I know this ancient god

Chapter 382 (Today’s update 1/4) Return to the Northern Star

Chapter 382 (Today’s update 14) Return to the Northern Star

The empty space lit up with a blue light, and an infinitesimal dot was opened by an invisible force, suddenly turning into a gap more than a hundred meters long, from which a sharp-edged warship slowly sailed out.

"Welcome to the North Star."

A familiar space broadcast sounded in the cabin.

Tang Xuan stood in front of the porthole and looked at the blue planet in the distance. He had mixed feelings for a while and couldn't help but sigh: "I'm finally back."

If he had known in advance that so many things would happen during the trip to the Kunlun Galaxy, and that Lin Wan would be left behind in distant time and space, causing Lin Wan to become the guardian of the Unknowable Box and face many dangers in the future, he would definitely not have gone. But there are not so many ifs in the world. Fortunately, there is still room for redemption.

Tang Xuan secretly made up his mind, I will definitely protect that sword, no matter what the cost.

The spacecraft's intelligent Tang Yi controlled the ship to fly to the Daxing Space Port. On the way, a pleasant voice sounded in the spacecraft cabin: "You are missing one person, where is the girl named Lin Wan?"

Tang Xuan said in surprise: "Qianzi?"

Tang Qianji rolled his eyes silently, obviously he still harbored resentment towards his name.

Tang Qianzi whispered: "I'm sorry that I invaded your communication channel without permission, but you won't be angry with me, right?"

Tang Xuan was slightly startled. Of course I won't be angry if I'm angry, after all it's just a communication channel. He was just a little surprised that Tang Qianzi's tone of voice sounded vaguely intimate.

He smiled: "Of course not."

Tang Qianzi chuckled and said, "I knew you wouldn't be angry. By the way, where is Lin Wan? Did you lose her?"

The smile on Tang Xuan's face froze a little.

Tang Qianzi noticed the problem from Tang Xuan's reaction. She hesitated and said, "Hey - you didn't really lose her, did you? Do you need my help?"

Tang Xuan let out a long sigh, and then narrated what happened to the Kunlun Galaxy and his party: "After we arrived in the Kunlun Galaxy, we found that there were many life activities on the stars."

From discovering a phoenix on a star to traveling through time and space to become Tacleus's gladiator, then to [Ancient] coming to the rescue and finally Lin Wan's mysterious disappearance. In addition to hiding some things about Tang Miaomiao and the game board, Tang Xuan almost told the story of his trip to Kunlun Star.

Tang Qianzi was very surprised: "The technology of reverse time travel actually exists."

In her opinion, reverse time travel is a fantasy technology that does not even have a theoretical basis, and it is theoretically impossible to realize it. If Tang Xuan hadn't told her personally, she would never have believed it.

"So Lin Wan was left behind billions of years ago and became an ancient god?" Tang Qianzi was surprised and realized the seriousness of the problem. "Your memory mechanism is different from mine. It is not only easy to blur but also easy to forget. What do you think? Does she still remember you after all this time?"

For Tang Qianzi, as long as the hardware storing the memory is not damaged, her memory will not change in any way. But living things are different. Living things rely on cells that age, die, and iterate to store memories. This method is extremely unreliable.

If we distinguish Lin Wan before and after traveling through time and space, compare Lin Wan before traveling to a drop of juice, and compare Lin Wan after traveling to an ocean. Eventually the two merge and the juice is definitely gone, but the ocean is still the ocean.

Tang Qianzi whispered: "I'm worried that you will find the ancient god Lin Wan instead of your partner Lin Wan in the end."

Tang Xuan originally had such worries, but he had already learned from his future self that Lin Wan had sealed the memory of being an ancient god, so he was not frustrated by Tang Qianzi's words.

He replied: "There are some things that are not convenient to tell you for the time being, but I am sure that the Lin Wan now is the Lin Wan we know."

Tang Qianzi didn't understand why Tang Xuan was so confident, but she still wished from the bottom of her heart: "I hope so."

Tang Xuan requested: "You should have a method to detect the ancient god. Can you help me scan the stars near the Northern Star? She should be sleeping nearby."

The Federation once surveyed the Northern Star and the surrounding areas, but found nothing, so he could only pin his hopes on Tang Qianzi, who had a higher level of technology.

"Of course, but I only have one battleship here, and the scanning efficiency is relatively low." Tang Qianzi agreed, "I will try to scan this star system first. If I can't, I will mobilize my army to help."

Tang Xuan said gratefully: "Thank you."

Tang Qianzi said softly: "We are friends."

At this time, the scenery outside the port window still turned into a metal wall painted with silver paint, and the spacecraft gradually sailed into the berth under the guidance of the spaceport's dispatch signal.

On the other side, a shuttle-shaped battleship parked in the corner of the spaceport suddenly shook. Its outer shell, which was physically close to being absolutely smooth, suddenly cracked dozens of gaps, emitting a dazzling orange light.

The lights in the parking area suddenly turned a warning red, and piercing sirens sounded from all directions at the same time: "Ultra-high energy reaction detected! Please stop your dangerous behavior immediately! Alert! Ultra-high energy reaction detected! Please stop your dangerous behavior immediately Behavior!"

However, the lights in the parking area returned to normal in the next second, and the sirens disappeared. But the orange light emitted by the fusiform battleship became more and more dazzling. The space around it twisted strangely, and the metal bridge close to it even twisted into a vortex.

This scene was clearly shown in the surveillance.

"What is this ship doing?"

"The alarm system has been hacked!"

"Throw it out!"

The main control room tried to move the docking platform of the shuttle battleship and launch it into space. However, the space around the shuttle battleship was distorted and they could not control the docking platform at all.

The person in charge of Daxing Space Port anxiously contacted his superiors to report the situation: "This is Daxing Space Port. Our alarm system has been invaded. The other party is a small spacecraft parked in the port, which is suspected of charging a large battleship-level main gun." Eviction failed, please advise!”

Daxing Spaceport has encountered several terrorist attacks since its establishment, but each time it was resolved through security checks and pop-up expulsions. It has never encountered this situation: a small spacecraft that passed security checks arrived instantly without any preparation. It is suspected that the main gun of a large battleship is charged at an ultra-high energy level - something that is almost impossible to happen. And it is almost impossible for them to deal with this incident, because the current situation is like the bomb having entered a three-second countdown when the bomb was discovered.

The superior responded calmly: "You disperse the people first, support from the God-Slaying Division will be here soon!"

For problems that science cannot solve, perhaps metaphysics can.

At this moment, the shuttle-shaped battleship opened up a spherical orange halo.

To be precise, it should be called resonance. At the spatial level, the space particles near the fusiform battleship erupted with orange light. This light was transmitted to other nearest space particles with zero time difference, and then was transmitted to further space particles with zero time difference.

By analogy, the astronomical-scale spherical range centered on the fusiform battleship finally lit up with orange light at the same moment. It's just that the farther away from the shuttle battleship, the fainter the light is, until it reaches the edge of the star system.

"Tang Xuan, I have bad news and good news. The bad news is that Bei Zhixing is in trouble, and the good news is that I seem to have found Lin Wan."

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