When the glacial caves of the two tribes were pierced through, and passages, sentries, and transportation routes were established, Romney came to a deserted sea.

It is about ten kilometers away from the polar region, and the sea is cold and there are occasional waves.

Romney was suspended in mid-air, holding a huge meteorite in his hand.

The reason he came here is to test his current physical data.

When he was still a magician before, Romney liked to use digital expressions to keep things that were difficult to measure.

Now that he has a huge Ascension in strength, Romney decided to build a small experimental base that can help him test his strength.

This base is going to be temporarily built on this seabed.

In order to test the pressure that he can bear, Romney plans to refine enough measurement tools and test his own data, then go deep into the seabed to feel his own body's natural pressure-bearing capacity.

But currently, the first thing to test is own hand speed and foot speed, fist strength and foot strength, weight lifting power and flight speed.

Based on his memory of his previous life, Romney crudely refined some test instruments.

The appearance of these instruments is rough, but in general they can help Romney test his own strength.

One force plate, one speedometer, one fixed plate, and one Star Power Video Recorder.

The surface of the polar sea is rough and it is difficult to erect these equipment, but fortunately there are many floating ice blocks on the sea, some of which can reach several thousand meters in size.

Romney chose a larger floating ice block and placed his newly refined test equipment on it.

After installation, Romney started his own strength self-test.

Based on the vague memory, Romney punches six times per second as a normal human being, with a punch of 75 kilograms as a standard, as a unit.

At the same time, humans take their feet three times per second, with one hundred and fifty kilograms per foot as a standard, as a unit.

According to the calculation method of one unit for each scale, Romney began to punch on the ice.



With one punch, two punches, and three punches, they were slapped with innumerable jabs in a slow and anxious manner. Under the capture of the combat pointer, Romney hit the air with a straight punch that ordinary people could not catch with the naked eye.

The strong fist wind and sound barrier brought up in the afterimage exploded on the floating ice.

The sound of the sonic boom spread out, smashing many innocent small ice cubes around.

The broken ice cubes scattered into pieces, turning into crystal dust smelling cold in the air.


After punching at super high speed, Romney stopped the wave of his hand.

The surrounding turbulence gradually returned to calm after Romney stopped.

Romney didn't pay much attention to the surrounding environment. He just walked to the instrument a few steps and checked the test data.

"Seven thousand, four hundred and sixty-one punches?!"

Romney returned the image of the recording instrument and called up the data index. When the index continued to climb, reaching 78461 punches, Romney was shocked in disbelief. He didn't expect that he could hit so many punches in one minute.

Although it has been possible to guess that own combat level is already non-human, the speed of punching can reach more than 70,000 punches per minute, which is really unexpected.

This is equivalent to about 218 times the normal speed of humans, or 218 normal unit speeds.

Shocked by Own's superman speed, Romney looked at Own's hands.

The ten fingers are powerful, the grip is strong, the skin is tough, but it is as smooth as jade, and it feels comfortable to the touch like nanomaterials.


He sighed the appearance of own hands. Romney cleared the test data of hand speed. After saving the influence, he started the calculation of own foot speed.



A flash of light and shadow, from slow to fast, from visible to invisible. One kick, two kicks, three kicks, countless kicks, Romney tried his best to perform his own kick within one minute.


After stopping again, he rushed to check the data in a hurry, and it said...

"My mother Mia, 39,231!!"

"It's not a human, it's really not a human!"

I can feel that own leg speed is slower than hand speed, so Romney thinks the data should be lower. But I don't want to look at the kick speed indicator, and it can reach the level of 39,231 legs.

This is obviously the same speed, which is also 218 times the attack speed of human legs, and it is also the speed of 218 normal units.

Having accurately grasped the speed indicator, Romney decided to test his own flight speed to gauge the possible strength deviations.

"call out!"

Just do it when he thinks of it, and Romney flicks through the speed measuring instrument with a supersonic limit flight speed.

"Beep Beep Beep Beep!"

Soon, there are indicators for speed calculations.

Romney sprinted to the side of the instrument and carefully checked the flight speed.

"6425 kilometers per hour?!"

"Unbelievable, unbelievable, it may not take me a long time to fly around the earth."

Originally, he was extremely shocked by own fist speed and leg speed. At this time, after testing the flight speed, Romney was even more shocked. This speed is no longer as simple as non-human, but in the category of superhuman.

According to the speed of sound as one Mach, one Mach is 340ms or 1224kmh. The normal human moving speed is 7.8ms or 28kmh. The speed of sound is about 43.5 times that of humans.

And now Romney is out of 6248kmh, which is 1735.5ms. According to the supersonic speed of Mach 5, which is 1700ms or 6120kmh, Romney's speed even exceeds the supersonic speed, which is 223 times that of a normal human.

"It's incredible, I have to calculate my own punch strength and leg strength."

With speed data as a prerequisite, Romney's mood to test his strength is almost bursting.

In the past, he felt that he was non-human, but there was no indicator to determine it. Now, as soon as he tested the sense of Transcendent and the experience of being crushed by the data, he couldn't wait to start punching and kicking the target.



With a punch and kick on the force plate made of meteorite, Romney clearly saw the plate of meteorite up to half a meter thick, and was instantly punched through.

Scratching his head, Romney, like a good brother, gently patted the force plate that he had broken shortly after being refined. After comforting the force plate, Romney turned his head and looked at the force indicator.

"Twenty-two thousand eight hundred and ninety-one kilograms!"

"Forty-six thousand five hundred and twelve kilograms!"

The index for boxing is 22,891 kg, which is 22 tons; the index for kicking is 46,512 kg, which is 46 tons.

According to the indicators set just now, a normal person punches 75 kilograms and a foot 150 kilograms. Romney's punch strength is 305 times that of normal humans, and the kicking power is 310 times that of normal humans.

"It's no wonder that Black Water God was kicked to death with a few kicks by me. I am afraid that the great immortal master will have to be kicked to death even if the great immortal master comes."

Unexpectedly or not, Romney felt a bit pitiful for the black water god who was kicked three heads by himself.

A quick kick while standing on the spot can kick 46 tons. The double-hit damage of the supersonic kick that day was afraid that it could weigh hundreds of tons with a single kick.

If it is a kick that is charged, it may be able to reach hundreds of tons, or even nearly 1,000 tons.

The lethal power brought by this level of heavy blow, not to mention the Black Water God, is that the eight-legged giant in the filthy land is afraid that it will be severely injured when it comes.

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