I know this ancient god

Chapter 31 Sing Him! Praise Him!

Tang Xuan can no longer control the game at all.

The man who was grabbed by his tie by the silver-haired little loli shivered and opened his backpack, pouring out five buckets of instant noodles, a bundle of ham sausages, two chocolate bars and three caterpillar breads.

The silver-haired little loli's eyes followed the food.


She visibly swallowed. A magical change occurred. Life reappeared in her eyes, her long silver hair slowly fell down, the shining sacred mark on her forehead gradually dimmed, and the sound of "Ababa" was faintly heard in her mouth, and she became cute and adorable. .


Her hair bounced.

What does food mean to her? !

The silver-haired little loli squatted down and opened her arms to pick up the food, but the food was too much for her petite body. Even if she opened her arms to the maximum, something would always be missed, not the ham sausage. Just chocolate.

The silver-haired little loli stamped her feet anxiously.

"Abba, Abba, Abba!"

She circled around the food twice, and suddenly her eyes lit up. She bit the tape that bound the ham sausage with her pointed little tiger teeth and picked up the ham sausage. Then she picked up the other food and the stacked bucket of instant noodles with a satisfied look on her face. A little higher than her head.


The silver-haired little loli narrowed her eyes in pleasure for a while, then ran out of the game screen holding the food.

A line of small words scrolled out: First day's mission completed!

It turns out that you can pass the level without using any operation, right?

Tang Xuan's heart was pounding. He stared straight at the empty screen. It took him a long time to come back to his senses.

He tried hard to put the silver-haired little loli's little expression out of his mind, and then began to take stock of the information he got today. During the five hours of gameplay, he saw many different green plants, which meant that the silver-haired little loli was on the surface, not a spaceport. In addition, he also clearly saw the signboard of a pastry shop: Xue Fei Pastry.

As for why the little Loli was still so hungry that she ran away after seeing a pastry shop? Tang Xuan felt that he was thinking about her long-term future.

Tang Xuan was in high spirits: "Search for Xuefei pastries!"

More than three hundred search results were displayed on the wall.

Tang Xuan recalled for a while and then said: "Only show the Xuefei pastry shops located on green and livable planets with a city population of more than 300,000."

This time there were only thirteen search results left.

These thirteen Xuefei pastry shops are located in Beizhixing, Dongpoxing, Fengduxing, Bianliangxing and Chaogexing.

Tang Xuan was slightly startled.

A singing star?

It suddenly occurred to him that he had heard of this store. Lin Wan once wrote a small note asking him to go out, and the place of appointment seemed to be this Xuefei Pastry Shop.

He glanced at the small piece of paper and threw it away, so he wasn't entirely sure, and only had some impression of it.


Tang Xuan turned his head and looked out the window, realizing that the city was now illuminated by bustling lights instead of sunlight. It was getting dark before he knew it, and the smart home system automatically adjusted the light, so that he thought it was daytime.

"It's eleven o'clock? Time flies so fast." Tang Xuan looked up at his watch, "It's time for me to go to bed. I still have a lot of work tomorrow."

Tang Xuan's current job is not idle.

Before coming here, he guessed that his first job should be to compile a dictionary of ancient god inscriptions and Chinese, so that he could paddle for several years. But for some reason, no one mentioned this matter to him at all. Instead, he was assigned a lot of translation tasks.

This made Tang Xuan feel very urgent. He didn't think the federation didn't think of arranging for him to compile a dictionary. More likely, there was no time left to slowly compile a dictionary for him. The Federation believes that the resurrection of the ancient god is close at hand, and it needs information about the ancient god now, the sooner the better!

Tang Xuan felt a little heavy. He didn't know how many stable days human beings would have. He put the game board on the table, walked into the bathroom and took a hot shower, then lay down on the bed and fell asleep with his thoughts in mind.

There was an air of alertness in the air, and dozens of soldiers with firearms stood motionless in the white corridor like sculptures. They guard a dark and heavy metal door. Behind the door is a 'guest' from countless years ago.

Time passed by minute by minute.

(Translation translation↓)

“ # ¥ @%……% # ”

Suddenly there was a cry of unknown meaning coming from the door. The expressions of the soldiers did not change at first, because they were accustomed to this. But this time the shouting did not last for a minute or two like before. Instead, it became more intense and lasted for more than ten minutes without stopping.

A soldier frowned. He stepped out of the queue and took off a microphone from the wall next to him.


A camera with a red light pointed at the soldier.

A voice came from the microphone: "Captain Li Xiang, this is the command center. General Yin is also listening. Please report the situation briefly."

The soldier said solemnly: "The containment object roared with unknown meaning, and it has been going on for more than ten minutes."

A voice came from the microphone: "Received, please wait."

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and the soldier waited patiently.

After a while.

"Company Commander Li Xiang!"

"General Yin authorizes you to check the situation!"

The soldier nodded: "Understood!"

He hung the microphone back on the wall, then turned around and walked to the black metal door, pressing his right hand against the door (the camera followed him).

A blue light spot suddenly appeared on the dark door. The light spot rotated around the soldier's palm, forming a fluorescent palm print that matched the outline of his palm.

A cold mechanical sound came from above.

"Certification passed!"


The dark facade gradually becomes transparent, showing the scene behind the door. A murky white cube stood alone in the empty room, with a golden hazy figure inside. The golden figure was jumping around in the cube, not knowing what it wanted to do.

The soldier stared at Him through the door, expressionless.

For a full minute, nothing happened.

The soldier raised his hand, and the handprints on the door flickered for a few times before going out. The dark metal door slowly became opaque. However, at this moment, a bright light suddenly flashed through the door. The soldier couldn't help but blinked, and when he opened it again, he found that the golden figure in the cube had disappeared out of thin air.

The soldier was shocked: "He ran away!"

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!

When the soldier heard the sound of intensive beam emission, he suddenly turned his head and looked out, and saw a scene he would never forget through the space glass.

In the center of the turbulent sea of ​​white light, a golden figure as bright as a star stood majestically, like a living god.

He is like a majestic mountain that is blown by the breeze. Countless beams of light hitting Him cannot wipe out even a ray of brilliance.

The ribbon-like golden glow emanating from His body illuminates the entire starry sky extremely transparently, and there is an atmosphere like the kingdom of God surrounding him.

A distant and erratic singing sound reached everyone's ears. They don't understand the language, but they understand its meaning naturally.

Sing to Him! Praise Him!

Lord of all things!

A living and inanimate spirit!

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