I know this ancient god

Chapter 28 GS801300956

"Hey, big brother is awesome!"


The silver-haired little loli hugged the student's arm with both hands and shook it. She kept making little milky sounds from her mouth, which made Tang Xuan's bones go numb. After coming back to his senses, Tang Xuan looked at the screen carefully. He found that the satisfaction gauge on the top of the silver-haired little loli's head was full, but her hunger level had also increased a bit. Although this lollipop made the silver-haired little loli very satisfied, it also made her hungrier.

Tang Xuan also found that the interaction button had disappeared, leaving only a red Over button on the screen. Obviously, this cycle of feeding is over.

Tang Xuan tapped the red button.

He saw the student in the screen wave his hand, and then the silver-haired loli jumped away, but the screen did not turn black.

Maybe the silver-haired loli's hunger level should be reset to zero.

The silver-haired loli jumped happily on the street. Her little black skirt was lifted up and down, and her white calves under the skirt were exposed from time to time, attracting some loving glances.

However, as time goes by, the silver-haired loli's hunger level rises higher and higher, her feet get lower and lower, her little black dress stops riding up, and the dull hair on her head gradually wilts.

"Uncle, I'm so hungry. Can you give me something to eat?"

The second round of feeding began, and Tang Xuan cheered up.

The silver-haired loli pitifully grasped the sleeve of a passerby. Her pink and beautiful face looked aggrieved as if she would cry in the next second. People couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

A backpack bar pops up from a passerby.

Tang Xuan took a closer look and was suddenly dumbfounded.

sleepy cookies

Pour the ecstasy water with just one drop

Traceless Fairy Powder

Silver-haired little loli: Abba, Abba, Abba?

Tang Xuan was extremely angry: "What the hell is this? This person should be arrested! Scum! Scum! Bastard!"

If he hadn't been watching

Tang Xuan was suddenly startled.

His eyes scanned the screen.

Is this scene modern?

He was sure it was modern because he saw modern Chinese on Uncle Scumbag’s [Sleepy Cookie].

There was a thoughtful look on his face.

This is the first time he has played a game with a modern background, and it is also a welfare game that is different from ordinary games, claiming to have hidden rewards.

Tang Xuan pulled off a piece of hair.

Hidden rewards are a breakthrough.

From the small golden words, he could analyze that the hidden rewards needed to be obtained by himself, and the game board could not be distributed directly. He naturally thought that he might have to find hidden rewards in reality.

Give a simple example.

If the silver-haired little loli buries a treasure somewhere, and he finds the place based on clues in the game and digs out the treasure, this is a hidden reward.

Task Tips: As big as your heart is, so big will your rewards be.

Do you get what you want?

Then he wants

Please say those three words out loud!

Yes, that's it.

If the mission prompts were not exaggerated, he might have a chance to get a whole live one!

Tang Xuan's mind gradually became more active.

First, he needs to find the location where the game takes place. He wants the silver-haired little loli to move in order to obtain information that can help determine the location. He has seven days in total, one level per day. In order to let the silver-haired loli move as much as possible, he couldn't let the silver-haired loli eat up too quickly, because being full meant clearing the level, and after clearing the level one day, he could only wait for the next day to continue the operation.

A hint of enlightenment arose in Tang Xuan's heart. To get the hidden rewards, he had to find a balance between hunger and satisfaction, allowing the silver-haired little loli to move as much as possible without exploding.


Yin Huazang sat in the command room, staring intensely at the real-time image displayed on the wall. The image shows a planet wrapped in a strange black mist. In the decades that Yinhua Zang traveled across the starry sky, he had never seen such a scene, but there was no fear in his heart.

Although the ancient gods are powerful, how much power do they still have after hundreds of millions of years? Moreover, today’s human beings are no longer the lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Yinhua Zang crossed his fingers in front of him: "Wait another hour, if He doesn't come out, we will blow up the entire space."

Go back three hours.

A gray spacecraft carrying a special operations team sailed away from the Fuxi, spitting out blazing white tail flames, and headed straight for the khaki planet ahead. The mission of this special operations team is to conduct a complete sacrifice and awaken the ancient gods sleeping on the planet.

The gray spaceship flashes continuously in the sky, and each flash will greatly shorten the distance between the spacecraft and the planet.

"Gravity coefficient 1.5G!"

"The geological structure is stable!"

"The air contains a lot of toxic ingredients!"

"Calculating the spacecraft trajectory!"

"Adjust the parameters of the suit! Prepare to land!"

The gray spacecraft entered the atmosphere, then slid along a predetermined trajectory for fifteen minutes, and finally landed smoothly in the ruins of the ancient god. If someone stood in the ruins of the ancient gods and watched the spacecraft land, he would see a meteor wrapped in orange flames flying straight towards him. When he could feel the heat of the air and trembled with fear, the meteor suddenly sprayed flames downwards, quickly stopped, and then slowly landed, making him feel lucky and uncontrollably surprised.

This special operations team has a total of five members. Their bodies are tightly wrapped in valuable all-environment adaptive individual combat mechas (suits for short), and even their eyes are hidden under dark green combat lenses. .

They each carried a large bucket on their backs, quickly walked out of the spacecraft with precise tactical steps, and covered each other as they headed toward the altar. Everything went as they expected, and there were no obstacles on the way. This ancient god has lost all his followers long ago, and no one will show up here to stop them. However, they still maintained extremely high professionalism and did not relax at all.

"A1 is safe!"

"A2 safe!"

"A3 is safe!"

"B1 is safe!"


The special operations team carefully shuttled through half of the ancient god's ruins and finally arrived at the altar. This altar is the best preserved building in the ruins. They stood on the altar and looked down to the left and right. They found no threats, so they carefully placed the big bucket behind them on the altar.

"Look for the groove of the Ancient God's logo!"

"Found it, come here!"

The team members took out tools to clean the dust in the grooves.

This altar is very similar to the altar in [Willistan]. There is a slope carved with logo grooves on the front. When performing sacrifices, sacrificial objects can be poured down this slope, thus presenting a Strong visual effect.

The awakening conditions are singing and clear water.

The buckets brought by the special operations team were filled with distilled water. In theory, no other water is clearer than distilled water. But now they are starting to have trouble because they can't sing.

They are good at lurking, assassination, escorting, counter-terrorism, infiltration, and survival in the wild. But they are not good at singing. After all, the instructor never taught them this when they were in the training camp!

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