I know this ancient god

Chapter 30 Hungry Loli

Time passed bit by bit. At a certain moment, a figure radiating golden light emerged from the black mist.

Yin Hua Zang roared: "Blast him!"

The overwhelming beam of light shot out from the battleship group and reached the vicinity of the golden figure in an instant. Just a little bit closer! They almost hit this figure, even if he hesitated for a second! But as if he had the ability to foresee, he quickly retracted his head.

boom! ! ! ! !

The dense beams of light hit the black mist, and strange dark purple ripples suddenly appeared on the gently rolling black mist. These ripples were layered on top of each other, covering the surface of the black mist like scales. All the beams that hit these ripples were bounced away, and only a handful of beams that were perpendicular to the hit point were ejected.

Everyone looked at Yinhua Zang, waiting for orders.


Yin Hua Zang thought: "Execute plan C and send people in to capture him. The fact that he does not dare to face our attack shows that he is very weak now."


Three gray spaceships flew out of the battleship group and headed towards the place where the golden figure sank just now. At this time, the purple ripples on the surface of the black mist had dissipated. They briefly tested the surrounding area, and after confirming that the black mist had no attack, they descended into the black mist.


Abnormal current sounds came from the communication channel. Yin Huazang's heart sank. This was the sound that would be made after the communication was blocked. It turns out that this black mist can not only resist high-energy beams, but also block communications.

The correspondent said: "General, we can't contact you."

Yin Huazang said hoarsely: "Wait for an hour."

The blocking of communications was mutual. The three warships sent to perform the mission should also know that their communications were blocked by now. He only waited for an hour. If the three gray spacecraft still did not contact the flagship after an hour, it would mean that they were killed. He won't hesitate to use space bombs to wipe this place out.

However, in just half an hour, three gray spaceships slowly sailed out of the black fog. Without Yin Huazang talking, the correspondent contacted them spontaneously.

Correspondent: "Report the situation! Please answer when you receive it!"



A generous male voice came from the communication channel: "Report, we have successfully captured the target, and are heading to the restraint ship as planned, preparing to imprison him. End of report! Repeat, we have successfully captured the target!"

Tens of thousands of warships floating in space are a special country. Many warships are assigned specific tasks, such as prison-like prison ships.

Yin Huazang heard a noisy background sound from the channel.

He frowned and asked, "Why is it so noisy over there? How did you capture Him?"

"This guy keeps shouting, I can't understand it." The male voice was a little confused himself. "It's strange to say that he didn't go anywhere just now. He was right below the sinking coordinates, and his body was glowing with golden light and it was very conspicuous. We He didn't resist when they were caught. If we hadn't wasted a lot of time detecting traps that didn't exist, we could have brought him back in just ten minutes."

(If you want to know what the ancient god is talking about, click here to expand)

Yin Huazang clenched his fists: "You will send him to the modified restraint ship as planned, and then everyone will leave the ship for inspection."

The male voice said firmly: "Yes!"

Benefit, Benefit, Benefit

Yin Huazang tapped the back of the chair gently with his fingers, his mood was excited. For him personally, this was the first time in human history that a living ancient god had been captured, which was enough to make him famous in history; but for all mankind, it was also of great significance to capture the former slave master as a prisoner and bid farewell to history completely.

This is the beginning of a revolution!

After the brief excitement, Yin Huazang's thoughts calmed down and he began to think about doubts and mistakes.

The ancient god stayed in the sinking position and did not resist. This was something he hadn't expected before. Is this ancient god too weak to resist?

Accepting your fate?

Yin Huazang felt that this guess should not be established.

As an ancient god who once enslaved humans, it was impossible for him to let himself be captured by humans without any resistance, even from the perspective of defending his self-esteem. Unless He considers human beings to be equal to Him. Yinhua Zang was slightly startled, and he suddenly thought that this ancient god might regard them as slaves of other ancient gods, right?

Most likely so.

There was no technology in the age of the ancient gods. This guy might have regarded the volley of beams just now as an attack launched by another ancient god against him. This guy had just woken up and was still very weak, so he chose to give up resistance.

If so, he should still retain some of his power, but he didn't resist because he felt that he couldn't defeat the other 'ancient gods'. If he discovered that there were no other ancient gods here, he would probably struggle violently.

Yin Huazang had a little headache.

Because there was no battle, he had no idea what the ancient god's abilities were, so he was unable to take targeted precautions.

Can the prisoner ship really imprison him?

Yin Hua Zang suddenly felt in a dilemma. On the one hand, he wanted to capture the ancient gods alive and bring them to the Federation for research, so as to enhance mankind's understanding of the ancient gods and gain an advantage in future wars. However, on the other hand, he was worried about the ancient gods. If he ran out of the restraint ship and caused any trouble, it would be better to blow him up directly. After all, killing him could also obtain some information.

While he was thinking, three gray spaceships had already approached the restraining ship and began to transfer the ancient gods.

Yin Hua Zang did not make a sound to stop him during the whole process.

After a while, Yin Huazang said: "Contact the leader and tell him that we captured the ancient god and ask him to send people here to do research."

He buried millions of space buoys nearby in advance to reinforce the nearby space to prevent the ancient gods from using space jumps to escape. Since the ancient god did not use space jump to escape, it shows that space reinforcement indeed restricted his ability to move. Yin Huazang believed that as long as he did not take this ancient god out of this area, this ancient god would not be able to escape. To do this, it pays for researchers to do a little more traveling.

Tang Xuan sat on the bed holding the game board.

In the picture, the hunger bar on the head of the silver-haired little Loli is full, but the satisfaction bar is the opposite. Her long hair was windless, her ice-blue eyes exuded a deathly coldness, and a dazzling light lit up on her forehead, as if it was the imprint of some kind of divine power.

After being manipulated by Tang Xuan, she ran away.

The whole street came to a standstill, and even the air became extremely heavy. Passersby who were walking in a hurry stopped one after another and looked at the silver-haired little Loli with fear on their faces.

The silver-haired little loli twitched her nose gently twice, and then fixed her eyes on a man not far away. She walked slowly to the man, grabbed his tie and pulled him down. Then he said word by word in the most ferocious voice in history: "Give! Me! Eat!"

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