I know this ancient god

Chapter 35 Void Puzzle

Wang Anya flipped through the manuscript casually, her admiration undisguised: "Tang Xuan, you are such a genius!"

Tang Xuan smiled and said: "Those who manage geniuses are even more geniuses."

Wang Anya covered her mouth and smiled and said: "Okay, I'll leave now if I have nothing else to do. The plan to reorganize the response department is still under preparation and will not be officially launched until some time later. We can still have two days of leisure."

Tang Xuan smiled bitterly and nodded. He knew in his heart that the day when the division should be reorganized would probably be the time to start a war against the ancient gods.

Wang Anya quickly left Tang Xuan's room.

Tang Xuan glanced at his watch. It's only six o'clock in the morning, and there are still three hours until work. So he picked up the game board and opened [Little Gourmet], preparing to use this moment to complete today's task.


The figure of the silver-haired loli gradually became clearer in the picture.

It rained today, and she was happily looking for food amidst the patter of rain, holding a small pink cat umbrella that she didn’t know where she came from. She jumped in the rain on a pair of exquisite black leather shoes. The splashing water was separated by invisible forces, forming a misty water ring around her, making her look like an elf in the rain.

"Abba, Abba! Eat, eat, eat!"

Hunger bar: medium level

Satisfaction: Moderate

The corner of Tang Xuan's mouth quietly turned into a devilish curve.

three hours later

"Give! Me! Eat!"

(╬ ̄俣)=○

Although this is not the first time Tang Xuan sees a little Loli go berserk, and it is probably not the last time either. But he was still suffocated by the strong sense of oppression on the little Loli through the screen.

The long silver hair dancing wildly behind her, the sacred mark lighting up on her forehead, the faint cold light in her eyes, and the umbrella in her hand piercing the sky like a sharp sword.

There seemed to be four words on the little Loli's face.

Feed or die?

The person who was stopped by the little Loli put the basket he was carrying into the little Loli's hands without thinking. His movements were very smooth, as if he was born to hand this basket to the little Loli.

The little Loli insisted on holding her head high, but her eyes rolled down honestly.

French fries, fried chicken, ice cream

Bread, ham, chicken popcorn

There are also ten packets of ketchup!

The red color of ketchup was reflected in the little Loli's eyes, and a tear of emotion flowed silently from the corner of her mouth. Her hair fell back on her shoulders, and the mark on her forehead quickly dimmed.

"Abba, Abba, Abba!"

The little Loli bowed her head to the passerby, as if to say thank you, and then jumped out of the screen carrying a basket three times bigger than herself.

Tang Xuan put down the game board without hesitation. He secretly made up his mind to find this little loli! Not because she is cute, but simply because she is worried that she will be arrested for showing her super powers in public.

Yes, that's it.

Tang Xuan has basically determined the location of the little Loli. He had just seen a large shopping mall called Hongsheng, and its appearance basically matched the one he remembered.

The little loli is in Chaoge Star, not far from Chaoge University. Tang Xuan felt that this could not be a coincidence, but he did not have enough information to support this.

He has already booked a boat ticket and will ask for leave as soon as the seven-day game is over to go to the singing star to find this little loli.

A line of small words suddenly scrolled out on the screen.

Small golden letters: "You'd better leave the day after tomorrow."

Tang Xuan asked confused: "Why?"

Small gold letters: "Go late and she'll be caught."

Tang Xuan was stunned, and a reasonable guess popped into his mind.

He said in surprise: "Is it now this time?"

Small golden letters: "You have grown up."

Tang Xuan read an inexplicable kindness.

He stared blankly at the game board in his hand, and it took him several minutes to accept this: the past, future, and present were all under the control of the game board!

The small golden letters suddenly said: "I'm actually not as powerful as you think. The reason why we can make waves on the timeline is all because of the No. 002 space-time coin. Because of this coin, the guardians of time and space turn a blind eye to our actions. Close one eye."

Tang Xuan asked in shock: "That coin?"

He remembered Space-Time Coin No. 002 - the coin that was spit out from the game board. Moderate thickness and uniform quality. He also threw it twice and it felt very good. The powerful power to control time and space actually comes from that little coin?

Small golden letters: "Although the space-time coin No. 002 allows the space-time guardian to open up to us, it also has certain restrictions, but it has not been touched yet."

"Why is it called No. 002 Space-Time Coin?" Tang Xuan paused, "Is there a No. 001 Space-Time Coin in front of you? Can you do whatever you want with that coin?"

Small golden letters: "No, from No. 001 to No. 009 are nine void treasures, ranked in no particular order, each possessing a magical ability. Coin No. 002 has reached the extreme in space-time interference. If you want to go further , can only choose to be an enemy of the invincible guardian of time and space.”

Tang Xuan asked curiously: "What are the other eight treasures?"

Small golden text: "This is not something you need to know now. Although this type of secret will not cause harm to you, you are not their holder. Before reaching a certain level, you cannot use other people to control them in your brain." Form any concepts, including names, abilities, properties, attributions and all other information related to them.”

Tang Xuan captured the key points: ‘cannot pass other people’, ‘concept formation’ and ‘all relevant information’.

He frowned: "Didn't you tell me that they 'exist' now?"

Existence itself is information.

Small golden letters: "You can know their 'existence' because you hold one of them."

Tang Xuan pulled off a piece of hair and twisted it in his hand, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Because you hold one of them, you can know the 'existence' of other treasures. This sounds like

after awhile

Tang Xuan said awkwardly: "Puzzle?"

Puzzle, when you get one of the pieces, you automatically know there are other pieces.

The small golden letters were silent.

It seemed that it didn't expect Tang Xuan to think of this.

"You thought of it yourself."

After the small golden characters said this sentence quickly, the screen went dark completely, as if it was escaping from something.

Tang Xuan was shocked.

Is this the default answer?

Are numbers 001 to 009 related to each other?

Time and Space Coin No. 002 has the ability to manipulate the past, present and future. The other eight treasures should not be weaker than Time and Space Coin No. 002. What will they create when put together?

The control center of the world?

Tang Xuan couldn't suppress the surprise in his heart. He closed the game board and opened it again, and the screen lit up again.

Small golden characters slowly typed out a question mark.

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