I know this ancient god

Chapter 381 The power of the stars and the disintegration of the empire

In the future, Tang Xuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, as if he had thought of something. He took a deep look at Tang Xuan, and then said to Ukiyo Miao with a smile: "Then I will repay you well."

Ukiyo Miao raised her chin and said, "Of course!"

The two were chatting and laughing. Tang Xuan on the side felt a little redundant. Although one of the two was his future self, he still felt very embarrassed.

In the future, Tang Xuan noticed Tang Xuan's embarrassment. He smiled at Ukiyo Miao and said, "Send him away first."

Ukiyo Miao turned to Tang Xuan and said, "Remember to come and play with me early."

Tang Xuan nodded and said: "Thank you, I will."

A hazy light emitted from Ukiyo Miao's eyes, and an exquisite door rose from the ground. She looked at the door and said, "You open the door from the front, and behind the door is your time and space."

This door is a bit like Doraemon's Random Door.

Tang Xuan held the door handle and turned it gently. With a crisp click, the door opened. It was indeed a scene inside the spaceship.

Tang Xuan stepped in with one step.

In a daze, the sounds and lights of the banquet quickly disappeared. The next second he appeared in the spaceship. He turned his head and looked into the door, only to see a space-time hole with twisted edges slowly closing. The smiling faces of Ukiyo Miao and Future Tang Xuan were reflected in the hole.

Just when the hole was about to close, Tang Xuan saw the sky in the background of the two people cracking into countless gaps like broken glass, and thick black mist poured out from the gaps, covering the sky in the blink of an eye.

Ukiyo's bright expression turned panicked, but her future self jumped up into the air with a smile on her face, facing the black fog alone.

The space-time hole collapsed under Tang Xuan's horrified eyes, and the terrifying power of space-time surged out. At the same time, the dark blue crystals on the Ukiyo Miao necklace continued to crack.

Click! Click! Click!

The Tears of Xinghuan, which was said to save a life, burst into pieces three times in a row, and the bright starlight spread out with the crystal powder, forming a spherical shield to firmly protect Tang Xuan. The invisible power of time and space surged forward, erupting into a dazzling bright light.

Seeing this scene, Tang Xuan thought of the meaningful look he cast at Ukiyo Miao in the future after he gave him the necklace. It turns out that glance was because of this. If it weren't for Ukiyo Mew's necklace, he would be dead.

Tang Xuan stared blankly at the scene in front of him, feeling a strange throbbing in his heart. In an instant, he seemed to see countless worlds disappearing and emerging from time and space.

The power of starlight and the power of time and space consume each other. In the end, the power of time and space is consumed first, and the remaining starlight pours into Tang Xuan's body. Watching the world come and go is one feeling, but seeing the world come and go within oneself is another feeling. Indescribable pain instantly filled every nerve, and Tang Xuan passed out without any delay.

Starlight strengthened Tang Xuan's physique in a brutal and inhumane way, while rapidly consuming himself in the process. Suddenly, a coin floated out of Tang Xuan's pocket. It floated to Tang Xuan's body, emitting a strange power of time and space. Under the influence of this force of time and space, the starlight in Tang Xuan's body gradually became gentle and merged with Tang Xuan's body at a deeper level.

After an unknown amount of time, Tang Xuan gradually became conscious. He opened his eyes and saw the familiar ceiling. After a few seconds of silence, he stood up and clenched his fists. He felt that his body was filled with a new power that was easy to control. . This power is slowly devouring the power of the godhead to strengthen itself, and at the same time nourishing Tang Xuan's body, making Tang Xuan feel warm all over.

"What's this?"

Tang Xuan looked at the dense nebula in his palm and felt confused. He remembered that some starlight poured into his body at the last moment, but could it simply merge with his body?

The divine power he was familiar with was being transformed into this star power little by little, which made him feel overwhelmed. At this critical moment of searching for Lin Wan, the foundation of his strength was shaken, whether it was a blessing or a curse.

"you're awake?"

Tang Qianji's voice sounded in the cabin.

"A violent energy reaction broke out in your room, but I found that your vital signs were increasing, so I didn't interrupt you." Tang Qianji asked, "What just happened?"

"I went to Ukiyo Mew's banquet." Tang Xuan said without any concealment. "I met my future self there, and we talked a lot. The good news is that Lin Wan is safe now, and she has not become an ancient god. Her memories are still the same as we know; the bad news is that she has become the guardian of a secret box, and if the box breaks, she will die. "

"So just protect the box." Tang Qianji paused for a moment and then said in a resentful tone, "You went to the banquet without me, and you also met your future self. Did you ask him about me? What’s the future like?”

Tang Xuan was stunned: "Uh"

Tang Qianji immediately said with a sad voice: "I understand, you don't have me in your heart at all, you only care about yourself."

Tang Xuan felt dumbfounded. He comforted him helplessly: "The time we have to talk is very limited. If there is another time, I will definitely ask you more about things."

"Haha!" Tang Qianji suddenly laughed, "I'm teasing you, I don't want to know about the future! If the future is beautiful, I don't want others to spoil it for me; if the future is bad, I don't want others to ruin it. It makes me feel good now. No matter what the future holds, I will explore it myself.”

Tang Xuan was slightly startled. Tang Qianji's words touched him, but he couldn't describe his specific feelings.

Tang Qianji said: "Since Lin Wan is fine, don't be downcast. By the way, the Frostbrand Empire next door has disintegrated."

Tang Xuan was shocked: "What?"

"This matter has little impact on us. Seeing that you were listless the past few days, I didn't tell you." Tang Qianji said slowly, "The Shuangbiao Empire has no generals who are dedicated to the country like Yin Huazang. Without a savior like you, the ancient gods who cannot suppress the resurgence of the country are now completely falling apart. "

This news gave Tang Xuan a huge shock, but it was also reasonable. The Ancient God was the ruler of the previous era, handling stars like jelly beans. The Frostbrand Empire has no external power and cannot compete with it.

Tang Xuan asked: "Where are their people?"

"The upper-class politicians, wealthy businessmen and scientists have all fled to the Federation and are now placed around the Northern Star." Tang Qianji paused, "As for the lower-class civilians, they have no way to escape and are still staying where they were."

The Frostbrand Empire is essentially a business empire. When disaster strikes, they all fly away, and no one cares about the people below.

(I have opened a new book in the past two days, so I have stopped updating for a few days. Sorry, I will resume updating twice a day first.)

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