
Cullo took a deep breath, "Where did you get the tattoo, and it's numbered, you don't belong to some evil organization, right?"

He couldn't help but doubt, because this thing made him a little familiar.

Forget about spiders, they still have numbers, which directly inspired the memories that Cullo had kept in his mind for more than 20 years.

"Why don't you join some theft organization, what is worth stealing, onepiece?" Clow teased.

Kuzan raised his eyebrows, and before he could speak, Cullo smiled again: "Just kidding, but this tattoo is quite infiltrating, I don't feel comfortable looking at it."

"Ala la, there are still times when you are uncomfortable."

Kuzan stood up, his broken leg quickly condensed into an ice leg, and then he picked up the bathrobe hanging on the shelf to cover his body and the tattoo on his shoulder.

Then he walked to the side, picked up a glass of milk on the shelf, and gulped it into his belly.

He let out a long breath and said to Cullo: "After taking a bath, a glass of milk is the most comfortable. Do you want a glass?"

"Drink it yourself, be optimistic about the site."

Cullo waved his hand, ignored him, and took the fruit out of the hot spring pavilion. There was already a navy waiting at the door. When he saw him come out, he gave two pointers to the headquarters and to Wano Country in both hands.

Of course, the world government has pointers about this place, otherwise the old man would not have come here at that time, and cp0 would not have been able to trade here.

As soon as he moved his fingers, two permanent pointers floated around him, flew into the sky with his body, shot into the distance, and disappeared like shooting stars.

Kuzan just picked up the second bottle of milk, and then he sensed something, quickly finished the milk, shook his head, and sighed: "It's really like what Lowe said, it's hiding..."

"Boom blah blah blah..."

Suddenly, on the side of his hanging clothes, the voice of a phone bug rang.

Kuzan walked over and took out his clothes, first took out a white phone bug, put it down, and then took out a black one and put it down.

"This is it."

He took out a red phone bug and picked up the receiver.

The phone bug's appearance changed, and it turned into a wise man wearing glasses.

"Mosimoxi, is it number 6? I'm number 1..."

"Ah la la, so it's you." Kuzan scratched his head, surprised.

"Ala la?"

Cloe on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, looking at the lazy appearance of the phone bug and his familiar tone, his pupils shrank, and he asked subconsciously, "Kuzan?"

"Ah, I thought you knew me," Kuzan said.

Crow was shocked: "How do I know?! What do you mean, number 6 is actually you..."

"Am I weird?"

"Very strange! Who let you in, Cass and Wilbur don't know about it!"

"Alas, I think... King Dressrosa, David, invited me in."


Crow was stunned for a while, then heaved a sigh of relief, resisting the waves in his heart, and said, "Anyway, let's have a meeting first, I was thinking about whether you have time for a conference call, but now it seems that you can come directly, the location In [Flower Street].”

"Exactly, I also want to hear the specifics, see you then."

Kuzan hung up the phone, glanced at the phone bug, thought about it, shook his head and smiled, "It's amazing."

He is No. 6, the No. 6 of the Scarlet Spiders, but this is only recently.

Originally, he just went to Dressrosa to investigate. After all, Dressrosa is famous all over the world. The elected new king conquers everywhere, and his power is the same for a while.

But what puzzled Kuzan the most was why this country, which was ruthless, seemed to be able to live well.

With this question in mind, Kuzan went to Dressrosa.

He also got the copy of "Justice and Faith" that almost everyone in Dressrosa has. How can I say that the content of the book is good, but the power of the book is not enough, but those people follow this If the content of this book is acted upon, then the power of this book is terrifying.

But even so, it can only be said that Dressrosa is a powerful country, and the type of justice is similar to that of the navy.

It wasn't until he went out to sea again, met David, and the other party invited him to board the boat and showed himself the original "Quotations of Justice" and someone's draft, Kuzan realized.

So he joined the red spider group.

There are few people in this organization, and few people know the specific identity before this meeting. Except for David, who is No. 2, Kuzan does not know anything else.

But you can probably guess that since it is based on Clow, it must be someone who has contact with him.

Looking at it now, sure enough...

"Let's go ahead and talk about it."

Kuzan changed his clothes and set off from the hot spring pavilion to [Flower Street].

Although this place is called this name, it has nothing to do with the place where Moore likes gambling and drugs. Flower viewing is also unique.

After Kuzan arrived at the place, he went straight to a private room on the top floor, opened the sliding door, and what he saw was a huge round table. At this time, there were three people sitting on the round table, and there were also two phone bugs.

"Yo, we meet again." Kuzan greeted teasingly.

Crow pushed his glasses down, and there was still disbelief in his eyes: "It's really you, Kuzan."

"Mr. Kuzan!"

On the other side of the seat, Cass stood up and said excitedly: "With your participation, Mr. Clow's career has taken a big step! I am Cass~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the number 3 of the Red Spider Group. !"

"I am also Wilbur, No. 4 of the Scarlet Spider Group!" Wilbur said.


Kuzan thought for a while, then smiled: "Am I going to say that I am Kuzan, No. 6 of the Scarlet Spider Group?"

"Come and sit first, no matter what, you are welcome to join, Kuzan." Crow said.

Kuzan shrugged and sat down at the round table, looking at the two red phone bugs standing beside them, one marked with '2' and the other marked with '5' on the back shell, and now it is connected. status.

"Hey, did you make a mistake, Kuzan? Aokiji?"

No. 5 looked astonished, "He also came in? It's the first time I've heard of it."

"I invited him. He is looking for justice, and here we have the justice he needs," said the No. 2 phone bug.

Kuzan looked at Phone Bug No. 5, "Who are you?"

No. 2 he knew it was David, but No. 5 was mysterious.

"I'm Lowe, the king of the land of insects." The number 5 phone bug made a voice.

Kuzan suddenly said, "Oh, so it's you... Moby Dick's brother."

Cass looked around the crowd and said, "Let's talk about the gossip later, let's have a meeting first, the first meeting of the Scarlet Spider Group, start."

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