I know this ancient god

Chapter 36 The Spiritual Guy (Additional Update)

Tang Xuan asked: "Are they really some kind of 'puzzle'?"

He stared straight at the screen, but there was no answer in the small golden letters.

Tang Xuan said doubtfully: "Speak!"

The small golden letters said helplessly: "You have asked me three times."

(There must be ghosts here)

Tang Xuan was startled: "Have I asked?"

He glanced down at his watch and found that ten seconds had indeed skipped. Then he realized how he knew that ten seconds had skipped, and he hadn't watched it just now.


Tang Xuan hesitated and said: "Okay, I understand."

He couldn't help but think.

The secret itself has some magical power, but who gives it this power?

Dong dong dong (knocking on the door)

going to work!

Tang Xuan frowned and decided to leave this matryoshka problem to be discussed in the future.

He got up and opened the door to see a sad face.

Tang Xuan asked curiously: "What's wrong with you?"

The person who knocked on the door was Chen Nanxi, the researcher who introduced him to the job on the first day and led him to the dormitory.

Chen Nanxi sighed: "Last night, my goddess finally said good night to me."

Tang Xuan walked out and asked, "Isn't this a good thing? Why do you look so ugly? What else did she say?"

He knew that Chen Nanxi was pursuing love, but it was just unrequited love and it never came to fruition. But since the other party has said good night, major progress must not be far away.

Chen Nanxi looked hopeless: "She also said that someone would come to beat me early and asked me to wait."

Tang Xuan was stunned for two seconds before he reacted.

He couldn't help laughing: "It's really a bit miserable for Goose Goose, but don't worry! No one can rush into the Academy of Sciences and beat up working researchers. You are safe!"

Chen Nanxi looked sad: "It's too difficult for me."

Tang Xuan patted his shoulder: "There is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world, so why should you fall in love with a flower unrequitedly? I happen to have some experience in making friends with women. Let's talk as we walk, and I will teach you some tips."

Chen Nanxi said gratefully: "Thank you!"

The two walked side by side along the corridor.

The sky is as clear as a lake, the soft green lawn is dotted with flowers and trees, a faint fragrance floats in the air, and birds fly among the branches and emit crisp and sweet chirps. Everything was beautiful until a naked man appeared out of thin air.

His face looked like he was only twenty years old, but his eyes were very weathered. In a trance, he could see the shadowy sun, moon and stars from his deep eyes. But no matter how beautiful his eyes are, they cannot offset the criminal fact that he exposed his indescribable organs in broad daylight.

He appeared on a rock and the first thing he did was spit three times to the side: "TUI! TUI! TUI!"

The long journey through space exhausted the last bit of his strength. When he was about to land, he made a mistake and accidentally took a bite of an unknown substance that tasted worse than shit. He almost died.

Chi chi chi——

Three small craters with white smoke appeared on the grass.

The naked man said to himself: "Let me see what the situation is now. If I really wake up the earliest, I will spiral up to the sky."

If Tang Xuan heard this, he would definitely be surprised, because this naked man was actually speaking [Common Language].

The naked man put his fingers to his temples.

A light rhythm swayed around him, sweeping across the surface of the planet in just a few seconds, and then returned to him, carrying a huge amount of information into his brain.

This is the last drop of his divine power.

His greatest concern was the question of faith.

Let me see what people on this planet believe?


"We must believe in science."

“Because science is humanity’s guiding light.”

"What science recognizes, we all recognize."

“Whatever science is against, we are against.”

"No way? No way? It's 8024 years now, are there still people who don't believe in science? Professor Zhang, come and tell us about the popularization of science education. Are there really people who still don't believe in science?"

Who is science? !

This damn pure faith!

good! greedy! god! Na!

Shocked and frightened, the naked man continued browsing information about science. After a while, a strange look appeared on his face, and he muttered dubiously: "Isn't science God?"

Science is (click here to expand).

After a while, he finally confirmed that science is not a god but a knowledge system summarized by ordinary people. His tense nerves suddenly relaxed, but at the same time he felt a sense of fear.

Fortunately science is not God.

One planet with voluntary faith is worth ten planets with forced faith. If science were a god, he would have been noticed or even caught by now. Entering the 'sheeppen' of other gods without authorization is the most serious act of provocation, more hateful than declaring war.

"So everyone here is unbeliever?" The naked man's eyes shone in surprise, "I am indeed the first to wake up. I am going to be prosperous. I want to be the king of the gods! Hahaha, let me see first. The language here”

If you want to spread faith in a place, the first step is to master the local language.

A few seconds later, the naked man said in jerky Chinese: "I learned it, it's quite easy!"

The naked man kept mumbling, and he soon became proficient. Ever since he appeared here, he hasn't stopped talking. Even when he was searching for information, he was talking rubbish like 'Tian Tian Lan, I'm so handsome'.

Suddenly, a voice sounded not far away: "Oh my God! Young man, why are you naked in broad daylight?"

The naked man followed the sound and saw an aunt with a red ribbon tied to her arm.

somebody is coming!

The naked man suddenly became excited. He had had enough of his own weakness and urgently needed believers to provide him with divine power.

He had been sleeping for so long that his brain was no longer functioning properly. He didn't care that his behavior was inappropriate, so he jumped down from the stone and walked towards Auntie with majestic steps.

"Believe in me and I will give you eternal life!"

Ordinary people may have been scared away.

However, this aunt not only did not panic at all, she also smiled and pulled out a pistol from her waist.

(Please put the risk on the public screen)

The naked man didn't know the pistol. He strode forward with open arms and a look of compassion on his face: "Believe in me, lost lamb, and I will save you from——"


A wisp of green smoke floated from the black hole of the gun.


The naked man looked down at the electric shock dart inserted into his chest with a look of disbelief on his face. He opened his mouth feebly and fell straight down without making any sound.

Landing on the back of the head, Duang!

The aunt walked up to him, glanced at his lower body, and then showed disdain.

"Believe your mother!"

"Little B, you still want to play with your aunt?"

"What a pervert! Damn!"

"Hey! Aunt Zhang!"

"A pervert came into the community!"

"I'm fine!"

"What can happen to me?"

"You call the police for me and I'll guard him."

The sun shines on the red armband on the aunt's arm, making the words "Rising Sun Mass" shine brightly.

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