzan... No, Kuzan seems to say that he is going to take a hot spring."

Cullo nodded and walked forward with the fruit.

Lida also went to eat elsewhere. Her oden was completely robbed by Cullo, so she had to buy more.

Wilbur looked at Clow's fading back, then looked back at the people who stood up because Mr. Clow left, nodding thoughtfully.

Then, he took out a small notebook, and muttered to himself while writing on it: "Mr. Clow said: Don't kneel, don't kneel, I don't want to kneel."

He put the book into his chest very solemnly, took out a book with a golden cover, and continued to write: "The black charcoal serpent and Kaido represent the old power, I am afraid that before this, the generals of all dynasties will make them kneel. , but the new general..."

He looked at the people and shouted: "The old order made you kneel, but the new order made you stand up!"

Of course, there are hot springs in the capital of flowers. In a hot spring restaurant, it is also the largest in the capital of flowers. Generally speaking, the first time you go to a hot spring, you must find a big So Kuluo was looking for this hot spring. After the museum, Kuzan was found immediately.

At this time, he was lying on the edge of the hot spring, his head resting on his arms, and his expression was very comfortable.

Cullo walked in with the fruit and pouted at him, "Yo, you seem to be enjoying it."

"Ah... it's you."

Kuzan opened his eyes, glanced at the fruit in his hand, and said with a smile, "I've brought a gift to see you, too polite."

"You can't drink, you go to the dog's table."

Cullo rolled his eyes and said, "I want to go back to the headquarters. If you are okay, help me look here, I owe you a favor."

With Kuzan here, Kulo is absolutely at ease. With his freezing ability, who can come up from the Carp Falls?

"Oh? Okay, anyway, I plan to stay here, and I'm still looking for you to find an official position."

Kuzan smiled and raised his arms from the hot springs.

"Stop coming." Clow waved his hand, suddenly stunned, and looked at Kuzan's upper body, where there was a strange mark on the original burn scar on his shoulder.

A red spider tattoo occupies his entire scar, and on the spider's body, there is a large symbol-6.


Following Cullo's gaze, Kuzan tapped the tattoo on his shoulder with his finger and said meaningfully, "Don't you think this tattoo is beautiful?"

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