I know this ancient god

Chapter 119 Who will collect the ashes?

After hearing this, everyone was stunned. They felt as if their faces were on fire, and they all looked away uncomfortably.

Tang Xuan looked at this bold staff member.

As the well-deserved hegemon on Ziwei Planet, the Shen family has many ways to replace a person who works in a funeral home. In this case, it is very valuable to have the courage to speak up.

Tang Xuan recalled the information about this funeral home that he had read before setting off, and searched for this person's face in his mind, but found nothing.

Tang Xuan looked at the staff member's clothes and his eyes stopped on the nameplate on his chest. The nameplate was as smooth as a mirror, and his face looked very young. He was obviously a newcomer to the job.

His name is on the nameplate: Wu Liang.

Tang Xuan nodded secretly. If the Shen family wanted to take revenge afterwards, he would provide Wu Liang with some help.

In this cold world, every warm person is worth protecting.

Xiao Baixue also cast a friendly look at Wu Liang.

Wu Liang didn't pay attention to Tang Xuan and Xiao Baixue behind the crowd. He and his colleagues pushed the old lady into the incinerator and started the machine after consulting the Shen family.

The machine made a buzzing sound, and a raging flame ignited in the furnace cavity. The old lady's body was reduced to ashes inch by inch in the flames.

Tang Xuan stared at this scene silently.

Ninety-nine percent of human body composition is the same as soil. After such burning, it can be regarded as dust returning to dust and returning to where it came from.

Life and death are endless.

He heard Xiao Baixue let out a low sob.

Tang Xuan sighed secretly.

[Friends of Women] activate!

[Hero Arms] Activate!

You get [a dozen clean socks]!

Tang Xuan lowered his head:? ? ?

He looked at the thick pile of socks in his hand and felt confused. What did it mean to ask him to stuff Xiao Baixue's mouth with socks?

Stop crying, that is, when [Avery] comes to kill him, no one can stop him.

Tang Xuan took a closer look.

[A dozen clean socks]: The little loli is so good! Stop those people's mouths with this sock!

It turned out to be used to silence other people.


Tang Xuan clutched the socks and didn't know what to do.

Blatantly gagging people with socks, it is better to summon the No. 1 support character to scare them again.

Tang Xuan felt very helpless, but soon he regretted not doing so.

"Will, can I read it now?"

When everyone consciously remained silent, the guy named A Liang spoke inappropriately again.

There was no shame on his face.

Lawyer Chen Xuan looked hesitant. As the saying goes, there are only three things to do. A Liang has already asked him the same question three times, so it would be inappropriate to refuse again.

He is a senior lawyer

Be sensible.

The two presidents and vice presidents of the foundation who came with Chen Xuan stood silently nearby. They looked at their noses and hearts, and they had no intention of getting involved in things that were not human outside here.

Chen Xuan hesitated and said, "Does everyone want to know now?"

The Shen family members looked at each other. A few of the younger generations started shouting and wanted to know, but the adults remained silent, neither agreeing nor disapproving.

Chen Xuan knew what he should do.

He was silent for two seconds and then whispered: "Then take this moment to explain the will to everyone clearly."

The old lady is being cremated and they discuss the will.

Such absurd things really happened.

Xiao Baixue clenched her fists again, her eyes revealed unspeakable hatred, and her petite body kept shaking.

Tang Xuan tried to pick her up, but Xiao Baixue refused him.

Xiao Baixue stood alone. She felt as if there was an invisible barrier between herself and the world. No one understood her, helped her, or even made her feel less depressed.

Her eyes swept over the faces of everyone in the Shen family. Every time she glanced at them, there was a little more aura about her that was unfamiliar to Tang Xuan.

Tang Xuan's right eyelid twitched slightly.

The bad premonition in his heart became stronger.

Little white snow.

Lawyer Chen Xuan took out a document from his briefcase and handed it to the president of the foundation next to him. After the president of the foundation confirmed that the document had not been opened, lawyer Chen Xuan opened the document in front of everyone.

Lawyer Chen Xuan introduced the old lady's will in concise language. Finally, he said: "In other words, half of Ms. Shen's property will be inherited by Shen Baixue, and the remaining half of the property will be managed by the Guanghua Foundation."

A Liang was shocked: "So we have no money?!"

"The old lady's ashes have been boxed."

"Which of you is holding it?"

Wu Liang held the urn in both hands and asked the Shen family.

However, none of the Shen family members paid attention to him because their attention was entirely on what lawyer Chen Xuan called the 'unfair' will.

Lawyer Chen Xuan slowly explained: "Rich ones! The foundation will distribute money to Ms. Shen's immediate family members every year in accordance with the proportion stipulated in the will. According to Ms. Shen's last wish, this part of the dividend will be paid after the annual memorial service for Ms. Shen's death. It will be given out in the form of a lottery.”

The words caused an uproar before he finished speaking.

"Dividends? Draws? Are you kidding me?"

"Bah! Bullshit justice!"

"How much did you charge that wild girl?!"

The Shen family was very excited, and they couldn't accept the fact that the old lady didn't give them any money.

In their view, although they were unfilial by smoking, drinking, and dancing, they were all descendants of the Shen family and deserved an inheritance no matter what.

No one noticed that there was mist in Xiao Baixue's eyes.

Xiao Baixue is not greedy for money, but she is very sad. At this moment, everyone is attacking her with words and expressions.

Wu Liang raised his voice: "Stop arguing now. Who will take the old lady's ashes?"

"Shut up! Are you blind?!"

"Can't you see that we are doing business?"

A Liang cursed without raising his head.

Wu Liang was stunned.

Talking about wills in a funeral home is business, but talking about family members’ ashes is not business?

"Give me the contract!"

A Liang snatched the contract from lawyer Chen Xuan's hands. He turned over it with brute force, turning the neat contract into a mess in the blink of an eye.

"What kind of signature is this?!"

"How could my grandma, a lady like me, write such ugly calligraphy? This is simply a forgery by you!"

A Liang raised the contract, pointed at the crooked earthworm-like fonts in the signature column of the contract and shouted loudly.

However, in the last few months of her life, the old lady's health was so bad that she couldn't even hold a tea cup. How could her handwriting be legible?

Everyone knows this very well.

But no one opposed A Liang at this time.

No one noticed a lone petite figure walking towards Wu Liang.

Xiao Baixue had completely given up on the Shen family. She wiped away her tears and walked towards Wu Liang step by step with the music box in her arms.

What she was thinking was:

If grandma’s children don’t want grandma’s ashes

I want!

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