I know this ancient god

Chapter 118 Can the will be published?

Xiao Baixue's eyes returned to clarity, and all the thoughts in her mind were gone. She thought she was just in a daze for a while.

Under remote control control, the old lady's coffin slowly moved forward with the flow of people, and everyone entered the funeral parlor.

The Shen family had already made an appointment with the funeral home staff, so they could go through the procedures directly upon arrival, or to be precise, skip several layers of procedures.

There was no refrigeration of the body, no make-up, and the vigil in the mourning hall was skipped, and the farewell ceremony went directly.

The old lady's children began to cry. Although they shed tears, they did not feel much sincerity. Their eyes always drifted to the person next to them who came to read the will.

Not to mention the grandchildren, they just shut their noisy mouths, lowered their annoying heads, and gave the old lady some peace.

A few minutes into the farewell ceremony, suddenly a teenager with colorful hair walked up to the lawyer.

His voice was neither high nor low, just enough for everyone to hear, and he just asked questions that everyone cared about.

"Can the will be published?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the crying in the funeral parlor suddenly stopped.

Everyone's ears pricked up.

Only Xiao Baixue was crying obliviously.

After the old lady died, her children only cared about the property she left behind. Less than halfway through the farewell ceremony, they actually ran to the side to ask about the will.

The staff of the funeral home frowned. They have worked here all year round and are used to seeing life and death and are tired of seeing grief, but they have rarely seen such unabashed humanity as before.

Lawyer Chen Xuan glanced at the Shen family members and finally remained silent.

Gradually, those who stopped crying realized that their behavior was not appropriate, and started pretending one after another, but this time they couldn't even squeeze out a tear.

Crying, crying so fake!

The funeral home workers looked at each other, and they all saw the disgust for the family in each other's eyes.

If they can't even be filial, what can they expect from them?

However, the person who asked about the will did not give up. After half a minute, he moved his face next to lawyer Chen Xuan and asked: "Can the will be announced now? Everyone is almost crying. Don't keep us appetizing." ”

The atmosphere that had just gotten up cooled down again.

This kind of coldness is more of a chill.

Xiao Baixue cast a hateful look at this person, her eyes turned slightly red, and she gritted her teeth and asked: "Shut up! Are you here for grandma or for the will?"

This man is a grandson of the old lady.

"Look at what you said. Of course my grandson came here for grandma." This man deliberately emphasized the word 'grandson' and said confidently, "Grandma's will is also related to grandma's will." It's related. Besides, if we don't talk about the will now, why don't we wait until grandma is cremated? Then it will be even more inappropriate for us to discuss the will outside!"

There is not only no respect for the deceased in the words, but also a bit of showoff and disdain.

The man said unhurriedly: "I really don't understand you. Everyone is dead. What's there to cry about now? Why don't we just bury it and it's over? Or explain the will clearly first, and then I'll do it first Go back, don’t waste my time, I also made an appointment with my friends for a drink.”

Meeting friends for drinks on the day of grandma's funeral?

Xiao Baixue's chest rose and fell violently, and she let out a slightly heavy breath. Her eyes stared at this person like a wounded animal.

"A Liang, stop talking."

The man's father stopped him.

The guy named A Liang shrugged and said something even more unconventional: "Grandma is always rude to others when she's alive, and she still causes trouble for us when she's dead. It's really not a good thing."

"A Liang!"

A Liang's father was worried.

He really felt that A Liang spoke too much, and he was worried that he would leave something to be said, and thus...

be targeted in future estate divisions.

Xiao Baixue's fists were clenched tightly.

Tang Xuan bent down and picked up Xiao Baixue. He put his mouth to Xiao Baixue's ear and whispered: "Don't be angry. You know what they are. Do you want me to help you teach them a lesson?"

Tang Xuan couldn't stand it anymore. His eyes had already fallen on the icon of the combat assistance function, and he just waited for Xiao Baixue to nod.

But Xiao Baixue shook her head unexpectedly, and she said in a depressed mood: "No, what's the use of scaring them again? They will never change."

Xiao Baixue loosened her clenched fists slightly, and her expression gradually became calmer. She stopped talking, but her eyes became colder.

Tang Xuan had a vague premonition.

He asked worriedly: "What's wrong with you?"

Xiao Baixue shook her head silently.

The farewell ceremony continued, but by this time there was not much sadness left. Everyone is pretending, especially A Liang. He directly took out his mobile phone to play the game and turned on the external speaker. Tang Xuan could even hear the clicking sound of gunshots coming from his mobile phone.

As time went by, the atmosphere in the venue became increasingly weird. When the farewell ceremony ended, everyone felt a sense of relief in their hearts.

The staff of two funeral homes opened the ice coffin and transferred the old lady's body into a packaging box made of special material.

When putting it in, I don't know whether it was a mistake or intentional, but one of the staff members let go of the box in advance and let the old lady gently knock her head on the box, making a low sound.

Several Shen family members who were close to him had angry expressions on their faces, not because they were filial, but because they felt that they had paid enough money but did not buy perfect service.

"Hey, how did you move our old man?"

"So careless!"

“Believe it or not we put you out of a job?”

The staff member didn't seem to hear. He stared at the old lady's remains calmly and said calmly: "Once you have given birth in ten months, a five-foot-tall will grow into a five-foot-tall. Old lady, you are in pain now." ?

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