I Kill The Protagonist

Chapter 202 God's Envoy Has Arrived

"Hey, huhu"

"Hey, huhu"

The polar dwarves happily and happily carried Romney and the little ice crystal Phoenix, and returned to their tribe in the polar glacier.

The tribe as a whole is excavated in a glacier that has not melted for thousands of years. The glacier is endless but has its own fissures and boundaries. This daring polar dwarf tribe of Phoenix children is located in the southern section of the polar glacier.

In the 3,600-meter-high glacier, the middle and lower section of the glacier was hollowed out by this polar dwarf tribe, and a glacier cave was established. The glacier crypt is huge, with thousands of miles in length and breadth, but the real crypt is less than 100,000 cubic meters.

The 100,000 cubic meters are divided into four floors, each with a height of 5 meters, a length of 100 meters, and a width of 50 meters. They are used for living and raising, discussion and exchange, ritual worship, and training for military training. Other areas are winding glacier tunnels, connecting the polar coast and polar ice sheets.

This wave of hunting teams with Romney and Little Ice Crystal Phoenix returned from one of the glacier tunnels that connected the polar ice sheet.



When the hunting team returned to the glacier crypt, the dwarven women and elders waiting in the crypt shouted for welcome. Romney couldn't understand their screaming screams, but the extremely excited emotions could be really felt.

Only soon, Romney passed out into a coma. Because although there was little blood dripping all the way, and his body's resilience was a leap from the human period, he still had a critical point of untreated injuries.

Romney's coma was not spotted by any polar dwarves, and even if a polar dwarf found out, he wouldn't care. After all, dead prey and live prey, they can eat it right. Moreover, the glacier is cold, which has a natural advantage in preserving the freshness of the prey.


The cheers soon ushered in a climax, and a dwarf wearing a sacrificial costume and holding a sacrificial ice scepter walked out of the glacier cave. He is the high priest of this dwarf tribe, dedicated to the worship of the gods of the tribe.


As soon as he walked in front of the prey, he saw the little ice crystal Phoenix, which was three meters high and had wings spread nearly three meters. The expression of satisfaction was revealed on the face full of beard and whip, and then he yelled to show that the grace of the gods was once again displayed, allowing their tribe to hunt down a cherished little ice crystal Phoenix.


The onlookers of the polar dwarf tribe people screamed happily, echoing the great sacrifice. If Romney was still awake at this time, he would be amazed by the civilization of this tribe of polar dwarves.

As we all know, the polar dwarves are all wild monsters like hairy and blood-drinking creatures in the known records. The sense of tribe displayed at this time greatly surpassed past cognition.

Perhaps this kind of civilized aura is unique, or perhaps every polar dwarf tribe has become more civilized, but the outside world does not know it.

No matter what, the great sacrifice at this time, after sighing the little ice crystal Phoenix, turned his head and looked at Romney. It was okay before I saw it. After watching Romney's appearance intently for dozens of seconds, the soya-sized eyes of the sacrifice suddenly widened like a copper bell.


A scream sounded, and the big sacrifice fell to the ground, as if kneeling down to worship the gods.


The polar dwarves onlookers were still looking forward to the words of praise of the big sacrifice, but they did not expect to see the scene of the big sacrifice kneeling on the ground and shouting. Doubts floated on the heads of every polar dwarf. The dwarves didn't know why the big sacrifices had to bow down to their prey. Is this a new way of celebrating?

"Cracking croaking!!!"

After kneeling down for a while, the big sacrifice seemed to have suddenly recovered, and he lied to look around the polar dwarves in a daze.

At this time, all the dwarves knelt down and worshipped together with the great sacrifice, chanting together.

I don't know which dwarf is to report the letter. Soon a strong polar dwarf with a size of about two meters came to the scene. Seeing him wearing an ice cap, he should be the chief of this tribe.


As soon as the chief arrived at the scene, he saw the high priest and the dwarves kneeling to worship a dying prey. This was the first time I saw this scene. The polar dwarf chief, who was born with supernatural power and had an upgraded bloodline, groaned confusedly, waiting for the answer from the high priest.

"Chili Chili! Gua La Gua La!"

When the high priest saw the arrival of the chieftain, he yelled a few times, with tears in his true feelings, as if he saw the God of Own descending on their caves.

"Crack it?!"

"Cracking croaking!!!"

The chief was still wondering just now, when he suddenly heard the yelling of the high priest several times, he was immediately stunned in place like being struck by lightning. In the next half second, the chief suddenly leaped up, then fell to the ground, knelt on the ground fiercely, and got up loudly. It looks like a devout believer to see his own faith.

Good guy, there is no polar dwarf who doesn't understand the situation anymore. All the polar dwarves stretched into one piece, one by one fell to the ground, shouting loudly! !

If there are scholars who understand some polar dwarves, they must understand the conversation between the high priest and the chief just now. If translated, the dialogue just now would be:

"Big sacrifice: God's messenger! It's the god's messenger! The messenger has come! The messenger's blessing, I'm grateful! God's messenger's blessing, I'm grateful!

Chief: What's wrong? The new trend of kneeling prey?

Great sacrifice: Er Frozen, kneel down quickly, don't be disrespectful to the gods. This is the envoy standing next to the god when I was fortunate enough to meet the god!

Chief: Huh? ! Divine Envoy? what! ! God’s messenger is here, and Er Lengzi is not guilty if he doesn’t know it! Please also forgive Er Lengzi! ! "

In this conversation, a proper envoy came to the scene. It's a pity that no one who could understand was present, and no foreigners were present.

The divine envoys that the polar dwarves themselves experienced caused the ice water dinner they had originally prepared to be temporarily changed to all the tribes bowing down.

They put Romney on a high ice platform, and no one went to rescue Romney, they just put it on their knees, and then shouted blessings.

In this way, Romney was placed on a high platform for seven days and nights. The little ice crystal Phoenix was originally meant to be eaten, but because he appeared with the divine envoy, he was amnesty and placed in an ice prison.

On the morning of the eighth day, when the polar dwarves began to get used to the lying state of Romney, Romney suddenly thumped, flew up and made a gesture of attacking the polar dwarves.

This frightened the devout believers who were kneeling. They neither dared to move nor scream. The confrontation was quickly broken by the big sacrifice that came after hearing the news. He said, "My lord, do you remember me? When the gods were blessing me, you were by the side. I was just like you. Remember very clearly!" The words were slurred, but Romney understood.

This is the language of the Alec Empire, a rounded Mandarin. Although he understood the words, Romney was confused. He didn't understand the key points at all. Why did he catch him and Little Ice Crystal Phoenix in front of him, but then suddenly he worshiped him and said that he was a divine envoy?

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