I Kill The Protagonist

Chapter 201 The Temple Under the Glacier

The polar dwarves are tribal system.

Every tribe will have a large sacrifice, dedicated to worship the gods.

The polar dwarf tribe that captured Romney and Little Ice Crystal Phoenix is ​​a medium-sized tribe with about 3,000 people.

The polar dwarves that Romney had encountered before were a hunting team sent by another large tribe, with a number of about 7,000.

Throughout the entire polar region, on the vast glaciers, the total number of polar dwarves is less than 100,000.

They are all distributed on the edge of the polar regions and are indigenous to the polar coasts, polar glaciers, and polar ice sheets.

The entire polar region is divided into nine modules, from the edge to the middle, from south to north: the polar coast, polar glaciers, polar ice sheets, polar glacial lakes, islands in polar lakes, polar mountains, polar ice basins, and polar glacial depths. And the heart of the polar region.

Among them, the polar coast directly communicates with the polar sea, while the polar sea is connected with the endless sea, forming a world of extreme points of the plane world.

According to known information reports, there are a total of three polar regions discovered in the human world, namely, polar coasts, polar glaciers, and polar ice sheets.

The probing of these three polar environments has prompted mankind to understand the entire polar region. Before they were ascertained, people could not have a complete picture of the polar region, but after the three polar outer circle environments were ascertained, the general island shape of the entire polar region was deduced.

At the same time, the chain environment of polar creatures is also deduced.

Starting from the lowest level of polar snow grass, there are polar snow hare, polar fox, polar wolf, polar snowman, polar dwarf, polar snow lion and so on.

The level of strength starts from the low-level Magical Beasts and goes all the way to the god level, with no ceiling.

The strongest creature in the outer polar regions that can be encountered and detected is the three-headed ice god Magical Beasts.

The strongest among them is a pair of ice crystal Phoenix couple. They rule the decomposition line ice sheet of the entire polar inner and outer circles. After the ice sheet is the ice lake.

According to untestable news, under the polar ice lake, there exists a terrible existence that even the god-level ice crystal Phoenix couple are afraid of. And this terrifying existence is the island in the center of the lake guarding the ice lake, where there may be an unknown secret hiding place. But the most mysterious place in the polar regions is not on the bright side, but below the polar regions.

When Romney and the little ice crystal Phoenix were carried into the polar glacier, which belonged to the mountain ice cave where the polar dwarf tribe was located, dozens of mysterious existences hidden in the blue light came together to the deepest ice abyss in the polar region. The polar ice heart at the place.

"The battle on land has begun?"

The one who arrived here first was nearly sixteen meters high, sitting on the ground casually, asking questions in a urn sound. This questioning sound rang out, causing waves of seabed ice water like ripples in the polar ice core.

"It seems to have begun. That lunatic is afraid that he wants to unify the entire continent in a few years."

Not far from the tall existence, a pretty being nearly one meter tall, jumped onto the shoulder of the tall existence, and talked close to his ears.

"Well, are they all here?"

He asked again, looking around for other figures.

Beings with different heights, huge differences in size, and different body types did not care about this observation.

This is not the first time everyone has met, and each has some understanding of their own fundamentals.

It still maintains the concealment of the blue light, just a layer of occlusion that can be uncovered at any time.

In order to avoid a situation where there is no return to the end of the battle, some leeway is left in advance at this time.

Speaking of it, I'm a little bit self-deceiving.




Not long after this conversation began, there was a buzzing sound in the darkest part of Polar Bingxin.

A pitch-black palace emerged from nothingness, a little bit shrouded the existence of the people living in the field, after the last buzz, his original appearance emerged.

"Boom Rumble"

"Boom Rumble"

The huge polar ice eel with twenty-four heads and a body length of 3,000 meters and a body of a hundred meters thick slowly swims out, holding a huge ice coffin behind its back.

The corner of the ice coffin looks nearly 30,000 meters long and wide, and it is covered with blue-purple inscriptions. From time to time, golden light flows in the inscriptions, bringing a burst of mysterious energy flow.




There was another buzzing sound, and after the ice coffin slowly walked out a behemoth more than 4,000 meters tall.

Six-armed, single-headed, snake-tailed viper, layered on top of muscles. On the head of the huge fish dragon, a pair of yellow-green snake crowns spread from the top of the head to the tail of the snake.

The mysterious beings present all stood up and paid attention after seeing the huge six-armed Naga.

Like a certain ritual of going out of Tibet, under the eyes of the mysterious beings, this naga and those polar ice eels sent the ice coffin out of the polar ice heart and swim towards the polar regions.

"After all, it's gone."

I don't know who murmured to himself, and the solemn attention ceremony ended with this sentence.

The mysterious beings began to whisper in groups, and everyone stood up and presided over the overall situation.

For a long time, it was about seven or eight minutes.

A magical image recorded in advance suddenly opened in this palace.

The image is full of light, showing the glorious history of an old guardian who has just passed away.

"We cherish the memory of him, the child of God the Father."

"Now that the land and the sea are in turmoil, the old god war has begun, and the last child of the father god has left us."

"In this ancient temple, on behalf of the sea naga clan, I extend my sincerest invitation to everyone."

"We, it's time to decide a new guardian of the plane."

The magic image reflected that after dozens of minutes, the huge Naga that had just left returned to this ancient temple again, and issued a call to own.

The existence of all the people present is not that no one has the same strength as this six-armed naga, but his age is the largest among all the existence. Therefore, he will arrange the funeral ceremony and the presiding of the secret meeting.

At this time, Naga called on everyone to reopen the selection of the guardian, which meant very much like the meeting when the old land war started.

That was a meeting held on the top of the polar region on the other side of the world. All the messengers of the old gods who attended the meeting agreed to the land battle.

In order to ensure the fairness of the god war, the old god messengers on the land chose to mobilize the souls from outside the sky, give them their divine powers, and guide them to participate in the huge battlefield.

In order of order, the person chosen by the Son of God the Father is the first name and has the right to inheritance on the first plane.

But then things changed. The Son of God the Father died, in an assassination.

The old gods on the land remained silent and did not say who committed the evil deeds.

But everyone is not a fool, and everyone knows who is standing behind the new first heir who conquered and landed on the kingdom.

To be clear, the old god wars on land and under the sea are not the same.

The positions of the two are also very different.

If it is said that the land is the inheritance of the plane, then the battle under the sea is the authority of the guardian of the plane.

That is the only position on this plane that lives and dies together, and besides the position of the Father God, it is also the position with the highest control over the opposite plane.

If it is said that the position of the Father God is to master the ownership of the plane, it is able to dominate the changes of the divine position of the plane.

Then the position of the guardian of the plane is the representative of the plane itself, which can lead the upgrade and promotion of the plane.

Judging from the concept of Romney's original world, the position of the Father is like the executive president who holds the dominant power of listed companies, and the guardian of the plane is the chairman of the board of directors of listed companies.

One is the action of the plane itself, and the other is the plane itself. They restrict each other and are interdependent, and each can have a profound impact on the plane.

To say who has the highest rank in the plane, when the only Father God is still alive, it is natural that the Father God, who represents both the guardian of the plane and the heir to the plane, is the highest.

But now all the direct bloodlines of the Father God have passed away, and those who are able to obtain plane authority, whether they are guardians or heirs, are not in the same position.

This is similar to the existence of the king of east and west, and it is the decentralized checks and balances made by the plane to ensure its sound development.

It's just that this kind of checks and balances, in the battlefield of the old gods, has been beaten with loopholes, and it seems very untimely.

To get the position of guardian must be influenced by the successor. To get the position of successor, you have to be influenced by the guardian.

The former represents the god system, and the latter represents the plane.

If you can't be one, it will split into two sides, tearing the world apart.

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