I know this ancient god

Chapter 189 Rahu?

Aatrox's name is the God of Death Battle. His main ability is to launch a death battle against any target. In a death battle, only the weapons formulated by him can be used, and only one party can end it. Before that, Both sides will be framed in a small area suitable for fighting.

I have to say that Aatrox's life is really good. He was revived in the Mauryan Empire, and it was when Tang Xuan was not around.

If it had happened a few days ago, He might have been lifted up as soon as He showed His head.

If this was the Federation, His appearance might be the final chapter.

He was very weak when he was newly revived. After obtaining the power he had stored in the void, he created a disaster on the surface of the planet that caused the earth to collapse.

At first the disaster was relatively small, the size of a city.

But as the number of believers continued to increase, Aatrox's power rapidly expanded, and the scale of the disaster also rapidly expanded, covering the entire planet.

He uses divine power to spread His voice to every corner of the planet, and He uses salvation to induce people to recite His name.

Although chanting the name of God is the least efficient way to generate faith, when your life hangs on a thread, chanting the name of God loudly with excitement can also generate a lot of faith.

Aatrox's divine power is related to killing, one of the primitive desires of mankind, through which he can gain faith from humans.

He used divine power to influence human minds, enhance their desire for killing, and give them the ability to initiate deadly fights.

A fight to the death is a one-on-one duel with the blessing of divine power.

During a deathmatch, neither player can do anything else until one of them kills the other. The winner can receive divine blessings, become stronger, and want to kill even more.

Aatrox used this method to encourage all humans on the planet to kill each other.

There are three billion people on this planet, and He has given all of them the ability to fight to the death, letting them kill each other, and constantly providing him with faith in the killing.

The Marine Corps just happened to be involved.

There is no doubt that this is a fishing-like method of gaining faith, but Aatrox doesn't care, because he senses that an extremely fatal danger is approaching him at an unimaginably terrifying speed.

He must gain enough faith as soon as possible, then escape far away from here and hide in a corner where no one cares to recuperate.

"Fight! Use the blooming flower of killing to please me! I will give you endless power and eternal life!"

Aatrox said words that he thought were corny, with no trace of mockery and contempt on his face.

Endless power.

eternal life.

If I had these things, I wouldn't be fooling you here.

Aatrox himself felt strange. He found that the humans on this planet were extremely ignorant and could be deceived by just a few words. They were easier to deceive than the humans of his time.

Human beings in His time would not believe in Him just because He saved them, because they knew that He was also responsible for the disaster. No one would be moved by the charity of the culprit after their family was destroyed.

Is it because God has not harvested faith for so long that human IQ has dropped, or is it that the humans here themselves are a relatively stupid species?

Aatrox's voice penetrated people's eardrums, causing desires in people's hearts to grow wildly, and the fighting on the surface of the planet became increasingly fierce.

Amid the intensive calls for help, countless white beams hung down from the space fleet. They penetrated the clouds and blasted the crazy people on the ground into dregs.

The fleet has tried its best, but even so, it cannot improve the situation. The rescued soldiers will soon be torn into pieces by another group of crazy people.

Delay the fighter plane first, blindly launch the Marine Corps later. I was holding the homework handed in by the federal government, but I copied it completely.

One million marines are like a small wave on the vast ocean in a big storm of three billion people, disappearing without leaving a trace.

The old man's face was full of shock: "What? The whole army was wiped out?!"

The little secretary's shoulders shook slightly, and she said fearfully: "Yes, General. The life signal of the last combat team has also disappeared."

"Bastard!" the old man was furious, "What do the guys on the fleet do for a living? They don't know how to fire artillery support. What do I need them for?"

The little secretary was so frightened that she knelt down and said in panic: "They also sent a video. Do you want to see it?"

The old man said angrily: "Let go!"

A three-dimensional image appeared in front of him.

The picture shows a Marine Corps position. There are thousands of people on this position. They are all equipped with the Mauryan Empire's most advanced weapons. Whether it is the firearms in their hands, the tanks they drive, or the armor they wear, they are all state-of-the-art. .

But their faces were full of fear.

Above their heads, a dense circle of light beams fell around their camp, forming a 'city wall' to protect them.

The soldiers' expressions relaxed.

The old man frowned. He didn't know how this position was breached by the enemy under such strict protection.

Can the enemy pass through the beam wall?

This is impossible!

Just as he was thinking this, a human head suddenly popped out of the beam. Before he could react, the soldiers in the video were screaming and shooting.


Chug tug tug.

The enemy walked out of the beam with a grin. He had four arms and an inhuman lower body wrapped in smoke.

The old man was stunned. He didn't see any armor on the enemy. The enemy simply passed through, completely ignoring the high-energy beam emitted by the battleship.

The enemy jumped up suddenly. His body was covered with a layer of rich blood-colored light. Bullets would be melted when they hit him, and they would not be able to hit him at all.

He roared: "In the name of Aatrox, the God of Death Fight, I challenge the person in front of me to a fight to the death, with the limited weapon: sword!"

A rune appeared above his head.

What followed was a unilateral massacre. The soldiers could not harm this man, and they could not leave the camp because of the existence of the beam wall. This man was killed cleanly and his blood flowed into a river.

"Devil! This is Rahu!"

The old man was terrified.

Rahu is a demon in the mythology of the Mauryan Empire. According to legend, he is the son of 'Dayatiya King Vipalajiti' and 'Daksha's daughter Sinsika'. He is also known as the "King of Planets and Meteors". 's patron saint.

He has four hands and a snake tail on his lower body, and he is good at doing evil.

The short-sighted old man was convinced that this enemy was Rahu.

"We need to get out of here!"

"Leave immediately!"

The old man roared: "If we are targeted by Luo Hu, all of us will die! Immediately notify the ministries and ignore the damn mission. They actually asked us to deal with Luo Hu!"

He actually wanted to run away.

Once creatures like the ancient gods are given time to grow, with the strength of the Peacock Empire, I am afraid there will no longer be a chance to contain them. In time, the entire Mauryan Empire will tremble under the power of the ancient god.

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