After processing the new harvest, Romney returned to the Icehammer tribe with the half body of the black water god.

In the more developed residence, Romney began to refine the body of the Black Water God.

The whole process is very simple, it is to release a fiercely burning flame with a temperature close to 4000 degrees, to wrap the body of the black water god, and absorb it layer by layer.

To say that the body of the black water god is really huge, if Romney had brought back the essence of simply refining most of the Impurities, it might not be able to be brought into the glacier cave.

Refining the essence on the body after the rough refining process is to refine it until it can be directly absorbed. This refining didn't take long. In about half a day, Romney had refined a lot of black and smelly filth.

This filth, which is corrosive and poisonous, may play some role in the future. Therefore, Romney wasted its own value characteristics, and instead filled it with storage tanks made of meteorite for emergency needs.

After putting away the filth, what remained in front of Romney was a black matter with gleaming black light and bright energy.

The black matter keeps spinning, and the black brilliance flashes on it will bring up bursts of electricity.

"It's done."

Seeing such a mass of quintessential energy matter, Romney exhaled lightly and swallowed it into his abdomen.

It is okay to continue refining with external flame light, but Romney, who has certain human habits, still likes to digest some nutrients by swallowing.

Soon, the black energy matter that fell into Romney's belly was enveloped by layers of burning flames.

The fiercely burning flame is several points hotter than the flame outside the body.

It took only three hours to absorb the essence that originally required more than a day of refining.

This absorption, before Romney could do anything, a star-flickering acupoint(s) figure spontaneously shot out of Romney's soul lamp.

The acupoint(s) diagram is made up of stars, in which the eight large holes and twenty-four small holes above the legs are not lit, while the one large hole and three small holes on the leg exude a dazzling Star Light.

At this time, the energy you were absorbed by Romney was rammed in the starlight acupoint(s), and the three small holes and one big hole in the hand were hit by the sound of several booms.


As if echoing in the distance, Romney suddenly felt a sharp pain. He yelled and opened his body in a big font.

At this moment, layers of light came from Romney's palm twice in turn, and finally lit up to the joints of the shoulders.

Romney regained his control over his own after the entire rushing process was over, and the star-like acupoint(s) map quickly but silently returned to Romney's chest soul lamp.

"Huh, huh, I didn't expect the lighting of the second big hole would be so hard."

"I thought it was the same as the first one, and it was done in one click."

Standing up tiredly, Romney is now a member of the Fire Soul tribe, but he still wipes sweat habitually. But when he touched own forehead, he found no sweat at all.

Romney shook his head and didn't pay more attention to details, but felt his own changes carefully.

First, gently squeeze own hands, and then gently wave.

Then, an afterimage suddenly appeared in front of Romney's eyes, passing by dozens of times faster than before, and finally plunged into the ice wall beside him.

"Uh, haha, I didn't expect that even the hands were upgraded to the same level as the legs."

"It seems that I have to practice my own eyes in the future, otherwise I may not be able to keep up with my own limbs."

Gently pulled his own arm back, and Romney looked at it with all his eyes, only to keep up with the sudden surge of arm speed.

Not only did he keep up with the speed of his arm, he even saw the tiny plankton in the delicate air. Those magnifying glass observations made him startled by the Ascension of his own eyesight.

Perhaps all acupoint(s) lighting, Ascension and activation are not just partial specific amplifications, but the overall all-function and all-attribute Ascension.

Romney didn't pay attention to it. At this time, he looked seriously, his eyes captured own hand speed, and he also saw a microscopic world beyond ordinary vision.

This was the first time to light up what acupoint(s) did not possess. At that time, although he also had Ascension in his eyesight, he was only able to capture Ascension by dynamic vision, but he did not possess the ability to observe the microscopic world as he does now.

"Try the unity of hands and eyes."

After getting acquainted with the new changes of own, Romney started a new round of self-test.

He ran and ran, turned and turned, stretched his hands, squatted his feet. The speed of movement is the same as in normal times. After the eyes and arms have all kept up, the normal vision is no different from the past.

But if there are outsiders, you will see Romney suddenly flashing the afterimages of countless phantom clones, doing various stretching exercises in his own residence.

Its speed is beyond imagination.

"This kind of feeling, it feels a little bit superhuman."

Realizing the difference between his own speed and the speed of reality, Romney began to feel that he had a superman like his previous life.

Not to mention the supersonic flight speed, but the supersonic hand speed, and the ability to see the supersonic hand speed and leg speed. These are not what humans can do.

Even Romney believes that almost no one in the sanctuary can achieve this level. If it's a god level, it might be possible to achieve it.

Romney made this judgment. In fact, part of the reason came from his previous experience of fighting with the god of black water.

As a powerhouse at the sanctuary level, the physical strength and energy strength of the Black Water God are both excellent. But compared to Romney's slow speed, as well as the fatal weakness of the three-headed back and neck, the sanctuary powerhouse was buried at Romney's feet before he exerted all his strength.

With this experience as a basis, as well as the previous roaring battle with the Polar Ice Bear King, Romney asked himself that he was already invincible in his class.

It is that the strength of the body is so weak, but if the golden back orifice is lighted up in the future, perhaps all of this will be supplemented, and even strengthened beyond imagination.

Although it is not known whether the golden back orifice can increase the strength of the whole body, looking at the nine major acupoint(s) paths, only one golden back orifice is crowned with gold. The lighting of this acupoint(s) is most likely to increase the strength of the whole body.

At that time, perhaps Romney would be able to single-handedly roar without losing the flame dragon armor.

Thinking of this, Romney suddenly had some expectations.

"It doesn't seem like this battle is all a crisis, and it may also bring unprecedented opportunities."

Thinking of some of the benefits of gaining a strong body after the war, Romney muttered to himself, launching a completely superhumanized association in the future.

"No, maybe the future is not just Superman, but an existence that transcends Superman, a soul man!"

Thinking in his heart may exceed the ability of Superman in the previous life, Romney told another answer.

Yes, the Ascension of this kind of strength will have a comprehensive Ascension after every acupoint(s) is lit, which can be seen from the eyesight following the Ascension.

If all acupoint(s) are lit in the future, perhaps the speed will no longer be supersonic, but tens, hundreds, or thousands of times the supersonic speed.

It can even reach the speed of light, or even surpass the speed of light.

This is not impossible, after all, just lighting up two acupoint(s), Romney feels that he can challenge the fairy master of Pandaxian Island. If only talking about melee ability, without discussing the tricks of energy release.

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