I Kill The Protagonist

Chapter 193 Fire Soul Chalcedony Birth

Romney left the Golden House.

Listening to the sound in my ears, I walked along the calm blue Yellow Springs Road.

The dark cave heard the sound of the wind from time to time, and he heard the sound of the wind, and he felt a certain throbbing in his heart.

Like this darkness, and like this blue Yellow Springs Road, he walked lonely on the edge of life and death.

To the left is to leave, and to the right is to leave.

From that day when he wanted to escape Xi Luo and others, Romney had already said goodbye to his past self.

This farewell may not be irreversible, but he no longer thinks about returning.

For him, this world was originally a second world.

There are memories of past lives and memories of this life.

Now, he will have another transformation in the afterlife.

Like a fate, and like a random choice, Romney leaned against a cave wall.

Cold, biting, and walking alone.

He felt the piercing pain in his heart, and slowly took out the reincarnation Jade Slip.

Romney can't see this Jade Slip, but he can feel the meaning of this Jade Slip.

"Fire Soul Race?"

He muttered to himself.

"Then be the Fire Soul Race."

He snapped and broke Jade Slip.




The ancient drums sounded, and the river of time surged.

The long golden lines penetrating time and space, the Shattering Void draws down from nothing.

The dazzling starlight fell from outside the stars, pierced the Planet Devourer through the world covered by mist, traversed the entire plane, and rushed into Romney's body.

Countless brilliance condensed, and epic chants sounded, and Romney was instantly in a starlight soul formation.

"The soul lamp is great!"

"Turn on!!"

The loud sound of the unknown sounded, piercing the eardrum into his mind.

The sound of smashing sounded, and the blasting of the body was inch by inch.




Romney yelled in pain, but this yelling could not relieve him even a bit of pain.

The blood burst and flowed out, the bones shattered every inch, and the flesh, fascia and periosteum was like a cumbersome at this moment.

"New soul lamp."

"Old soul."

"The Road to Carrying."

"Future Starlight."

With the hope from the ancestors, the spirits of the Fire Soul race gathered together at this moment, watching this reincarnated race together.

He is so crystal clear at this time, and so smooth.

Romney without the body, the color of the soul, is white.

But soon, this whiteness was reversed.

First black, then purple, then blue, yellow, and finally freeze frame to red.

A brand new soul was born at this moment.

"Li Cheng."

"The soul lamp is great."


The starlight outside the sky is still shining, but the voice from ancient times fell, slowly cutting off the connection of this starlight.

The starlight that penetrated the world like a beam of light, little by little, returned to the Star that connected them.

The ones that were pierced along the road did not recover, but were slowly changed by the starlight, becoming unknown and inexplicable existence.

"The body condenses itself."

Another voice came, and those who were pierced by the starlight gathered together under this word.

Breathing in all the light along the road, the physical body has absorbed all the fog outside the world into the body.

Swallow, flame, resolve, transform, merge.

In the end, all these things pierced by the starlight turned into Romney's new body.

This body, without the human form, is still human.

The soul lamp in that chest is scorching like a radiant light, and it clears itself before the wind blows.

The fiery red color burned fiercely with the soul fire belonging to Romney.

The clean skin, like jade, outlines his appearance.

Two hundred centimeters, the golden ratio.

Sword eyebrows, bright eyes and bright teeth.

Romney who walked out of the light was no longer him, but a descendant of the reincarnated Fire Soul race.

So-called, the soul lamp glutinous rice ignites the fire soul, and the chalcedony is full of vitality.

This time of rebirth, Romney completely got rid of the shackles of the past body and became another higher-level natural creature.

Romney, who was already another person, raised his head and looked at the hole that pierced through the stars.

There was originally a misty place, and there were three Planet Devourers coveting the God-given plane.

But now it has been wiped out, showing the endless world of brilliance.

There is a list of Stars, and there is a Tianhe across.

This is what the universe should be like, but it wasn't until this time that it truly appeared in front of Romney and the original creatures.

Perhaps this piece of Qingming was so painful to some of the existing plans, that mist once again filled up, covering the magnificence beyond the stars.

Romney felt his connection with billions of stars outside the world, and moved his heart to perceive the new energy born in his body.

Star power.

That is a kind of energy radiated by billions of stars, a kind of Universe energy.

It can be transformed into the soul flame light energy that belongs to the fire soul clan alone, inspiring the fiercely burning flame light to protect itself and fight the enemy fiercely.

Stretching out Own's hands, Romney felt the powerful resilience full of explosive power, and the ubiquitous Star power that surrounds Own's own planet.

He felt that he really became another species.

In other words, he was born again.

Not to be reborn in the inexplicable crossing, but to be reborn in the own choice.

Like Phoenix Nirvana, fish jumped over the dragon gate.

Romney walked out of his own soul lamp and stepped onto the road that crossed the eternal space of the long river of time.

It belongs to him, and it also belongs to the survival and development of the fire soul clan that has existed in ancient times.

"From now on, I will no longer be a human being. From then on, I am a fire soul clan. Everything in the past will be inherited, and everything in the new life will be inherited."

"My name in this life is Romney Kesdrum. My family in this world gave me this name and surname. I must not abandon this hope, nor should I abandon this kindness."

"I should be outside this name, choose one of my own, and restart my new student."

"The Fire Soul clan, formerly known as the Huoding Clan, also known as the Star Soul Clan, has bred the Starlight Soul Lantern civilization."

"Then I will use the name of fire to inherit the will of the fire soul. Because of the rebirth of Jade Slip, I became the fire soul clan. It has the fate of succession and inheritance from ancient times, and the new star clan has the meaning of reshaping the soul lamp. The word star soul."

"Soul of Mars, is another name for me besides Romney Kesdrum."

Romney looked at the mountain wall that was worn by the starlight hole extremely smoothly, crystal clear enough to illuminate his full body shape. While mumbling, he chose another name that belongs to own, Soul Mars.

"Soul of Mars, this name is really funny. Hahaha, maybe I really came from Mars."

Perhaps after naming it, I suddenly realized something funny. The old Romney Kesdrum, the newly born Martian soul smiled and stretched out his own hands, spread them out and revolved around and looked again. .

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