I know this ancient god

Chapter 29 Capture or Death

The five team members looked at each other.

"Which one of you sings?"

"I won't."

"Neither can I."

"I can sing and count ducks. I wonder if that's okay?"

"Try! Try!"

Two team members carried buckets to the slope and prepared to pour water. The team member who said he could sing "Counting Ducks" cleared his throat. At this time, he hesitated because he suddenly realized that this song might become an indelible stain on his career as a special forces soldier.

The captain urged: "What are you still doing? Sing quickly and don't keep General Yin waiting! Pour the water!"

Two team members started pouring water.

The clear distilled water dripped down the groove, and the sparkling water reflected the surrounding building debris. I wonder if it was an illusion. After the clear water entered the groove, a solemn atmosphere gradually enveloped the altar, and even the air became quiet. No more, only the sound of gurgling water remains.

Clear water filled the entire groove.

The captain said anxiously: "Sing!"

"There's a big bridge in front of the door, and a group of ducks are swimming by!"


The captain couldn't help but clenched his fists. There has to be a limit to how unpleasant it sounds. It's tone-deaf and off-key. It's like a popular children's song that sounds like a horror movie theme song.

The team members braced themselves and continued to listen.

Horrible singing echoed over the altar.

Come on, come on, let's count

two four six seven eight

quack quack

So many, so many

I can’t count how many there are.

I can’t count how many ducks there are

The old man driving ducks has a white beard

Sing and sing hometown operas and tell jokes

Children, children, go to school quickly

Don't take the exam and take it home

Don't take the exam and take it back~

After the song was sung, the solemn atmosphere surrounding the altar quickly faded away, and no amount of water came back this time.

"How about it, do I sing well?"

“It’s the only song I remember the words to.”

The singing team members were smug.

"Get out! You fucking wasted our bucket of water." The captain scolded, "Singing this kind of virtue will make people unable to wake up even if they want to. It's better to just sleep to death!"

The singing member said awkwardly: "Is it hard to listen to?"

The captain was too lazy to pay attention to him: "Is there anyone else who can sing?"

The team members looked at each other again.

"I won't."

"Neither can I."

"Look what I do, I'm a sniper!"

The captain felt a headache: "What should we do?"

The team member suggested: "How about trying military songs?"

The captain was slightly startled.

I don’t know other songs, but I still know a few military songs.

Some team members questioned: "Can military songs work?"

The captain waved his hand: "Counting Ducks is fine, but why not the military song? Come on, pour the water! Sing the military song!"

The two team members brought another bucket of water, and the clear distilled water gurgled down the groove. The team members looked at each other and sang in unison.

The sunset is red and the sky is flying!

Soldiers return to camp from target practice!

Return the camp!

Singing military songs does not necessarily have to be in tune. Most military songs sound good as long as they are roared with momentum. The team members sang loudly and their voices were full of military vigor. Overall, they sang well.

An imperceptible and solemn aura appeared on the altar. This aura was very cautious. It stood aloof from the altar, as if it had been hurt and left a psychological shadow.

The red flowers on the chest reflect the colorful clouds!

Happy singing fills the sky!

Mi so la mi so!

La so mi dao re!

The solemn atmosphere on the altar gradually became stronger.

The songs of the team members also became louder and louder.

How can I say that I have no clothes? Be in the same robe as your son.

The king raised his army and repaired my spear and spear. I share the same hatred with you!

How can I say that I have no clothes? Tongze with Zi.

The king raised his army and repaired my spear and halberd. Work together with me!

How can I say that I have no clothes? He wears the same clothes as his son.

The king raised his troops and repaired my armor. Go with me!

This song coincides with the solemn atmosphere around the altar.


A discordant sound of water suddenly came from the groove.

In the surprised eyes of the team members, dense black mist suddenly emerged from under the altar, and the team members hurriedly jumped off the altar. The dense black fog shot straight into the sky like wolf smoke, and after reaching a certain height, it quickly spread to all directions. In just half a minute, it took shape to cover the sky and the sun.

At this time, no one was pouring water into the groove, but the water in the groove was still full. They did not leak down the slope as before, but swirled fiercely in the groove, making a gurgling sound at the same time, as if there was a rushing river in the groove.

The captain looked far into the distance, and he saw that the black mist that had drifted far away was still spreading further. The black mist under the altar seemed to be endless, and the sky was getting darker and darker. There was deathly silence everywhere, and a strange atmosphere quietly And rise.

A bad omen arose in the captain's heart.


The team members leapt to their feet and retraced their steps as nimbly as leopards. Halfway through the run, the surroundings were pitch black, because the black fog had spread to the horizon and blocked all light. The team members calmly turned on night vision mode and continued moving forward. This time they were not burdened by buckets and were familiar with the terrain. They returned to the spacecraft in only one-third of the time it took them to arrive.

The gray spacecraft spewed out white hot tail flames, broke through the black fog, and returned to space. Looking down from space, half of the planet was covered by the unknown black mist spewing out from under the altar.

Yinhua Zang crossed his fingers in front of him: "Wait another hour, if He doesn't come out, we will blow up this space."

The space bomb carried on the Fuxi has been activated.

Space bombs need to be launched or re-sleep within thirty minutes after activation. The interval between re-activation after dormancy shall not be less than thirty minutes. The Fuxi is equipped with ten space bombs, which can be connected seamlessly and keep at least one space bomb activated at all times.

The destructive power of space bombs far exceeds that of nuclear weapons and anti-matter bombs. If an uncontrollable situation occurs, the Fuxi can flip the table at any time and destroy everything nearby within a certain scale.

The first thing Yin Huazang did after arriving here was to seal off the nearby space to prevent the ancient gods sleeping in the planet from jumping away directly after resurrecting. The second step is to send an elite team into the ruins of the ancient gods on the surface, and use songs and water to awaken the ancient gods sleeping below according to the information provided by the Ancient God Research Institute.

Was the wakeup successful?

Yin Hua Zang felt that he should have succeeded. Although he had not yet met the ancient god, strange changes that could not be explained by science did occur on the planet.

After the elite team completed the entire awakening ritual according to the information, a strange black mist continuously poured out from the ruins of the ancient god. This black mist showed a certain degree of biological activity. It only took just three hours. Covering the entire planet.

The warship cannot analyze this black mist and can only do some simple property tests. It is found that this black mist can effectively resist high-energy lasers, but it does not have any offensive properties.

In Yinhuazang's view, no matter how powerful the ancient gods were in the past, today they are just a ray of light under the setting sun, and they can only passively defend against the federal cannons and giant ships.

Yinhua Zang's will is very firm.

Either take prisoner or die!


The additional update plan is as follows~

Within 24 hours of the release, if the two chapters totaled 100 chapters, I would like to add an update, otherwise it would be ridiculous!

Jie Jie Jie, come and feed your inner demons!

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