I Kill The Protagonist

Chapter 192 The Foundation of the Fire Soul (two chapters in one)

Long Yueyin turned out some cakes, and slowly stretched out his hand to twist a piece of crystal-clear dragon spirit cake, and ate it into his mouth.

The entrance is soft, with a hint of sweetness, refreshing.

The deliciousness is extracted from this kind of memory, and she is pleased to taste it many times.

Unfortunately, this is just a memory.

Long Yueyin chewed, waiting for Romney to recall her words.

Time flows, like a moment.

It's like several epochs again.

Romney spoke again.

"Fairy, I remember you once said that I met her."

"Can you tell me what's going on?"

Romney looked thoughtful, remembering a small detail.


"This is the reincarnation Jade Slip you got, from the Fire Soul clan."

"Before the Three Epochs, there used to be a cosmopolitan clan. Each of their clan members will have a soul lamp on their chest. The soul lamp gestates their lamp soul, which is what we call the soul."

"This lamp soul can absorb the power of the star in the world and turn it into its own use. The power of the power of the star is often generated in the form of a light flame. Therefore, when many fire souls fight, they will bloom like blossoms. It's like a flame, and it's dazzling."

Long Yueyin took out the reincarnation Jade Slip from Romney and suspended it in the air. Using it as a prototype, he turned into a stalwart warrior with a soul lamp in his chest.

The fighters were spinning, doing various superb martial arts movements. Sometimes it soars, sometimes launches the flame light wave cannon, and sometimes stimulates the flame light to increase its strength.

Seeing the strength of the Fire Soul Warrior, Long Yueyin continued to talk for a moment in a trance.

"The Fire Soul clan once had the dazzling Starlight Soul Lantern civilization, as well as the Star Great Emperor. At that time, the Fire Soul Clan was a powerful civilization that was unimaginable to the world. Once shining across the entire universe, it was a pity. Time has passed, and time has been most ruthless."

"And that she, is the magic word. She used the reincarnation Jade Slip to exchange the supreme aura attached to your body, and took away the gift." The magic word is the only remaining descendant of the fairy clan, coming from an unknown distance . Legend has it that among the ancestors of the fairy clan, there was a wife of Emperor Star, who was called the Queen of Star. "

"When I met her, she was just born, but all the talents and techniques were beyond my expectations. Empress Star has crossed several eras, and her ability to repay her dreams from time to time is the one that shocked me the most and the most. It's incredible."

"In the process of communicating with her, I know that she has been waiting for and looking for certain things. These things are within this God-given plane, but she doesn't know or remember. Speaking of which, she even teased that she was I was sent here to do a mission, but I forgot my own mission. To contact the rear area, I still need to wait for the time to return to the dream."

"Because of this situation, she has been wandering on Pandaxian Island at the time. Later, by chance, she met me who guarded the filthy land. After exchanges, she decided to stay at the entrance of Biluo Yellow Springs Road. The Three Realms contact node Xiangmushan area."

"Now my self-ban has been lifted, the fairy island, the magic cave and the land are connected together, the topography has changed drastically, and the The Three Realms node has disappeared. She may also leave here because of this, and even some unknown ability changes will occur. "

"But these shouldn't be what you want to hear, you should want to hear, how do you change from an ordinary person to that prince with outstanding talents?"

When Long Yueyin said this, he took back the fire soul warrior he had transformed. Then he twisted the reincarnation Jade Slip and placed it upright in front of Romney.

"Yes!""I really want."

Romney had no problems with his vision and hearing in the sea of ​​consciousness. At this time, he heard Long Yueyin telling the problem that he was eager to know. He does not pretend, let alone shy away, and speaks out about the hope in his heart.

"Unfortunately, I cannot allow you to obtain the supreme body, that is the power possessed by the supreme aura."

Long Yueyin shook his head, shattering Romney's hope.

"But I have another way to get you back to the top day and night."

Romney, who had just been shattered with hope, changed his expression instantly, as if he was suddenly injected into a tempting needle.

"This method is to reincarnate!"

Long Yueyin put down the reincarnated Jade Slip and handed it to Romney.

Romney looked at the reincarnation Jade Slip close at hand, with a strange light in his eyes. This kind of light is mixed with emotions such as longing, hesitation, hope, worry and so on.

Just like a billionaire who suddenly went bankrupt, seeing a track that might help him quickly complete a new round of transformation, Romney's eyes made people feel distressed and overwhelmed.

Long Yueyin took this look in her eyes. She wanted to directly let Romney use this opportunity to reincarnate. At this time, seeing Romney look like this, her heart trembled, but she suddenly had another thought.

"Actually, as long as you use this reincarnation Jade Slip, you can become a fire soul clan."

"But that requires you to abandon everything as a human being and transform into a real Fire Soul Race. Abandoning everything as a human being is no longer a human in the direct sense."

"You need to consider clearly whether you want to use the reincarnated Jade Slip from an unfamiliar, three-epoch race. Then you become a fire soul tribe, inheriting their racial talents and inheriting their racial mission."

"The feeling of Karma entwined with the only member of the tribe is uncomfortable. That magic word is an example. He is still not free when he grows up to this day. He often looks at the sky in a daze and always waits for dreams."

Long Yueyin talked about the stakes and observed the changes in Romney's expression.

The small Q version of Romney in the Sea of ​​Consciousness can hardly hide his own mood, and the same is true for ordinary people. Only those who are strong enough to control their own Sea of ​​Consciousness can be like the outside world in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. Grasp own emotions and external expressions.

"So, I suggest you judge first, whether or not to cultivation martial arts, try to become a human of cultivation martial skills, to gain the same abilities and combat power as Pandas. Secondly, it is to judge whether to reincarnate. Become a member of the Fire Soul Clan."

"If it's the technique of cultivating immortal martial arts, you don't need to abandon your body or worry about new Karma entanglement. You just need to keep getting stronger, practice martial arts, and strengthen yourself."

Long Yueyin saw Romney's hesitation and knew that he could throw out his thoughts just now. So at this juncture, she tried to guide Romney and let him choose the technique of immortal martial arts.

"I don't know, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the two?"

Romney's two little hands pulled together, a little tangled, and a little hesitant.

Long Yueyin looked at Little Romney's pitiful and very cute appearance, and the touch in his heart deepened.

Out of a certain emotion she didn't understand, Long Yueyin had the idea of ​​accepting disciples. So she said.

"Pros and cons are actually relative."

"The technique of immortal martial arts is difficult to cultivate. Each level needs to break through its own potential, open the physical acupuncture points that exist in the guan orifice, incorporate more Spirit Power, and thus promote the evolution of the own physical body. The physical body becomes sacred, It is the ultimate goal of the Xianwu Art. The magic, formation, and incantation are the derivations of the Xianwu Art, not what the Xianwu Art itself seeks."

"If you choose the technique of immortal martial arts, then you still cannot continue to be a magician. But you will have the opportunity to become a powerful immortal martial master, just like those great immortal masters you have seen before. Even, by chance, you will get a plane. According to the law, you can still be like me, surpassing the limitations of this world and go to a higher level."

"It's just that it's still a matter of road differences. The art of immortal martial arts, which cultivates the sanctification of the flesh, the spells, formation, etc., are all side branches. If you want to be like me, you still need to be favored by the laws of the plane and have encounters. The opportunity to get to the law and perceive the law."

Long Yueyin first talked about the pros and cons of the Immortal Martial Art, and selected what Romney longed to know to tell him. Then, under Romney's thoughtful look, he continued to talk.

"The disadvantage of reincarnating into the Fire Soul clan is obvious."

"You need to abandon everything you have as a human being, give up as a human being, and accept a new identity. Although the Fire Soul clan was once extremely strong, it was a few epochs ago. What the world looks like today, no one of us has ever gone out. , I don’t know how it developed."

"Outside the God-given plane, there is a vast and boundless universe on the other side, which I have learned from the classics and the mere words of magic words. How the world looks like on this God-given plane, no one, Pan, or Demon can Tell you."

"Becoming the Fire Soul Clan, you are destined to step out of this plane and face the unknown. Because the Karma of the Fire Soul Clan has the mission to recast the glory of the Starlight Soul Lantern civilization."

"You don't have to accept this kind of mission, but if you don't accept Karma at the time of reincarnation after reincarnation, you will be in bad luck over time, as if you have encountered a curse."

"Simply put, when you are reincarnated, you can become the Fire Soul Race with almost invisible limits, and you have the possibility of becoming the strongest in the entire universe. But this possibility needs to be developed by yourself. No one knows how to become The cultivation method after the Fire Soul Race. You also need to inherit the Fire Soul Race's mission and inherit all the Fire Soul Race Karma from ancient times to the present."

"If you don't reincarnate, you only need to cultivation the magic of immortal martial arts, you only need to polish it carefully, and you may not be able to become a strong one in a few decades. You don't need to abandon your body, you are still you, and everything you have is everything you have. "

Long Yueyin didn't stop speaking this time, and he informed Romney of the ending words in one breath, and gave a summary that he looked objective, but was actually very inclined.

Romney has gone through several major changes, and this is the time to be flustered. Hearing Long Yueyin's explanation, he couldn't grasp the various key changes that existed behind these two choices.

He was silent, thinking, thinking.

Time passed in this kind of thinking, and Long Yueyin didn't bother Romney either.

She just waited.

While waiting, she turned out many foods and drinks that she had tasted but were hard to meet again, tasting them one by one, to feel those long-lost tastes.

This kind of turning the old into the real is not commonly used.

It happens that this time in Romney's Sea of ​​Consciousness, there is a prerequisite for it to be used.

If it is in the sea of ​​own knowledge, even if it is used to turn the old into the real, it is difficult to have such a real taste.

As time continued to flow, Long Yueyin and Romney sat quietly opposite each other in Divine Sense.

Time changes other than Divine Sense, there are only subtle movements that are extremely subtle to be imperceptible.

This difference between inside and outside is caused by the idea of ​​Divine Sense being too fast and the flow of time being too slow.

When the mind and thoughts are transferred, they can carry the eternal changes of the world. Changes in reality require bit by bit real experience.

Maybe it was a microsecond, or maybe a few microseconds, Romney's body outside Divine Sense moved.

Long Yueyin also jumped out and stood in front of Romney.

"Are you really sure?"

Long Yueyin asked at last.

"Well, I'm sure."

Romney nodded, then bowed to Long Yueyin.

"Actually you can worship me as a teacher, and I will teach you carefully."

Long Yueyin felt a little regretful and tried to persuade her for the last time.

"Thanks to the fairy for your love, but I have learned enough information from you. When my body fully responds, I will personally thank you!"

Romney's vision was still pitch black at this time, but his ear power had gradually recovered.

The answer to Long Yueyin was smooth, without much hindrance.

"How about this."

"Although you won't worship me as a teacher, I still give you a basic fairy martial art."

"This is my original rebellious fist, and it is not bound to the immortal martial arts of Pandax Island.

"The so-called rebellious fate is to obey one's fate, not to fate."

"If there is a Karma you don't want to pick up in the future, maybe this rebellious fist can help you."

Long Yueyin was a little sorry, but didn't entangle too much. Instead, he gave Romney a book, which recorded the practice method of Rebellious Fist, as well as the path of energy movement.

"Thank you fairy! Romney remembers this kindness!"

Romney looked astonished, and soon bent down and bowed again, expressing his gratitude to the fairy.

"It's okay, it's okay."

"Since you have chosen a far place, then go."

"I won't keep you."

The fairy nodded, indicating that Romney could leave without staying longer.

"Okay, fairy! Thanks again!"

Romney straightened up and left directly, but stopped as if suddenly remembering something.

"Fairy, take the liberty to ask, is the ball that brought me here near here? I don't know who he is?"

Raising his hands, Romney gestured to describe the shape of the ball he felt at the beginning. While showing it, he asked about the identity of the ball that had been his guide.

"Oh, you said Long Yunli."

"He is a descendant of my line, you don't have to worry about him."

"It's his punishment period now, you just need to find a distant place that belongs to you."

Suddenly, the fairy called Long Yunli's empty bubble to signal Romney not to care about this stubborn offspring.

"I still have to thank him. If it weren't for his traction, perhaps I have encountered something unexpected."

Although he couldn't see it, Romney saluted in a direction that he intuitively sensed.

Seeing Romney's gratitude, Long Yunli's face flushed with a joy that he had never had before.

That's what he has been looking for, and it will only be brought by being appreciated and doing good deeds...


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