I know this ancient god

Chapter 190 Aatrox’s Counterattack

It can be predicted that once the old man escapes with his fleet, Aatrox will run rampant in the Mauryan Empire, quickly establish the foundation of his faith, and become the first ancient god to gain a firm foothold in the new era.

"General, the Star Destroyer Cannon is fully charged!"

shouted an officer hurried in.

The old man's expression was stunned for a moment.

Star Destroyer Cannon.

He suddenly felt that he could do it again.

He said to the little secretary: "Let them fire the Star Destroyer Cannon first, and we will see the situation before deciding whether to leave."

The little secretary barely suppressed the panic caused by the video, stood up straight and walked out with a pale face. In fact, she would rather the fleet set sail and left now, because she had a bad feeling in her heart.

Women's sixth sense is often very effective.

The old man stopped her: "Wait!"

The little secretary turned around as if she had been forgiven. She felt that the old man had changed his mind and was ready to leave immediately.

"Let's start the jump engine first." The old man thought for two seconds and then ordered, "As long as we do this, don't tell them."

The little secretary nodded.

Although you don't have to leave immediately, as long as the jump engine is warmed up, you can leave at any time when you want to. As for not notifying other spaceships, if there is really a danger, someone must stay behind.

Other ships received the order.

"Fire the Star Destroyer Cannon!"


The Star Destroyer Cannon equipped by the Peacock Empire is a relatively low-end version. It was purchased from the Frostbrand Empire next door. Ten spaceships each carry part of the Star Destroyer Cannon, which can be temporarily assembled and used when needed.

In space, ten warships are distributed in a ring, each extending a thick mechanical pipe diagonally downwards towards the planet. At the tip of each pipe is a deep purple light ball compressed to the size of a fist.

"Level 2 form change!"


Ten dark purple light balls emit a ray of light toward the center, and the intersection of the rays forms another smaller light ball. This light ball is dark blue.

"Ready to launch!"

"Start countdown to launch!"


Aatrox suddenly looked up at the sky. There was only one cloud there, and he felt a strong threat.

His eyes lit up with a hazy blood.

The battleship group and the Star Destroyer Cannon came into his sight.

Feeling the impending crisis, Aatrox murmured: "Human beings in this era are not useless."

Star Destroyer Cannon, as its name suggests. One cannon can destroy a medium-sized planet, blow the entire planet into several pieces, and completely destroy everything on the planet. It is currently the most powerful conventional weapon.

"It's a pity, it's too slow."

A flash of killing intent flashed across Aatrox's eyes. He stretched out his finger and pointed in the direction of the Star Destroyer Cannon. A blood-red light shot straight into the sky from his fingertips, instantly broke through the atmosphere and inserted into the center of the Star Destroyer Cannon. In the small dark blue light ball.

In space, the countdown to the launch of the Star Destroyer Cannon reached the last second. The dark blue light ball flashed with dazzling light. Just when it was about to be activated, a blood-red light was inserted.


After the countdown ended, the small dark blue light ball did not emit a beam of high-energy particles that could destroy the star core as expected by the launcher. Instead, it flickered violently on and off.

"what happened?"

"what is that?"

Everyone was shocked. They all discovered the blood-red light inserted into the small dark blue light ball. They didn't know what it was, but they all knew that the Star Destroyer Cannon was interfered by external forces.

The small dark blue ball of light flashed more and more frequently, and the difference between light and darkness in each flash became larger and larger. The ten beams connecting it also became unstable and began to shoot sparks outside the orbit.

"Disconnect the energy supply quickly!"

Someone finally reacted, but by this time it was too late. Before they could cut off the energy supply, the dark blue ball disappeared out of thin air.

Without the light source, the fleet group dimmed.

What's the situation now?


One of the engineers let out a howl of despair.

Everyone didn't know why.

Someone asked: "What's wrong? Isn't it okay?"

But the engineer said: "It's over, we're all done."

Suddenly someone fell down without warning.

"What’s wrong with you?"

The fallen were lifted up.

However, the person who helped him fell down without warning.

There was panic in the control room.

People were scared and asked, "What's going on?"

The engineer slumped to the ground with a pale face. He said desperately: "The stable structure of the high-energy particle cluster collapsed and automatically exited the visible light category, so we cannot see it."

"Then what?"

"What's going on with these two people?"

The engineer covered his face and cried: "Although you can't see it anymore, it still exists. It is emitting high-energy particles around at a speed of three quadrillion particles per second. These particles move at the speed of light and can penetrate everything!"

An ominous premonition arose in everyone's mind.

"What's the meaning?"

The engineer cried bitterly: "If these particles are compared to bullets, we are all in a bullet storm now. Our cells will be penetrated, the DNA chains will be interrupted, and no one can survive."

As he spoke, several more people fell.

Everyone realized that what the engineer said was true.

Someone tried to calm down and said nervously: "You mean there are a lot of particles penetrating our bodies, so can we survive lying in the medical bay?"

The engineer cried: "It's useless, everything will be penetrated, and the machine will soon be useless!"

As if to confirm his words, the lights in the control room suddenly went out.

The control room suddenly fell into darkness.



"Who can...uh..."


After a brief period of panic, the control room gradually became quiet until there was no more sound.

Panic from the Star Destroyer explosion spread through the fleet.

The ten battleships that formed the Star Destroyer Cannon were the first to bear the brunt, and they withstood the nearly saturated particle impact. First the lights went out, then the engine stalled, and then contact with the command headquarters was lost. No matter how you call, there is no answer, and they become ten ghost ships floating in space.

The situation of other warships in the distance was better, but there were also varying degrees of instrument failure and personnel losses.

"What, the jump engine failed?"

The old man was very frightened.

The launch of the Star Destroyer Cannon was interrupted, ten battleships mysteriously lost contact, and the jump engine of his flagship was broken. Now even his calves were shaking with fear.

He became more determined.

Their enemy is the devil! It’s Rahu!

Only Lord Shiva can defeat Him!

The little secretary was trembling all over: "What should we do, General?"

"We have to run! We have to run!" the old man murmured in panic, "Go and ask which warship has the best jump engine. Let's go to other ships."

He no longer cared about the life or death of other soldiers, he just wanted to escape with his own life.

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